
Chapter 1 - Gabriel Assistant

"Oh, I'm gonna be late for work. Hurry, we have to go." Josephine said to the twins who were lazily eating cereal.

After eating, they took their backpacks and got into the car. Josephine locked the door before going in then she started driving.

The ride to the kids school took about 30 minutes and Josephine knew her boss will be so mad.

After dropping the kids, she started driving in speed to the Li Enterprise. When she finally arrived, she packed her car, took her documents and purse inside. The receptionist greeted her but she totally ignored her and went into the elevator.

*Ding* the elevator stopped on the 3rd floor as it opened, a teenager stepped in. He looked well off. the door closed again and started moving again. The teenager was operating his phone not even noticing the pretty girl standing next to him. The doors opened at the 5th floor and they both went out. Josephine went into the CEO office and he wasn't there yet. she gave a sigh of relief then dropped the documents on his desk. she turned but bumped into the same guy from the elevator. they were so close that she couldn't breath.

"Hey, who are you?" The teenager asked steeping back from her.

"Josephine Martins. I'm the personal assistant of Mr. Li Cheng." Josephine said and just then, the door opened and Old Master Li Cheng came in.

"Gabriel, you made it. I'm so glad to see you son." the old man said as he took Gabriel to a seat.

"Sir, may I leave?" Josephine asked

"No. join us, I really have to talk to you." Mr. Li Cheng said and they all sat down.

Josephine was indeed confused at that moment, she had never seen Gabriel here since she worked in Li Enterprise for five years. What did Old master Li Cheng wanted to tell her?

One thing was for sure that it wasn't a marriage proposal. Li Cheng has always loved Josephine in a special way, he usually tries to spoils her to bits but she never accepted his gifts or anything from him. she knew he liked her more than an employee so she tried to remain distant from him.

"Gabriel, I think it's time for you to learn about our family business. You're not getting any younger." Mr. Li Cheng said and Gabriel just rolled his eyes while Josephine paid full attention.

"Dad, I told you, I'm not interested in being a CEO. I just love creating the Time machines." Gabriel said

"Fine. let's make a deal, you can join the production center but when I retire, you will be the CEO." Li Cheng said and Gabriel went quite for a while thinking about the offer.

"deal." Gabriel said and a huge smile came in the CEO face.

"And, Josephine will be your assistant. I'll find someone else for myself." He said. Josephine didn't know how to feel anymore. should she be happy that she's no longer in captive with the CEO who loved her to bits. But she liked him. she was gonna miss the old man so much.

"Excuse me." Josephine said before leaving.

"What's wrong with her?" Gabriel asked. "Don't worry about that." Cheng said.