

My name is Steven Rude but my friends calls me Stephane.I am an 18 years old high school students who majors in science and doesn't believe in magic.Since childhood I was never interested in magic or anything else I was only amazed by the miracle of science and technology.This is year 3022 and humans have made incredible progress in every field so that's why I am interested in science.Nowadays we can move,talk, sleep ,eat ,drink and travel in virtual world without a problem.Today I bought a new MMO RPG game named SHOOTING STARS.

This game is designed by my favorite designer BELAY TRICKS, MISS TRICKS for short ,who is world most famous for her game programming and skills.she is a very great influencer in the game industry for all tgose people who loves games like myself.

Today my team at school was givem a task to make a program based on parallel world existence so me and my friends wanted to have an odea so we decided to buy the newly released version of shooting star game.We all gathered at my place for the game experience as it was the first fantasy game after a long time.We were excited to try it out so plugged in the device and switched it on and we went into the game Through the gears that comes with the game .

Everything in the game seemed the same as the other game like at starting point players customize their character and name them we did the same I chose a mage with alchemy skills and named myself ORIGAMI because my great great great grandma was a great origami warrior who won 3 gold medals in the international origami championship worldwide so I wanted to honor her by doing this.In every game you are given 100 points in the starting point to spend on agility ,defense, offense ,magic ,skills and aiming skills this depends on the player on which things they spend their points as I have played many VR games I knew about this and as it was just for research so i just gave 50 to magic and 50 to my alchemy skills.

After this was over we were all send to the inner game where loged in, we were all loged in to a village named Crimsonpeak where there were alot of mountains surrounding the village and the village was beautiful and green.

Behind us was a statue of a love angel which was made of wood and little butterflies like fairies were flying around the statue these little creatures are called pixies in this world.

infront of us were alot of shops which sold goods in the village.The villagers were AIs designed by the programmer.

My friend GABRIELLE who was standing on my right choose to be in the fairy race,he got smaller just about the size of a butterfly he was actually a pixie .

My other teammate SASHA GREY choose to be an elf as she was so obsessed with elfs.she got a bow and arrow as she was an elf.

As we were here for research so we decided to just walk around the village and spend our whole day in the village having fun and doing magic and other stuff.

after the day was over and we were tired we loged out and went back to our home I sent my friends back home and I sat at my electric notebook and started writing my experience in air and after half an hour Fell asleep.

the morning I wokeup early as I felt uncomfortable and uneasy as opened my eyes I saw that I am lying in wooden bed and my room has changed to wood my alarm clock turned into a talking pixie which can fly and talk directly without hesitation.My blacket folded by itself and I was so surprised that I thought tgat I must have been in that game so I tried to loged out but not only the logged button was not comingbut tge other options weren't showing aswell so then I changed my clothes and went downstairs in hurry their i saw two old couple who claimed to be my grandparents but i didn't believe so asked them


they replied in tension


"WHAT "in shock I said

I was so surprised that I went upstairs to my room and looked myself in the room and sat in my bedroom panicking about what has happened to me I started thinking about my friends and family and just as i remembered my friends I got an idea that if i am here then so would my friends so i asked my pixie which was originally my alarm clock that


she replied


I was surprised to hear this that I forgot that I was teleported to another world full of magic..................

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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