
Journey through the Multiverses.

In the cultivation multiverse, a young man named Li Xin is an aspiring cultivator who is desperate to become the strongest in all the land. He trains relentlessly, ignoring all distractions and focusing only on his goal. But despite his hard work, Li Xin is constantly overshadowed by his peers, many of whom are born into prestigious families and have access to resources that he can only dream of. Frustrated and jealous, Li Xin becomes determined to do whatever it takes to become the strongest cultivator, even if it means cutting corners and making deals with questionable characters. As he becomes more and more ruthless in his pursuit of power, Li Xin begins to alienate those around him, including his friends and mentors. But he doesn't care. All that matters to him is becoming the strongest, and he will stop at nothing to achieve his goal. As he climbs the ranks and becomes more and more formidable, Li Xin begins to attract the attention of other cultivators and sects, many of whom see him as a threat to their own power. They plot against him, forming alliances and making deals in an attempt to bring him down. But Li Xin is not one to be underestimated. He uses every trick in the book to outmaneuver his enemies and emerge victorious, becoming a feared and respected cultivator in the multiverse. But as he reaches the pinnacle of power, Li Xin must confront the question of whether or not the ends justify the means, and whether or not his ruthless pursuit of strength was worth the cost. Or at least that was what Li Xin tought his journey would look like.

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6 Chs

Battle against the Wei Clan.

Chapter 2

Li Xin sat cross-legged on the floor of his room, his eyes closed as he focused on his cultivation. He had been practicing a new technique that he had recently learned, a powerful sword technique called the "Heavenly Slash" that was said to be able to cut through steel like butter.

But despite his best efforts, he was having trouble mastering the technique. It was a high-grade technique, far beyond his current level of cultivation, and it was taking all of his focus and energy to even perform it correctly.

As he sat there, trying to make progress, a knock on the door interrupted his concentration. He sighed, opening his eyes and getting to his feet as he made his way to the door.

When he opened it, he was surprised to see Zhang standing there, a worried look on his face.

"Xin, we need to talk," Zhang said, his voice serious.

Li Xin raised an eyebrow, curious as to what could have his friend so worked up. "What's going on?" he asked.

"It's the Wei clan," Zhang said, his expression grim. "They've challenged us to a duel. They want to prove once and for all that they are the superior cultivators."

Li Xin's eyes narrowed, a fire burning in his chest. He had long suspected that the Wei clan was trying to provoke him, and it seemed like they had finally succeeded.

"Fine," he said, his voice cold. "I accept their challenge. We'll show them that we're not to be underestimated."

Zhang nodded, a look of determination on his face. "I'll be right there by your side, Xin. We'll take them down together."

The two friends spent the next few days preparing for the duel, training and refining their techniques. Li Xin focused on his sword skills, determined to master the high-grade technique that he had been struggling with. Zhang, on the other hand, focused on improving his physical abilities, using his special body to his advantage.

Li Xin also spent some time studying an mysterious item that he had had since birth. It was a small jade pendant, intricately carved with strange symbols that he didn't understand. He had always been told that it was a family heirloom, passed down through the generations, but no one had ever been able to explain its purpose or power.

Despite his best efforts, Li Xin had never been able to unlock the secrets of the jade pendant. It seemed to be completely inert, with no visible effects or abilities. But he had a feeling that it was more than just a simple trinket, and he was determined to discover its true potential.

The day of the duel arrived, and Li Xin and Zhang faced off against the Wei clan in a clearing just outside of town. The Wei clan had brought a full team of cultivators, all of them confident in their abilities to defeat Li Xin and Zhang.

But Li Xin and Zhang were not intimidated. They had spent years training and building their strength, and they were ready to prove themselves.

The battle between Li Xin and the Wei clan raged on, each side determined to emerge victorious. Li Xin was using the Heavenly Slash to great effect, his sword flashing through the air as he cut down one opponent after another. Zhang was holding his own as well, his special body allowing him to dodge and evade the attacks of the Wei clan cultivators.

But despite their best efforts, the Wei clan was not going down easily. They were a powerful group, and they were not about to let themselves be defeated by two cultivators that they considered to be inferior.

As the battle raged on, Li Xin started to notice a strange change in Zhang's demeanor. His friend's eyes were starting to turn red, and he was snarling and growling like an animal. Li Xin knew that this was a sign that Zhang was starting to lose control, and he knew that he had to do something before things got out of hand.

"Zhang, calm down!" Li Xin shouted, trying to get through to his friend. "This is just a friendly spar. We don't want to hurt each other."

But Zhang was beyond reason. His eyes were glowing with a demonic light, and he was attacking with wild abandon, completely ignoring Li Xin's words. Li Xin knew that he had to stop Zhang before he hurt someone, and he gritted his teeth as he prepared to defend himself.

The two friends clashed, their fists and swords meeting with a loud crash. Li Xin was trying to hold back, but Zhang was attacking with all of his might, his body pulsing with an otherworldly energy. Li Xin knew that he couldn't keep this up for much longer, and he was starting to get worried.

Just when it seemed like things couldn't get any worse, the Wei clan decided to take advantage of the situation. Seeing that Li Xin and Zhang were distracted, they launched a surprise attack, raining qi blasts down on them from all sides.

Li Xin swore, dodging and weaving as he tried to fend off the attack. He knew that he had to find a way to calm Zhang down and get them both out of this alive.

But as the battle raged on, it became clear that things were not going to end well. Zhang was completely out of control, his body glowing with an otherworldly energy that seemed to be getting stronger by the second.