
Journey Through Kingdoms

This story highlights the Daring adventures of two individuals as they traverse around the world, kingdom to kingdom for a single goal in mind. To topple the High Magic Council and stop their attempts at trying to kill them while also fleeing from an entire kingdom, a deadly bounty hunter, and a very deranged royal knight. Follow as the 2 would be heroes branded as criminals run from their pursuers while meeting a colorful cqast of people along the way as they form friendships that would last a lifetime. As well as confronting their past traumas to finally get the closure they need, hopefully before the villains close it for them. An Alchemist and a traveling Jester. What could be more exciting?

MysteGUI_Official · Fantasi
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49 Chs


"Hey Tetsuga, do you mind if I go to the bathroom a bit?" Pyxis would ask him. hoping to find someplace where he could make a call. Tetsuga, who was oblivious at the moment and drunk, lets him go to the drinks by himself for a bit as he goes and enjoys the drinks by himself. "Thanks. I'll be right back." Pyxis would reply before slipping out and heading over to the tavern rest room, where he was confronted with a row of sinks and a large mirror displayed in front of them while the actual toilets were hidden behind doors right behind the sinks. He takes a big breath as he readies himself to make a call.

On him was a satchel that contained another rock. a psychic rock called Azure Kerodrite. a mineral with a strange effect that mimics psychic magic. He uses the rock as a calling device and telepathically connects to the knight's station, where an orb in a golden holder glows as it picks up the stone's telepathic signal. Luckily, the knight's station was well within the radius of its reach, as a knight manning the telepathic device goes and interacts with it as Pyxis' voice comes through. "Hello?" the knight would say as he started off the conversation.

"Hello, great. I have one of the wanted men here with me right now. Their ID is Tetsuga Katsugoyo," they would say to the stone, which the knight receives loudly and clearly. "Alright, hold for just a moment," he would go and say as he glanced at the other knights that were doing some rounds near his area. "Hey, does anybody have a wanted poster of a Tetsuga Katsugoyo?" they asked, which one of them luckily did as they toss him a rolled-up poster that once rolled open would reveal the face of the man. "Okay, where did you say he was?" the knight would ask. While the Knight was getting the scroll, Pyxis quietly and sneakily peeked out of the restroom door and watched Tetsuga from a distance as he downed two more beers in his absence.

"Oh, uh... he's at... he's..." Pyxis was going to reveal it, but something in him stopped him from doing so. Something was just not feeling right. He had his chance to go rat them out and get him the money, but he was hesitating. "Hello? He's at what?" the knight asks again, as it seemed like the guy had gone mute for a second. "What-oh, yeah. He's at uhm." Pyxis was going to reveal again, but yet another time, he stops himself. There was something that was stopping him; that much was clear. What was it? He asks himself. A feeling was welling up, but what could it be? remorse? guilt? He was doing this for his noble reasons, and that was what he wanted the money for, but he just couldn't bring himself to it. After a moment of silence, he decides to drop the call, which leaves the knight perplexed.

"Hello?"" they called, but no answer. Pyxis pocketed the stone and went back to Tetsuga. What was he doing? He was right at the finish line; why would he stop? He didn't know for sure, but there was something he wanted Tetsuga to do first. "Hey, sorry about that. I just had to wash my hands really quick. Hygiene and all that junk," Pyxis says, lying as he goes and sits back down on his bar stool. "No worries, I didn't really miss much. Also, I hope you don't mind, but I ordered a few more drinks while you were away," Tetsuga would tell him, which was not much of a problem for him. He could afford a few more if he wanted to, but there was something he wanted to tell him as he leans into the table and looks at him. "Hey man, I know you're enjoying yourself, but you gotta talk to Derrick," he would say. Why? Well, with how he saw the kid through the window, something was clearly going on with the boy. About what? He didn't know, but for some reason he wanted Tetsuga to go and talk to him at this moment.

"What are you talking about? The kid is fine! He's getting along with that little pink brat. He's alright." Tetsuga would go and down another mug, but Pyxis would hold his forearm, stopping him from doing so. "Seriously, man, that kid is going through something, and he needs you." Pyxis would try to stress it for him. Even if he joined the group just recently, he knew what the dynamic was just from interactions alone. From what he saw, Derrick was someone close to Tetsuga. a best friend even. and he knew how much someone would want their best friend to be there when they needed them the most. all too well.

"Alright, alright, you drive a hard bargain." Tetsuga would relent; he could read the room. and stuff was getting serious by the looks of it. Not wanting to waste more time, he gets off his chair and heads to the exit to try and find this boy. "Enjoy some drinks without me, man," he would say as he left. Just as he did so, the opening act of the tavern started as Pyxis saw a performer walk down the stage to start their routine. unfortunate, he'd think. Tetsuga could've enjoyed this, he wondered. As the man himself walked out, he was then suddenly met by Cherry, who looked all frantic and tired as she ran for quite a bit before running into him. "Woah, slow down there, pipsqueak. Where's Derrick?" Tetsuga would ask since she was with him last time before leaving. "That's what I was going to ask you!" she would say in between breaths as she took a breather. "He stormed off. I think he was going to look to talk to you!" Cherry would say.

"Oh, well, this is the first time I've heard of it," he would say nonchalantly as the kid didn't seem to show up at the tavern. "So he's not with you?" Cherry would exclaim, a bummer since she'd thought he had been here considering the topic of their last conversation. "Well, he couldn't be far. I doubt the kid would get himself lost in this kingdom." Tetsuga would assure her, but she wasn't really assured. "by the way, why are you so worked up?" Tetsuga would ask. Something clearly went down between the two, as she was looking kind of worried for some reason. "i worked up because Derrick has some image issues that you have to fix!" she says as if scolding him for something that he had no control over.

"Hey, how is it my fault that the kid has image issues? That's his deal to deal with, not mine!" he would defend as he held his hands up. "its your fault because you were getting all buddy buddy with that Pyxis guy in front of Derrick, who has been with you since day one!" She would try spelling it out to him since he was still acting oblivious about it. "Why are you even getting buddy buddy with him anyway!? He barged into our business, acting like it was his! At least with me, I was intrigued to join!" she would also add. The only difference between her and Pyxis was that she was invited into the group instead of inserting herself. "Well, maybe because I wanted another adult in the group! Ever thought about that pinky!?" Now it was Tetsuga's turn to yell as he retorted back at Cherry.

"I have to deal with not one, but two brats that have no reason sticking with me! So, I'm sorry, I want someone that's somewhat my age to watch you two with!" he would tell her, which made her quiet. was that how he felt? Now it makes sense. All Tetsuga wanted was someone his age. someone he didn't have to worry about getting fed in the heat of battle. someone who could have sat down with him and shared a nice cold mug of beer. "Sorry about that," he would say as he mellowed out while taking his flask out to drink now that it had been refilled. "Kinda got heated there," he would say, playing it off cool as if he didn't just blow up on her earlier. Cherry would shake herself out of her trance as she tried to let it all sink in. They had an important matter to attend to, which was finding the boy. "I'm sorry for assuming stuff too, but we have to find Derrick!" she would say, but Tetsuga wasn't all that worried.

"Don't worry, Pipsqueak, just leave it to me. I've never done this before," he would say as he started to glow blue, his eyes glowing the brightest. "Yup, that's a lotta feet. Never getting used to that," he says as his vision turns dark and shows the countless footsteps of the kingdom's residents, which in turn flashbangs him for a quick sec before his eyes adjust themselves to the sight. "Just fine tune it a little, but..." he would say to himself as his vision would slowly dim the other footsteps as one pair got left glowing. "I got it. Follow me, kid," Tetsuga would tell her as he urges her to follow him as they go and head to where the footsteps lead him. assumingly to Derrick since he was the top priority right now.