
Journey of the Octane Render

Summoned by the will of 5th Dimensional being Noah find himself involved in the race of throne for the position of only 6th dimensional being in entire cosmos . Given the power to create his own skills , Noah creates [REALITY RENDER - The skills/talents you create will become real as long as enough people believe in it] and a System which has its own intelligence and freedom . Join Noah in his journey as he visits Archanos - a world filled with secrets and wonders beyond one's imagination and as he discovers secrets regarding himself. Note:- The story will not be rushed (medium pace) for sake of character development and starting chapters may be boring as I will be making plot bigger and interesting for novel . novel will have a fantasy build with powers and system made by protagonist . MC will be smart and cunning and i will try to give explanation if needed -The quality of chapter increases as number of chapter increases , so give it it a try till 30 chapter before coming to a conclusion!

OctaneRender · Fantasi
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38 Chs

Choosing His Race! - III

[Why would I lie ? , and I already sorted out the race that you should take just choose a good one ]

"Woah man , you keep surprising me , if only you had some decency , You would be really a good partner" said Noah but again got the reply he has been ignoring this whole time.

[For god knows how many times , I have your persona.....]

Noah who again swiftly ignored this reply told him to share list of races to choose from .

[Sure but keep this in mind the stronger the race you choose the harder it will be make yourself strong ]

"Hmm that's also what I thought but I have a bizarre idea , wanna hear?" said Noah with a grin on his face

[Don't tell me!! ]

[Host it seems like you really are one of a kind to think of something like this]

"Heh! No need to praise me , it just the result of reading so many fantasy books , "said Noah and then finally revealed his plan "So, what do you think can we use Kronos essence to create a Hybrid of an Ancient race and human"

[Let me check!]

[Analyzing user input ...]

[Generating simulations...]

[Alert! the probability of what user desire is very slim of happening!]

[You may need to repeat this process many times]

"How many times?" asked Noah in a irritating tone as he didn't liked the idea of wasting Kronos Essence which was his current most valuable resource

[The probability of creating a stable hybrid is close to 1%]

Noah who heard this percentage couldn't help but show a bitter smile as the plans he had in mind , now couldn't be set to motion.

"Sigh! leave it , I will find something else " said Noah but he found something amiss .. "Hey , system why are you not reply?" , "Hey did you turned off or something like that?" ....

"It seems I am missing something" thought Noah as he tried to reason this abnormal behavior of system , he asked "Hey system is there a way I increase the probability of creating hybrid"

No reply

"So, its not about increasing the chances of creation then how can I increase my probability , how can I ?" started brainstorming Noah over this question.

Seeing him muttering to himself Sophia asked "Is everything alright?" , Noah who heard her question , explained his problem , who knows may be she can help him.

"Something related to probability then it must have some relation with luck stat" answered Sophia as this was the best reasoning she could make .

"Huh? shouldn't stats be only limited to strength , agility , stamina and mana?" Noah asked but he soon realized that this was something he assumed on his own with his knowledge of games and Sophia never confirmed it!

"Hmm , you are half right , you are missing Luck and Will they are also counted as basic stat " answered Sophia .

Before Noah could again start his bickering again about not explaining complete things Sophia added "Basic stats are stats which every being possess irrespective of their species , after basic comes hidden ones like magic defence , attack damage , resistance like this , they also present with every beings but as they vary too much with species to species based on their racial traits the system does not include them and then comes unique ones like angel's divine mana and demon's demonic energy"

Noah who had to stop his words in his mouth as he couldn't bicker now, couldn't help but swallow hard as this angel was adapting a little too fast , he didn't liked it one bit!!!

After breathing his anger out he asked "So, let me guess you can't increase this Luck and Will stats when you level up"

"Yes , they are decided from the moment you are born , though "will" can be increase through external means ,its closed to none to increase your luck until you have Mythical Rank artifact or skill" explained Sophia

"But why so? Why is it so important like I can guess about being lucky while fighting or winning a lottery but I can't understand its implication at other places" asked Noah as he didn't understand how this single stat got so much importance but no way of increasing!

"That's because you are thinking it based on your understanding of being lucky from your world" as soon as Sophia said these words lightning struck in Noah's mind and his mind stated spinning and he soon came to a conclusion "Hmm you are indeed right , I was completely neglecting your world being magical and stuff , So care to explain Miss angel ?"

"Well luck can be used in many areas like Potions making , artifact crafting or making runic formations , though most desire to increase their luck for sake of increasing odds to get mana stones or skill stones from the monsters they kill , These all things are self explanatory so I don't think you will need an explanation " said Sophia once again not giving him a chance to open his mouth for complain

Noah who was about to say something shouted in his mind "Don't decide for me by your own!!!" , he didn't like this angel pulling one over him!!

"So, I think if you can find a way to increase your luck stat than I think it will be possible to overcome those tiny probabilities?" answered Sophia

Noah who heard her last comment couldn't help but put his hope on this guess, taking a breathe out he asked "System is there a way to increase my Luck stat , which can help me increase the odds to create the hybrid race I desire"

[Finally! ,You asked the right question Host!]

Creation is hard, cheer me up! Have a Good Day!

OctaneRendercreators' thoughts