
Journey of the Last Saiyan

In an infinite multiverse, exists a realm of remarkable power, the Super Saiyan God Realm, home to divine warriors, the Super Saiyans. Their society is structured by strength, with Gula, a direct descendant of the Super Saiyan God, leading as the Division Captain. In this society, a low-born Saiyan, Cress, rose to become a leader through sheer determination, leading the efficient Delta Squad. Despite societal expectations, Gula and Cress fell in love, giving birth to a son, Orach, who exhibited a great power from a young age. Their peaceful life was shattered by a war. Cress, Gula, and their squads sacrificed themselves to ensure Orach’s survival. In death, Gula joined Cress in reincarnation while Orach landed in the DC universe, carrying his parent's legacy. Orach's journey spans across universes, shaping him into a warrior and influencing the Super Saiyan God lineage's destiny. In the DC Universe, Orach learned from the world's heroes, particularly the Justice League, despite disagreeing with their no-kill policy. Over time, Orach became a protector, growing stronger with each challenge. His parent's sacrifice served as his strength and motivation, pledging to honor their memory by living as a protector, warrior, and representative of the Saiyan race in the new universe. Orach's saga begins, a tale of a young Saiyan navigating life in a new universe, symbolizing the Saiyan race's enduring spirit and honoring his parent's legacy. ______________________ Point to note: ->No Zeno, Beerus or angels from DB universe ->This story blends Dragon Ball saga and cultivation concepts, featuring various realms. ->Saiyans can destroy planets only if they surpass or understand the system's primordial laws. ->Higher realms experience more destruction from forces like singularities due to the potency of these laws. Hence, mastery of these laws is as crucial as increasing the power levels.

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Chapter 89 - Confronting the Devil, Thanagar's Machinations, and the Fracture of Trust - Part 1

Rachel was taken aback by her grandmother's last words and muttered, "…Dad left me the key to bring him back?" Her eyes widened in realization. Excitement surged through her as she rose to her feet, ready to enter seclusion and cultivate. But just as she was about to take flight towards their home, she heard Diana call out, "Rachel, stop."

Stunned, Rachel turned back and asked, "Why, Mom? You heard Grandmother, I can bring him back. I can bring Dad back to us!" Her voice was filled with excitement and hope.

Diana's expression softened, her eyes filled with concern as she shook her head gently, "I know, and I'm truly happy that we finally have a way to bring him back. But I also know for a fact that he wouldn't be happy if he returns to find out we risked your health in the process. Cultivation must not be rushed, and you know that too. We've been cultivating incessantly for so long; we should take some time to live in the outside world and relax our bodies. We'll come back after a week or two to continue. Plus, we still have cleanup to do after defeating the Titans. The death of Zeus is bound to shake the hierarchy of the gods on Earth, and as the world's guardians, we must be prepared for any actions from the other gods."

Rachel bit her lip, torn between her urgent desire to bring her father back and her understanding of her mother's wisdom. She knew if something happened to her in the process of bringing her father, Orach, back, he would be furious and deeply unhappy. After a moment of contemplation, she nodded with a heavy heart and said, "Alright, Mom. We'll do it your way."

Diana smiled warmly, a wave of relief washing over her. She looked up at the serene sky of Azarath and said, "She truly was something, wasn't she? That awesome power, that regal aura, and that ruthlessness. Your grandmother was truly an empress and a force to be reckoned with."

Rachel's eyes sparkled with admiration as she nodded excitedly, "Yes! She was incredible. Zeus didn't stand a chance! With simple gestures, she canceled his attacks. Did you notice? She didn't even need to transform fully to call forth the power of the Super Saiyan God. Only her eyes turned red. But the best part was that lightning at the end… that was terrifying… really terrifying!"

Diana nodded, her tone serious. "The Heavenly Tribulation—a phenomenon feared by all. Its sheer might made me want to kneel in terror. We must become stronger. Your father has never truly considered this world his home. Though he hasn't explicitly said so, I know he will eventually return to the higher realms, and as his family, we will ascend with him. As your grandmother mentioned, I must grow stronger. Otherwise, I won't be taken seriously as his wife… as his empress."

Rachel's expression grew resolute as she said, "I feel the same. As his daughter, I must become stronger so I don't bring shame to him. While I know he'll love us unconditionally and doesn't care about such things, he holds many important identities, and we can't afford to embarrass him."

Diana nodded in agreement, placing a reassuring hand on Rachel's shoulder, "Alright, let's go back to Themyscira and deal with the aftermath. Rachel, dear, could you open a portal back?"

Rachel smiled and pulled her hood over her head. She lifted her hand and tapped into her understanding of space laws. A ripple in space appeared before them, and they both stepped through, leaving Azarath to continue the repairs and guard the home of the present members of the House of Gula.

As they emerged on the other side, Themyscira greeted them with the familiar sights and sounds of home, now marked by the aftermath of battle. The air was heavy with the scent of smoke and the echoes of conflict, while the land bore the deep scars of their recent struggle. Diana took a deep breath, her eyes scanning the horizon, "We have much work to do."

Approaching the goddesses and the queen of the Amazons, they observed warriors tirelessly restoring order. The solemn duty of rebuilding was palpable, with many tending to the injured and performing final rites for the fallen. Despite having avenged her sisters, Diana clenched her fists, feeling an emptiness that revenge could not fill. The loss of souls full of potential weighed heavily on her heart. Yet, she felt pride in their bravery and silently prayed to the primordial goddess, whom she had been contemplating since their first meeting in her inner Sadala, to grant their souls peace and a good life in their next existence.

As Diana and Rachel walked, those who noticed them, even amidst their duties, offered salutes or bowed out of respect for their saviors. Diana and Rachel nodded in acknowledgment as they made their way to the palace, where the goddesses and the Amazon upper echelon were deep in discussion.

Upon seeing the princesses, the guards stationed at the throne room gates snapped to attention and saluted in unison. Diana and Rachel acknowledged them with nods, and Diana gestured for the guards to open the throne room doors. As they approached, even before the doors could fully open, they overheard a heated debate. Artemis's voice rang out, resolute and firm, "My Queen, you must send Ares back to Tartarus. Despite his efforts to keep Zeus at bay in this conflict, his past transgressions cannot be excused."

The injured Ares, being nursed by Hera's divine magic, looked up and sneered, "Big words, Artemis. Do you think with Zeus gone, and only my uncles left, the likes of you can lock me away?"

"ENOUGH!" Hera's voice cut through the bickering like a blade. "Regardless of my disagreements with Zeus, it doesn't change the fact that I lost my husband today. I will not lose my son as well." She paused, her eyes locking onto Artemis and Athena. "Moreover, with our Godking dead and Hades preoccupied with the chaos in Tartarus, Ares is our best chance against other pantheons. Despite Empress Gula's display of power, Amaterasu won't miss this opportunity to bring us down. And we mustn't forget Poseidon. With Zeus gone, he has a legitimate claim to the throne. Given these looming threats, where is the logic in this infighting? Tell me, oh goddess of wisdom."

The room fell into a heavy silence. Hera's words struck a chord, as everyone knew Zeus's past actions had sown seeds of enmity among other pantheons, especially the Shinto Pantheon. Artemis glanced at the contemplative Athena, who sighed and nodded in agreement. Artemis followed suit, reluctantly conceding to Hera's logic.

Seeing their agreement, Hera softened her tone and nodded. "I'm glad you both finally see what I'm seeing. So, instead of bickering, I ask for your continued support. We must stand united."

Just then, the door swung open, and in walked Diana and Rachel. Queen Hippolyta, Antiope, and Barbara's faces lit up with joy, while the gods wore expressions of mixed emotions. They had witnessed the overwhelming power of Empress Gula and had seen a glimpse of the higher realms' might. The realization struck them hard: for all the time they had spent at the pinnacle of this world's hierarchy, they were now confronted with a stark truth, compared to Diana, Rachel, and their kin from the higher realms, they were indeed nothing more than mere ants.

Diana first acknowledged her mother, aunt, and friend Barbara with a nod before stepping forward. Her voice, steady and commanding, resonated through the air, "Today, we have all endured great losses. Many of my sisters have fallen, each one a spark of potential snuffed out too soon. While I am immensely proud of their bravery, I would have preferred they lived to explore their possibilities. So, let us end these petty disputes, for I have no patience for them. Hera is correct. Whatever history lies between us is now irrelevant. Ares held back Zeus, preventing further havoc on the battlefield. Despite his intentions, he indirectly saved lives and as Hera mentioned, with Zeus gone, other pantheons will likely turn their gaze toward the Greek pantheon."

Her eyes narrowed as she turned to the injured Ares. Ares, besides Hades and Poseidon, you are now the strongest Greek god. So, I hope... no…" She paused, closing her eyes momentarily before opening them again, filled with a chilling resolve inspired by her conversation with Gula. "I hereby command you, as the future mistress of House Gula, to assume your role and position as the god of war and defend Olympus once more."

Diana's sudden shift in tone took everyone by surprise. Although she had occasionally disagreed with the gods, she had always maintained a modicum of respect. But now, a new spark of authority burned in her resolute, icy eyes. Hera, who had sensed the girl's potential since the day they met the primordial goddess, recognized that Diana was destined to become a divine queen in her own right. She suspected that this very moment had ignited the fire within Diana, especially when, for a fleeting second, she saw a looming, faint silhouette behind her, its menacing red eyes fixed on them. It was the golden Oozaru, the formidable beast that dwelled in Diana's inner world and sent shivers down Hera's spine.

Ares's eyes flared with indignation and defiance. "You dare command me? Do you think your newfound power gives you the right to order a god like me? I am Ares, the embodiment of war! You may have the power of the higher realms, but you lack the true understanding of what it means to be a god of this world."

Diana's eyes grew colder, her voice now serious and laced with killing intent. "Understanding? I understand loss, Ares. I understand the weight of responsibility that comes with this power. The power I wield is not just for me; it is to defend my loved ones, my family, those who cannot defend themselves, those who have fallen, and those who still stand. You, Ares, must rise above your pride and arrogance. Your people need you now more than ever. Above all, my identity grants me the right to command you. So tell me, Ares, will you obey, or…" Diana's aura flared as her hair momentarily turned blackberry, "do you wish to meet my blade?"

Hera stepped forward, her eyes filled with a mix of sorrow and urgency. "Ares, listen to her. Our world teeters on the brink of chaos after all that has happened. We cannot afford to be divided. Your strength is needed to protect what remains of our realm. Currently, the rest of the powerful gods in our ranks are helping Hades manage the situation in Tartarus, and Olympus's defense is barely holding. We need you, my son."

Ares gritted his teeth, his pride warring with the undeniable truth of their words. He looked at Diana, then at Hera, and finally at the gathered Amazons and goddesses, some of whom were watching him with pleading eyes. The weight of their expectations bore down on him, and for a moment, he felt the crushing responsibility that had once rested on Zeus's shoulders.

With a heavy sigh, Ares nodded. "Very well. I will take up my role as the god of war and defend Olympus. But know this, Diana, I do this not because you command me, but because our world demands it."

Diana's expression softened, and she nodded in acknowledgment. "That's all I ask, Ares. The Amazons and the Greek pantheon are intertwined, and together, they are stronger than any force from this world that seeks to destroy them. United, they can stand against any threat that comes their way."

Ares, still visibly grappling with his internal conflict, took a deep breath. "I understand,"

Diana then brought up the question that had been bugging her, "Now, Ares, how you and the Titans escaped is still a mystery. Could you shed some light here?"

Ares began recounting the events—Isadore's involvement, Veronica Cale's team infiltrating Themyscira to rescue Isadore, and ultimately Zeus's plot to release all the Titans to create a trap for Diana and Rachel.

As they listened to the details, everyone's expressions turned either complex or angry.

Diana looked at Barbara to gauge her reaction to learning the motivation behind Veronica Cale's actions. She saw Barbara gritting her teeth, her claws almost emerging, but managing to stay calm with her eyes closed. Clearly, she harbored anger against Veronica but also understood the need to protect a loved one. Diana was relieved that her friend could reconcile her emotions with the larger picture.

Diana nodded and said, "Understood. Thank you, Ares. This sheds some light on the matter. Both Barbara and I were confused and wanted to understand what motivated Veronica Cale's actions."

Ares noticed Barbara's tense posture and the faint killing intent that flared in her when Veronica's name was mentioned. Narrowing his eyes, he said while glancing at Barbara, "I owe my freedom to Isadore and her mother. Whatever grievances you both have, settle them peacefully, for I won't allow any harm to come to them."

Diana and Barbara, upon hearing this, were stunned at first, but soon their expressions became frosty.

Barbara then said, "God of War, Ares. While I understand her motives and sympathize with her plight, it still doesn't change what happened to me or my colleagues. I won't back down from my revenge," she gritted her teeth as she continued, "She'll pay... but I can at least promise not to kill her."

Ares' eyes narrowed and grew cold, but before he could retort, Diana cut in, "Ares. Veronica deserves a fate worse than death for what she did to Barbara. But, in light of understanding her reasons, we won't kill her. However, she will be punished. That is all the mercy we can offer. So, Ares, when that day comes, I hope you do not interfere in Barbara's revenge, or else I will teach you the consequences of getting in my way."

Ares clenched his teeth upon hearing this but, after a moment of contemplation, sighed and nodded. Locking eyes with Diana, he said, "I understand. As long as you don't kill her, do what you must. I will do the same. From this moment, I will protect Isadore. The day you come for her mother, sister, we WILL face each other."

Diana narrowed her eyes and stared back at Ares. Looking at his resolute eyes, she knew Ares meant every word. But, she wouldn't back down from being there for her friend and getting her the justice she deserved. She nodded in acknowledgment. Ares, seeing this, nodded and simply lay in Hera's embrace as she continued to heal her son.

Diana looked at the troubled Barbara and, with a reassuring smile, shook her head, making Barbara sigh in relief. Then, Diana took a deep breath, her gaze sweeping across the room, taking in the faces of the gods and goddesses, the Amazons, and her closest allies. "We are at a crossroads," she declared, her voice ringing with authority. "From this moment on, Olympus and Themyscira are in lockdown. We will prepare for any and all threats. Our enemies think us weak, but they will soon learn the strength of our unity."

She turned to Hippolyta, her mother and the queen of the Amazons. "Mother, today we honor the lives of our fallen sisters who valiantly defended our homes. But when the dawn breaks, rally our warriors. Ensure every Amazon is prepared for the battles to come."

Then, to Hera, "Your divine magic will be indispensable. Fortify our defenses, weave wards to shield our realms from any incursions."

Finally, she turned to Ares, "Gather all gods capable of combat. We need every available power ready to face the looming threat, whenever it arrives."

The Amazons and gods present nodded in solemn agreement, continuing their preparations for a proper send-off for their brave fallen sisters. Tonight, though tinged with sorrow, would be a poignant and meaningful one.

Late Evening

Diana stood at her chamber's balcony, gazing at the flickering flames below and listening to the mournful yet beautiful singing of her sisters as they bid farewell to their fallen. She, Rachel, and Barbara had decided to part ways from the rest and head to her chambers after the meeting. At Diana's suggestion, Barbara and the initially reluctant Rachel went to participate in the farewell ceremonies to learn more about her people's rich culture.

Seeing her best friend and daughter off, Diana closed the doors to her chambers and drew a warm bath. She slipped into something more comfortable than her warrior armor, then poured herself a drink. From afar, she watched the ceremonies unfold, offering a silent prayer to the primordial goddess she had come to believe in, hoping for the souls of her fallen sisters to find peace and, if possible, be reborn into happy new lives.

As she finished her prayer and drained her glass, a sigh escaped her lips. The weight of all she had learned pressed heavily on her heart. So many factions were making their moves, and she, who had grown to cherish the relatively peaceful existence in the outside world, was once again being thrust into the realm of battles, defending her home and her people against gods and demons alike. Then there was her lost husband, she wondered where he was, how he was, and when he would return to her. Her heart ached with longing to hold him once more, but she remembered her conversation with her mother-in-law, Empress Gula. Knowing her husband's past and his indomitable spirit, she believed that he wouldn't give up and would come back to her. This thought gave her courage and lifted her spirits.

Resolutely, she slapped her cheeks with her hands, pumping herself up. With determined eyes, she steeled herself for what lay ahead. She vowed to continue growing, so that the day her husband ascended, she could proudly stand beside him as his empress.

The Next Morning

As dawn's first light broke over the shores of Themyscira, the island basked in a serene golden glow. Diana, Barbara, and Rachel stood on the colosseum balcony, their eyes taking in the breathtaking sight of warriors assembling below. Their armor gleamed magnificently in the morning sun, reflecting the indomitable spirit of the Amazons.

Beside them, stood Queen Hippolyta exuded a regal presence as she looked over to her generals below. The generals, Antiope, Philippus, and Artemis, stood resolutely before the brave souls, their faces etched with determination. These warriors were prepared to train harder, grow stronger, and face any adversities to defend their homeland and sisters under the unwavering leadership of their queen and princess.

Diana's heart swelled with pride as she watched her people. The sight of the dedicated and fierce warriors filled her with deep admiration. As the training began, both she and Hippolyta waved in encouragement. Turning to her mother, Diana's expression grew serious. "Mother, it's time for us to return to our lives in the outside world. You can always contact me if you need my help. Rachel needs to return to her team and continue her education, while Barbara and I have our own responsibilities to attend to. Our boss might be overwhelmed if we extend our vacation any further," she said giving a wry smile at the end, attempting to lighten the moment.

Queen Hippolyta placed a reassuring hand on Diana's shoulder, her eyes a mixture of encouragement and concern. "I understand, my daughter. The world beyond needs you just as much as we do. Go with my blessing, and know that Themyscira will always be your sanctuary. We will stand by your side if ever you need us."

With that the trio prepared to depart Themyscira. Rachel, opened a ripple in space linking to Diana's apartment. As they crossed over, they found themselves in Diana's familiar apartment. The familiarity of the place offered a comforting sense of normalcy.

Diana, once entering her home, with a sweet smile, murmured, "Home sweet home," reminiscing about her time with Orach. Rachel, hearing her mother, nodded and smiled as she removed her hood. As Barbara unpacked her research materials collected on the island, Diana went to her room to change out of her armor and into casual clothes. She then headed to the kitchen to make some tea, the soothing aroma soon filling the room. Rachel slumped on the living room sofa, calling out to Mother2, scrolling through her notifications, and catching up with the recent movements of the Teen Titans. She also pondered if the team could be called something else after facing 'Titans' of legends.

Diana soon brought three cups of tea and settled on the sofa next to Rachel, with Barbara joining them shortly. Just as they began to relax, a knock on the door interrupted their moment of peace. The three women exchanged puzzled glances, not expecting any guests. Diana, placing her cup of tea on the living room center table, got up to open the door. She was greeted by a striking woman in a halter-neck dress and relaxed-fit leather pants, accompanied by a tall, dark-haired man with piercing eyes. While it was her first time seeing these two, her inner world churned, ready to defend against the power radiating from the man. She narrowed her eyes, sensing their strength.

"How may I help you? I don't recall ever meeting the two of you," Diana asked cautiously.

Lucifer Morningstar and Mazikeen stood there, their expressions a mix of curiosity and amusement.

"Well, well, if it isn't Wonder Woman herself," Lucifer drawled, his voice dripping with charm. "Mind if we come in? We've got some rather interesting news to share."

Diana raised an eyebrow at being identified as Wonder Woman so easily. Becoming more alert, she decided to be straightforward. "Sorry, but I don't have the habit of inviting strangers into my home. So, please identify yourselves…" Before she could continue, Rachel appeared, her fists charged with dark magic, ready to defend her mother, taking Diana by surprise.

Rachel, gritting her teeth, shouted, "Demons! You don't belong here. Did that bastard Trigon send you?" As she spoke, she tapped into her inner realm, revealing her wings and forming a ring of dark magic fire behind her, prepared to attack if these two showed any ill intent.

When Diana had opened the door, she had tried to probe the two with her empathic abilities, only to fail. She sensed nothing from the man, similar to how her father, Orach, blocked her during training. However, she detected a distinct scent on the woman, a scent from the realm of Hell, the same as her biological father, Trigon. Realizing this, she immediately made her move, determined to protect her mother.

Seeing the little hellion ready to pounce on them intrigued and amused Lucifer, especially when he noticed the dark angel wings on her back. But being mistaken for Trigon's minions irked his pride. Knowing he needed both Diana and this girl's help to calm Orach once he returned, he decided to let it go. From his brief talk with Orach and the information Maze had collected, he knew this girl was truly considered by Orach as his daughter. Seeing Diana's expression turn cold and her aura intensify at her daughter's words, Lucifer smiled warmly and said, "Please don't be wary. We didn't come here to harm anyone. Also, little lady, I am an existence that stands far above Trigon. Much, much higher. So, please, may we come in? We truly have important news to share about Mr. Orach and the next steps to plan."

Diana and Rachel were both stunned by the man's words. First, his claim to be higher in rank compared to Trigon, and secondly, the main point that caught their attention, this man had news about their loved one, Diana's husband and Rachel's father.

Rachel, still wary but now slightly confused, looked at her mother for direction. After a moment of contemplation, Diana nodded at Rachel. Rachel sighed, reined in her charged magic, furled her wings to her sides, and stepped aside, making way for the two.

Lucifer and Maze entered, taking in the living room's decor with approving smiles.

"Lovely home you have, Miss Diana. You simply must give me your interior decorator's contact. I'm planning to revamp my penthouse," Lucifer said, his smile charming.

As Diana and Rachel followed them into the living room, they noticed Barbara had risen from the sofa, her Cheetah form tense and alert. Sweat trickled down her brow, and her hair stood on end. Diana was acutely aware once more that these individuals were far from ordinary.

Diana's eyes narrowed as she addressed them, her tone far from welcoming. "I hate to be a bad host, but considering one of you is a demon and you're both strangers, we'd like to know what brings you here. What do you know about Orach?"

Lucifer's eyes twinkled with mischief. "Oh, just a trivial matter of cosmic importance. But first, how about a drink? I've been a fan of yours for a while. Initially, I was looking for a curator I saw getting quite cozy with Mr. Orach. Imagine my surprise when my friend here—oh, this is Maze, by the way—discovered your true identity. Mr. Orach is a lucky man indeed to have won the heart of someone like you." He chuckled softly.

Diana's eyes narrowed further, understanding the insinuation. This man was searching for Orach's lover. Before she could respond, Rachel exclaimed, "WAIT! That demon woman is Maze? As in Mazikeen of the Lilim and the subordinate of the lord of hell? Then you must be..." Rachel's eyes widened as she continued, "Lucifer Morningstar, the lord of hell!"

Lucifer raised an eyebrow, amused at the little girl's recognition. "Indeed, little lady. I am Lucifer Morningstar, the devil himself. I've come with news concerning your father and the fate of the realms. But how do you know Maze follows me?"

Diana and Barbara's eyes widened in shock. As archaeologists, they had read about the prince of darkness in various texts, but having never encountered beings from the Bible, even Diana, who was connected with the gods of this world, thought them mythical. But now, standing before them, was the very prince of darkness, supposedly the source of all evil.

Diana's expression turned icy as she channeled her Ki, ready to protect her daughter and friend. Sensing her mother's tension, Rachel quickly intervened, "Mom, it's fine. They won't harm us. Dad knows them."

Both Diana and Barbara, ready to fight, hesitated in surprise. 'Orach knows the Devil? What was Orach thinking, associating with the prince of darkness?' this thought echoed in their minds. After a moment, Diana sighed, nodding first at Barbara to stand down and then at Rachel. She turned to Lucifer, saying, "Apologies for my rudeness. Since you are Orach's acquaintances, as his partner, I should trust you despite your reputation, Mr. Morningstar. Please, have a seat. I'll prepare some tea for both of you."

Lucifer smiled and nodded, "Much appreciated, Miss Diana." He then took his seat on the sofa, with Maze standing dutifully behind him, ready to defend her king and friend. However, Lucifer gestured for her to sit beside him. Though reluctant, Maze agreed and sat down.

With everyone now seated, Rachel seized the moment to answer Lucifer's earlier question. "Regarding your question, I read about the interactions between both of you and my father. Our household AI keeps detailed logs."

Lucifer raised an eyebrow, impressed by the sophistication of the AI. "Thank you, little lady... no, Rachel. I appreciate the answer," he said with a smile.

Diana returned, presenting them with their cups, and then sat down next to Rachel and Barbara, eager to hear what the two had to say about Orach.

Lucifer and Maze savored their tea, letting the rich flavors linger on their palates. "Truly exquisite tea. Thank you, Miss Diana. Your hospitality is much appreciated," Lucifer said, his voice smooth and appreciative.

Diana nodded, with a serious expression said, "Thank you. Now, at the risk of sounding rude, could you tell us what news you have about Orach?"

Lucifer, observing their eager expressions, decided it was time to get to the heart of the matter. "Firstly, let me formally introduce myself and my companion." He gestured to Maze and continued, "As Rachel mentioned, she is my friend, my confidant, my most loyal subordinate, and my bodyguard, Mazikeen of the Lilim, but she prefers Maze for short. I am Lucifer Morningstar, the King of Hell. It's a pleasure to meet you all. I met Mr. Orach during your museum's event. Mr. Orach was interested in information regarding the different realms, their relationships, and about Trigon."

Turning his attention to Rachel, Lucifer's tone grew more serious. "I know Trigon is your birth father, but from the information I've gathered and your earlier reaction, it's clear you despise him. I don't know the specifics behind your hatred, but I know this: I sensed a profound killing intent in Mr. Orach's tone when he spoke about Trigon. At that point, I didn't understand how Trigon had earned Mr. Orach's ire. But seeing and hearing how much he cherishes you, I can now guess why he hates Trigon. It's not just that Trigon got on his bad side; it's that he hurt you, isn't it, Rachel?"

Rachel's face tensed, her emotions bubbling to the surface. She clenched her fists, the longing to see her father, to grow stronger, and to tap into the power he left for her surged within her. She was determined to bring him back.

Noticing her silent turmoil and trembling hands, Lucifer continued with a softer tone, "I apologize if I've dredged up painful memories, Rachel. It was not my intention to reopen old wounds."

Rachel drew a deep breath, shaking her head before replying, "It's fine, Lucifer. I loathe Trigon for killing my mother and my teachers. Orach is now my father and my rock. So, please, just tell us what you know about him and his whereabouts."

Lucifer was momentarily stunned by her resolve but quickly nodded and continued, "I understand. Well, as you may recall, during the Central City incident, Mr. Orach vanished after resolving the crisis. Apparently, he opened a tear in space into an unknown realm. Even my brother, a fellow Archangel, couldn't discern what lay beyond it. This tear gave us celestials a foreboding feeling as it devoured the energy from the breach in Central City's sky. Though the immediate threat was resolved, and we were grateful to Mr. Orach, another celestial perceived him as a grave threat. Sensing something ominous from the tear, she decided to act in the name of protecting the multiverse. Just as Mr. Orach appeared to be closing the tear, she attacked and pushed him into it before it sealed itself."

Diana and Rachel listened intently, their faces contorting with anger and determination as the truth of that fateful day came to light. Their fists clenched, and an unbridled killing intent emanated from them. Diana's body began to crackle with pinkish ethereal lightning, while a ring of dark magical fire flared up behind Rachel.

Barbara and Maze, nearby, sensed the killing intent becoming alarmed, while even Lucifer was taken aback, grew worried. He quickly interjected, "Please, ladies, calm yourselves. What I need to discuss is crucial! Things aren't that simple."

The two women, consumed by thoughts of revenge, snapped their attention back to Lucifer. Their eyes cold and unyielding, they demanded in unison, "Give us a name and location!"

Though Lucifer was accustomed to facing horrendous demons, the cold fury in their eyes unnerved him. The little girl's two pairs of glowing eyes under her hood were unsettling, but what truly made him wary was the faint silhouette of a gigantic creature with menacing red eyes that seemed to stare right through him, looming behind Diana. For the first time, he felt genuinely small, as though he were prey. Shaking off the unsettling sensation, he said, "Ladies, please calm down. As I said, things aren't that simple. No matter how much we all want to kill her, we can't! She has an important role to play in the grand tapestry of this multiverse."

Diana narrowed her eyes, her breath steadying as she closed them to regain her composure. She then touched Rachel's shoulder, signaling her to calm down. Rachel, sensing Diana's intent, reined in her magic and killing intent but remained eager for Lucifer's next words.

Diana fixed her gaze on Lucifer and spoke with measured calm, "Please elaborate on what you mean."

Lucifer released an internal sigh before continuing, "What I'm about to tell you may shock you, but since you are related to Mr. Orach, you are bound to ascend to the higher realms one day. Therefore, you should know the true hierarchy of this multiverse. Firstly, there truly is a god that created everything. Initially, he created his kingdom, which humans call Heaven, while we term it Silver City. He then created us Angels and Endless with... well, never mind, that's not important. Afterwards, he started creating worlds throughout the universe and various races that inhabit them. However, after an incident, he personally stopped creating universes and delegated the task to his 'hands.' These hands of my father, each carried a responsibility necessary for the workings of the entire multiverse, allowing my father to take a back seat and enjoy his creations."

He paused to take a deep breath before continuing, looking straight into their eyes, "One such hand, specifically the hand of creation responsible for creating universes and giving rise to many worlds and races, is Perpetua. She is essentially the mother of many universes in the multiverse and is crucial for maintaining balance throughout. But therein lies the problem I am here to discuss with you."

Diana, who knew about 'The Presence' from the primordial goddess, wasn't surprised by these revelations. However, Barbara and Rachel were stunned and wide-eyed, with Barbara even slack-jawed. This was not something taught in school or anywhere else.

Noticing Diana's lack of surprise, Lucifer was stumped, confused, and a bit suspicious. The question, 'Did she, a mortal, already know about this? How is that possible?' echoed in his mind. Unable to resist, he asked, "You... don't seem that surprised. Could you tell me why?"

Diana replied matter-of-factly, "While I didn't know the details behind the creation of the multiverse, I am aware of the creator and know his name... 'The Presence'."

Lucifer stood up, shocked, and blurted, "How? You... you are a mere mortal... how do you know my father?"

Not only Lucifer but everyone present was shocked to hear that Diana knew about the creator of their universe.

Diana didn't want to reveal her connection with the primordial goddess, so she nonchalantly said, "While I may be, as you eloquently put it, a 'mere mortal,' I am his partner, his future wife. Is it surprising that I know about the creator of this lower realm?"

Lucifer's expression was now a mixture of shock, confusion, suspicion and slight embarrassment as he realized he had lost his cool. He coughed to mask his embarrassment and once again took his seat, continuing, "My apologies for my rudeness, but that revelation took the wind out of my sails. You're right; as the future wife of a higher realm being, it's natural to know some details about the lower realms, I suppose. But it's better this way; it saves me time. So now lies the crux of the issue, Perpetua was the one who attacked Mr. Orach and was gravely injured by him in return. You all must have heard Mr. Orach's promise. His words resonated throughout all realms and universes. While he is justified in his anger, we cannot allow him to kill Perpetua once he makes his inevitable return. That's mainly why I am here, to ask for your assistance to..."

Before he could continue, he saw both Diana and Rachel snap to attention, looking at him intently and making him worried.

"Repeat what you just said," demanded Rachel as she got up from her seat, staring right at Lucifer, not missing a word or action.

"Umm... That's mainly why I am..." just as he began, he was once again interrupted, this time by Diana, "Not that, before that."

"...While Mr. Orach is justified in his anger, we cannot have him kill Perpetua once he makes his inevitable return." As he finished his sentence, he realized what was going on. These two must have been worried sick about Orach, and not knowing the details of what happened that day must have made them go through a different kind of hell. Realizing this, he grew to admire their strength and felt a little envious of Orach. But without wasting time, he said, "I guess I should have started with this. A messenger from my father dropped by and informed me that Mr. Orach will most definitely come back; it's only a matter of time. While I don't know the specifics, please don't worry, you'll have him back, and despite my reputation, I am incapable of lying."

While Diana and Rachel had complete faith in Orach, hearing from a celestial being that Orach's return was inevitable was a relief to them.

Rachel slightly bowed her head to Lucifer before raising it and said, "Thank you for bringing us this news. I appreciate it."

Lucifer smiled and nodded, appreciating the young girl's manners, "It's no problem, young one. From the very beginning, my wish was to have amicable relations with your father. I am glad I could lessen your worries a little. But..." He then turned to Diana before continuing, "We really need to discuss what happens after he returns. As I mentioned before, Perpetua is extremely important in the grand scheme of things. So, if she is threatened, celestials will rise in her defense. I know Mr. Orach has the power to destroy us all, but the consequences would be dire. With Perpetua and celestials dead, the balance between creation and destruction will be completely disrupted. Such imbalance will have undesirable and unforeseen consequences, for example, it will strengthen those who wish to destroy, conquer, and create utter chaos. It will truly be akin to ringing the bell of the end of all. So, I am here on behalf of the celestials who don't wish to fight Mr. Orach to ask for your assistance in persuading him not to kill her. He may punish her in any way he desires, but just not kill her."