
9. Competition

<p>Mr. Wang see the entire scene happen earlier.Next morning little rose come to school earlier than usual time. When she is about to go to her class someone pull her down from the third floor. She don't know what to do. But with great difficulty she reach the ground safely with out any fatal injury. But she is in the place where no one else must not go no matter what comes. At the time principal comes, he don't know what happened earlier. He shouted at her and said her to walk or run or jog in the playground for 50 times. She don't say anything to prove she is the victim in this incident. She instead said that Yes sir John Howard., I apologise for what I have done and accept your offer but can I please attend the competition which is going to held today. If you finish your punishment you can attend the competition. Is that includes if I do join in march fast. Mm yes that's fine said principal. Principal John Howard introduced little girl to red team captain in march fast as she is Michaela Rosalind Hans, she is going to join in your team from now on. Teach her well. Today as punishment I asked her to walk or jog 50 times. She choose march fast instead of jogging. So calculate every round she finishes walking. Don't let her go to class till she finish what I asked her to do. After principal left, she asked senior brother Sebastian when will story writing competition going to happen. Sebastian said in afternoon session baby girl. She sighed and said thank God. I really want to at least attend the competition. Sebastian asked don't you have confidence in your work. Little rose said Yup., but I know I'll represent the primary students in school at least, I can get to know my capacity right.Then for whole morning she practice marching with seniors and only complete 25 rounds. After that she run in the ground for 20 times. It's already noon baby girl a voice echo through the ground, how many round you finished? She said Principal John Howard, I finish 45 rounds. I am sorry I couldn't finish remaining rounds. 'Are you tired 'principal asked. Mm no sir I am alright, thanks for asking. Actually I am quite familiar with the athletes since I practice with Yoon, my dear friend and who also my father's friend/brother. He let out a slight laugh and said, fine you can finish it tomorrow. Now go and eat after that go to class since competition is going to start after lunch break. Well all the best. Thank you sir John for consideration. Then go to lunch all the best, let's see tomorrow. Thank you Senior brother Sebastian she said and left. Sebastian said that's it for today let's practice tomorrow. See you then. Every one sighed in relief. Thank you leader. <br/>Adrian saw his beautiful rose coming to the martial arts practice hall meant for only them since Adrian's uncle Adonis is the owner and <br/>chair- man of the school. They eat together. He asked why you didn't say some one pulled you down, and you are the victim in this. She said that she did not want to create any other trouble so she didn't mention anything. Well today I learned marching thanks to them. <br/>(Competition Began) ###<br/>Every one started writing their prepared story thus rose also started. <br/> LOVE <br/>ONCE A SMALL FAMILY LIVED IN AUSTRALIA . IN THEIR FAMILY AFTER LONG TIME A GIRL CHILD BORN BUT UNFORTUNATELY THAT GIRL'S MOTHER DIED WHILE GIVING BIRTH. EVERY ONE CURSED HER SAYING SHE IS A DEMON WHO KILLED HER OWN MOTHER. BUT HER FATHER LOVED HER SO MUCH YOU ARE JUST LIKE YOUR MOTHER YOU ARE MY DARLING PRINCESS AND NAMED HER MIA. SHE AT LAST FOUND ONE FRIEND NAMED LILIET. THEY ARE FOND OF EACH OTHER. AFTER THE MARRIAGE BOTH FAMILY BECOME FOND OF EACH OTHER. LILIET GAVE BIRTH TO EUAN. AFTER FIVE YEARS MIA GAVE BIRTH TO SERENA, BUT MIA AND HER HUSBAND DIED IN AN ACCIDENT. SERENA'S CUSTODY CAME TO LILIET'S FAMILY THEY ALL TAKE GOOD CARE OF THE BEAUTIFUL GIRL AS THEIR OWN FAMILY. BEAUTIFUL GIRL BECOME THEIR LITTLE PRINCESS. THAT LITTLE PRINCESS FAVOURED BY EVERY ONE IN THAT HOUSE. SHE IS INDEED A LUCKY CHARM TO THEM. EUAN HER BIG BROTHER GAVE EVERYTHING SHE NEEDS AND SHE WANTS THOUGH SHE DON'T SAY ANYTHING. SHE MADE LOT OF FRIENDS. ESPECIALLY SHE IS FOND OF FOUR FEMALE FRIENDS.ONEDAY THEY WENT OUTTING BUT UNEXPECTEDLY THEY GOT KIDNAPPED BY SOMEONE. THAT SOMEONE SAID HE IS HER GRANDFATHER. IF YOU WANT TO STAY IN MY PLACE I WON'T HURT YOUR FAMILY AND FRIENDS. HE THREATENED HER. SHE DOESN'T KNOW WHAT TO DO? SHE SAID PLEASE GIVE ME SOME TIME TO THINK ABOUT IT. <br/>THAT DAY BECOME A NIGHTMARE FOR HER. SHE THOUGHT TO HERSELF FAMILY WHICH I THOUGHT IT WAS MINE MAY NO LONGER BE MINE IN THE NEAR FUTURE. WHAT SHOULD I DO..?THAT PERSON WHO IS SAID TO BE MY GRANDFATHER MIGHT KILL MY FAMILY AND FRIENDS TO MAKE ME HIS OWN FAMILY. WHAT SHOULD I DO? WHAT SHOULD I DO TO AVOID ANY MISHAPS? WHAT SHOULD I DO? <br/>SHE STARTED TO AVOID TALKING AND SPEND TIME WITH HER FAMILY. AT THE SAME TIME SHE DIDN'T WENT TO HER GRANDFATHER'S HOUSE ALSO. SHE BOUGHT ONE NEW HOUSE UNDER HER NAME AND STAY THERE FOR HER LIFE. SHE APPOINTED LOTS OF BODYGUARDS OUTSIDE HER HOUSE AND SAID NOT TO LET ANYONE INSIDE. WHEREVER SHE WENT, SHE TOOK BODYGUARDS ALONG WITH HER TO AVOID SEEING HER BOTH FAMILY. SHE DID NOT EVEN MADE FRIENDS AFTER THAT INCIDENT. <br/> LOVE IS TO MAKE SURE THAT THE PERSON YOU LOVE FEEL SECURE BY YOUR SIDE, NOT TO MAKE THEM FEEL LIKE THEY ARE IN JAIL OR CAGE. <br/>She finished her story and give it to the teacher who is in charge of collecting the paper.</p>