
First Mate

Francis looked at Seth with a grim expression. The boy was in no way boasting his abilities. He had the confidence, the conviction to prove it.

Moreover, he had no reason to question Seth except for his identity for he knew nothing about him but it was something natural in pirate world. The last time he signed up for the crew, he didn't know them at all except for that they were pirates. And then again, if Seth was going to use him, he might as well do the same. You use me, I use you. That's it. And once, he is strong, he can defect the crew any time he wants.

So the answer was obvious.

"I accept" he replied. Seth who saw his determination kind of figured out what he might be thinking.

(Can't help it. Bonds are not created overnight. No one would suddenly grow faithful to a stranger, let alone someone in his shoes. I just hope that time strengthens this relation.)

Seth sighed but "Good" he replied. He was happy. He just got his first crewmate and a ship marking the start of his pirate crew.

"Now could you open these cuffs?"

"Oh yes, yes" asked by his first mate, Seth opened the handcuffs.

(These may come in handy in the future. Afterall, Grand Line is filled with powerful devil fruit users)

Being free after a long time, Francis could feel a strange energy building up in his body. He could have attacked Seth but he didn't. He had no reason to do so. They were companions now.

Francis walked behind Seth to the deck of the ship. It had been weeks since he saw the sunlight. His eyes somehow had become accustomed to the darkness of that room.

He was surprised not finding a single pirate on the ship. He could see the clean work Seth had done.

But what he looked around for where the partners of the boy and their ship?

"Where are others?" he asked not finding anyone.

"What others?" Seth was confused by the question.

"Your crew. I can't find your ship either."

Seth laughed. He didn't expect that "Ha ha. I already told you that I defeated the crew on this ship, didn't I?"

"'I' as in all by yourself. You defeated them all singlehandedly?" The thought was among the possibilities he had thought but Francis never actually believed it could be true. Hundreds of pirates defeated by a single boy! Just what kind of monster was this boy?

"And as for the ship, I don't have any."

The second answer was all the more shocking. What kind of pirate doesn't have a ship?

"I started my journey a few days back and had a boat with till now. But I have thought of claiming this ship as my own."

"And your crew?"

"Don't have any. You are the first one to join me."

"WHAT!?" It was one shock after another, but the last one nearly blew his heart away.

"I am already regretting joining you."

But he just can't go back on his promise. Well, it was more odd for pirates to keep promises.

"Whatever, now what? What am I supposed to do?" keeping his worries aside Francis asked.

"About that" Seth pondered "First we have some cleaning to do."

"Whew!" Seth huffed placing the last body in the boat. There was a mountain of bodies placed one upon another on a single boat. These were the ones alive. About the dead ones, the corpses were thrown into the sea, and most likely, must have become fishfood by now. One may complain about giving the dead ones a proper send off, but sorry, it wasn't possible. First they were on water and second, they were cruel pirates, there was no reason to show compassion to them, even if they were dead.

Seth pushed the boat and it started sailing away.

"Finally job well done" Seth said to himself and looked at Francis staring at the boat.

(Can't do anything about that. They were torturing all this time. He must have wanted to kill them, but I just couldn't bring myself to kill an unconscious man. And as for his revenge...)

Seth walked away leaving Francis to sort out his feelings. Francis squatted down near a man tied to the mast. The man was woken conscious by Seth and incapacitated. This was Francis' revenge.

"Hi there, enjoying?" Francis mocked.

"Why are you?" the man was shocked to see Francis near him. The last he remembers, he was knocked by a Zoan user and the next time, he opens his eyes, the boy who was supposed to be chained in prison was sitting in front him, laughing.

"You enjoy playing torture, don't you? Let me play this game with you today."

Francis stood up, taking up the gun which was the captain's, and directed it at the man.

"No, don't. Don't do it. You are free. You can go away. Leave me alone" the man begged but Francis wouldn't listen to him.

The image was still clear in his mind when this person had mercilessly killed Sera's sister and how he tried to kill Sera too, and then the months of torture he had to go through because of this man. There was no pardoning him.


The pirate captain was shot on his left arm followed by Bam! Bam! Bam! his right arm and then both his legs. Blood poured out of all his limbs, but he was still alive. The captain writhed, convulated in pain. It was so excruciating. But he couldn't escape this predicament.

It should have relieved his anger but seeing the pirate captain in pain, Francis just grew angrier.

He approached the captain who looked at him like a scared prey near a tiger.

"Run away now."

He cut the ropes, freeing the captain. Finding this chance, the captain tried to run but he fell. His legs didn't move. His hands didn't have the force. He used his body to crawl away, but Francis silently followed him like a stalking death reaper.

Seeing Francis behind him, the captain just increased his speed. But-


He was shot, back in the head. Killed.

"I won't let a disease like you who take others lives on a whim rot this world anymore" Francis said throwing the gun into the sea.

"Well that ends one of his revenge" Seth who was watching this from afar murmured to himself.

The day went great for him. He had obtained a big ship plus months worth of ration and a decent amount of gold. And yeah, the biggest exploit from the encounter, his first crewmate. A talented boy. Though he was still a newbie when it comes to fighting.

Seth opened the door of the captain's cabin. From this day onwards, it was his room. Lavishly decorated and sorted, it looked less like a pirate's room and more like a deluxe.

Everything was new in the room. Looked like they had spent a lot from the loots.

"Some people do like to enjoy regardless of where they are" Seth said as he graciously sat on the chair.

And thus, he became a real pirate with his own pirate ship.