
Journey Beyond Worlds

Ldiary · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
4 Chs

The Betrayal of a Broken Heart

In the quiet stillness of the night, under the canopy of a million twinkling stars, a young boy named Ethan sat alone on a park bench. Raindrops fell relentlessly from the darkened sky, mirroring the tears that streamed down his face. His heart felt heavy with sorrow, his spirit broken by the betrayal of his long-cherished childhood sweetheart, Emily.

It had all happened so suddenly. One day they were planning their future together, dreaming of a life filled with love and laughter. But then came the arrival of Oliver, a wealthy second-generation heir who swept Emily off her feet with promises of luxury and extravagance. Ethan watched helplessly as his world crumbled around him, shattered by the cold reality of Emily's choice.

As if that wasn't enough pain to bear, Ethan's own parents added salt to his wounds. Their marriage had been shaky for years, filled with arguments and resentment that poisoned the once-happy household. Finally deciding to part ways, they left Ethan behind without a second thought, each starting new families and moving on without looking back.

Feeling abandoned and alone in a world that seemed intent on breaking him further, Ethan sought solace in the bottom of a bottle. The bitter taste of alcohol provided temporary relief from his anguish as he walked aimlessly through the rain-soaked streets, each step heavier than the last.

Lost in his thoughts and drowning in self-pity, Ethan never heard the roar of the approaching truck until it was too late. The blaring horn pierced through his numbness just moments before impact, and then everything went black.

When Ethan opened his eyes again, he found himself in a place unlike any he had ever seen before. Surrounded by swirling mists and ethereal light, he felt an inexplicable sense of peace wash over him. Standing before him was a figure so radiant and powerful that Ethan could only assume he was in the presence of a god.

"Welcome, child," spoke the deity in a voice like thunder and velvet. "You have met an untimely end in your previous world, but fear not for this is not where your journey ends."

Confusion clouded Ethan's mind as he struggled to comprehend what was happening to him. Was this heaven? Hell? Some strange dream concocted by his addled mind?

The god smiled knowingly at Ethan's silent questions before continuing. "You are being given a chance at new beginnings," explained the deity. "In this fantasy world you will find challenges beyond measure but also opportunities for growth and redemption."

Ethan listened intently as the god outlined his task: to navigate this new realm with courage and resilience; to face his past traumas head-on and emerge stronger than before; to seek out companionship and forge new bonds that would help heal his wounded soul.

With a deep breath and newfound determination shining in his eyes, Ethan nodded solemnly at the deity before him. Whatever trials lay ahead in this fantastical world, he was ready to face them head-on.

Before you go to the new world due to your untimely death u can wish three gifts from hundreds of gifts from gods. Ethan began to choose from hundreds of gifts. Lastly he chose three gifts.

1.Endless extraction


3.Yin yang cultivation.

And so began Ethan's journey into an unknown land filled with magic, adventure, and a chance for healing old wounds while forging new destinies under divine guidance.