
Journey across the Multiverse [LitRpg]

Hamza's life unexpectedly turns when he receives a mysterious message on his phone while trying to sleep but can't. inviting him on a journey across infinite realms. Initially thinking it was a joke, Hamza responded with a chuckle and a sarcastic, "Sure." He soon finds himself jumping between verses like Naruto samurai jack etc., accompanied by Yandere elderlich God who is obsessed with him for some reason. With a goal to stop something that is hell-bent on devouring everything in existence. Can they stop a looming threat? Join Hamza as he ventures to five universes all having issues with things that shouldn't exist. These include Samurai Jack, Demon Slayer, DC, Naruto, and Full Metal Alchemist. ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- Grimdark/comedic undertones.--- yep it gets dark. characters and named characters like Naruto, ainz , and Samurai Jack will have serious challenges. Even the MC itself is in for a ride... Also funny at times... harem-- Won't be an obnoxious bunch. just a 2 girls or 3 maybe. 3 is a hard stretch.. maybe i can even call this a harem lol So this is a fanfic that will explore every single mentioned verse. first is samurai jack... This is a progressive fantasy .. you will see the MC grow and become stronger physically and mentally. Every verse will be an alternative timeline, some events are completely different and some completely original while following the original timeline somewhat.. Check it out if you are interested. It has a funny litrpg mechanic forcing the MC to be highly selfish later on. so hop on at least give it till chapters 4-5 so you can experience what's in store.

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19 Chs

Chapter 5: Different timeline

Hamza and Observer slipped into the crowd, covering their faces with their clothes to avoid detection by the robot police. They made their way behind a corner of a building where they could catch their breath and regroup. Hamza was gasping for air as he spoke.


"Haaaah, haaah. That was close."


On the flip side, Observer couldn't resist exploring her new physical form. Her hands wandered all over, and she couldn't help but gaze at herself, sporting a grin and erupting into playful giggles. Hamza, however, grew immediately wary, nudging her to concentrate on the task at hand.


"Is this your first time experiencing a physical body?" he inquired.


"Your behavior's been kinda odd ever since we got here. We really need to stick to the plan."


Though Observer heeded his words, a hint of defiance lingered on her face. "Yeah, it's my first time, " she retorted with a touch of frustration.


"And you've got no right to complain. Remember what went down with you back in the Origin Void? I'm adapting here, okay? It's all so darn new to me, a thrilling and intriguing experience."


Hamza let out an exasperated sigh, his eyes rolling. The memories of his own encounter in the Origin Void were vivid, but there was no time to mull over them now. He had to steer Observer's attention toward the mission. they couldn't afford to be captured here of all places. the mission would end before it even started


"Alright," he conceded. "But we gotta hustle. Getting caught by those robot enforcers again is not on the agenda."


As they huddled behind the building, Observer's expression turned serious, and she nodded in agreement. "Got it," she responded with determination. "Time to roll." Their eyes met briefly, a silent understanding passing between them.


They moved along the building hiding themselves from prying eyes and caught their breath in a secluded corner of a building that blocked view near a bridge.


For Observer, the experience of inhabiting a human body was a fascinating one. Even though she understood the workings of the human anatomy and mind, it was still an entirely new sensation to her. She felt the air fill her lungs as she breathed in, and she was aware of the limitations of her new physical form. The absence of her omnipresent perception of past, present, and future was also a curious sensation, and she found herself struggling to adjust to her new existence. Despite these challenges, she couldn't deny that the thrill of the experience was exhilarating.


As Observer observed her companion, she noticed his gaze darting away from her, embarrassed. She looked down and saw that her jacket button had popped open, exposing her ample breasts. there was only one thing that came to mind and that was the bee came for the honey. Her mischievous smile spread across her face as she caught his eye.


"Okay, that's it," he muttered, still blushing. "We need to change clothes. These aren't your size, apparently."


Observer couldn't suppress the urge to playfully provoke him, a soft pressure of her chest against his back sending a tingle down her spine. Her fingers danced lightly across his back, tracing a tantalizing path, and her touch lingered, igniting a trail of heat in its wake. Hamzas gaze, once again, darted away, and a rush of both frustration and anticipation surged within her. An inexplicable annoyance simmered; she had half-hoped he'd steal a stolen glance, but he seemed to be steadfastly evading her eyes.


Hamza, more of an introvert with just a handful of romantic escapades, found himself caught in a tangled mess of emotions. Relationships had always been a puzzle, the "friend zone" becoming a familiar territory.

His interests had gradually drifted toward academia, and his dreams set on the path to becoming a professor. Matters of the heart though remained as clear as mud, like an unsolved problem. Matters of romance often seemed like a hazy realm to him. There had been just one relationship that endured, but it had turned sour, leaving behind the bitter taste of an abusive ex. The scars from that ordeal ran deep, creating an invisible barrier that made the idea of stepping into another relationship an unthinkable proposition.


We should get to know each other's strengths. We can't run blind in a dangerous place like this 


"Tell me about your abilities, Observer," Hamza inquired, his curiosity piqued. He hoped that understanding Observer's powers would prove valuable in certain situations. Observer's smirk transformed into a more daring expression.


"Curious, are we? Well, getting that information from me comes at a price: you'll have to pay with snuggles," Observer teased, playfully getting up close to Hamza.


"Alright," Hamza responded, a bemused furrow in his brow. He couldn't help but think,


She's persistent, isn't she?


With a mischievous glint in her eye, Observer embraced him, giving him a glimpse of her ability screen. "Take a look. But get ready for some snuggling," she said, leaning in to hug him from behind.


As he perused the details of her abilities, a sense of gratitude washed over Hamza. Observer's presence felt reassuring and he found himself appreciating her even more.


Unique Abilities


Portal creation

(nerfed) T1

(evolving trait)

Can create a hyperspace gateway (portal) to any place she has a view of.



(evolving trait) T1

As the name suggests. Has limits



(S their Ability)

She can track her lover from anywhere. The range has no limits. Even works across time and space.



(nerfed T2)

Can heal serious wounds and help with some stamina restoration.


Sync with lover

(S tier ability)

Basically, the stronger Hamza's stats and abilities get observer scales with him as he grows.

(Some weird love bird bullshit here)


After reading Observer's abilities, Hamza's face was expressionless. He couldn't help but feel a little envious of her limitless abilities.


"This is so unfair. You get abilities with no daily limits, no damn side effects. Aside from a few, you have better abilities than me. Mine is freaking limited to GP. It's like I'm being handicapped right at the beginning."


Observer smiled mischievously.

 "I'm just that great. You should spoil me. I'll be so much use to you. Also, you have cheat abilities. Stop complaining. They're probably the most broken ones imaginable."


He sighed.

"That may be true, but they need extreme preparation to use. The only thing I have is Za World, and even that has a fucking cost. I'm currently sitting on 0 GP points."


Observer snuggled closer to him, feeling something she had never felt before. Observer's heart raced as she watched Hamza, her thoughts a whirlwind of uncertainty. This warmth in my chest, is it what they call love? She pondered, her mind filled with curiosity and apprehension


Although Observer was bold in her actions, her human instincts made her a little reserved. She wasn't quite sure how to navigate this newfound feeling, but she knew she wanted to explore it further.


Hamza immediately stood up to defuse the situation with Observer and create some distance between them. Despite her obvious infatuation with him, he could not trust her and felt uncomfortable with her advances.


As he walked away from Observer, His mind raced with thoughts about how she was a god with a twisted personality that was infatuated with him for some nefarious reason. For the time being it was better if he just avoided the obvious flirting and advances. 


I just don't feel comfortable with the obsession she has with me. 


Observer pouted, her tone filled with playful irritation. "You're such a tease, Hamza. Can't you be a bit more affectionate?"


Ignoring her, Hamza turned his attention to the system,

"Oye, system. What did you do to our portal arrival here? You nearly killed us all," he said furiously.


A screen popped out from the system, displaying a few lines of text, "Not my fault. Something messed with our coordinates. Someone opened a portal at nearly the same spot that we were going to open one. So our one opened at twice the height. Otherwise, we would have had a space gate collision."


Hamza's expression shifted to one of astonishment. A realization dawned on him, connecting the dots in his mind. The pieces seemed to fall into place in a way that felt almost too deliberate to be a coincidence.


"Wait, I remember something similar happening to Samurai Jack when he traveled into the future. A portal, just like this one, opened in the sky for him," Hamza mused aloud.


Before he could fully articulate his thought, both Observer and the system simultaneously interjected, a text popup echoing his unspoken words, completing his sentence as if reading his mind.


"He must be near us," they chorused in perfect unison, their synchronized voices creating an eerie yet intriguing atmosphere.


Hamza hurriedly looked around, trying to spot any signs of Samurai Jack. The most important person he needed to meet. Seeing a bridge he instantly knew this place. This was where Jack would land. He walked to the center of the bridge that concerted the building and looked down at the landfill below. There was a huge vehicle with giant spiked wheels crushing and destroying the junk below. The bridge was high above the vehicle, and Hamza and Observer watched it approach steadily, both on the lookout for Jack's appearance.


Suddenly, a loud blast was heard in the sky, and a vehicle came crashing down from above, passing right over their heads before exploding after landing behind them. The shockwave knocked them both off their feet, and they quickly scrambled to get back up and assess the situation.


As Hamza and the Observer watched, a white figure descended from the sky and landed on the landfill below. They could see that it was humanoid, but the distance made it difficult to discern any details. Suddenly, the sound of a crushing machine filled the air as a landfill crusher approached the figure.


To their surprise, the figure quickly climbed onto the crusher and used it to escape the landfill area, making its way to the streets. As they followed the figure from a safe distance, they soon realized that it was none other than Samurai Jack.


"I think the best way for us to destroy Aku variants for the time being is to just team up with Jack." observer chimed in. 


Hamza noted that the situation was playing out similarly to what he had seen in the show, and suggested that they team up with Jack to take down the Aku variants.


 "Trouble always finds the main character," he mused.


However, Hamza had a nagging suspicion that they were not in a different timeline after all. He turned to the system for answers.


"Are you sure this is a different timeline? It looks the same as the original."


The system replied with a warning,


"Don't count yourself lucky just yet. This is only the beginning, and things could be vastly different from what you know as we move forward."


As they watched Jack enter a nearby building, the Observer suggested they follow him.


"Should we follow him? Hess going into that building I think." Observer said pointing at Jack direction.


Hamza watched as Jack entered a nearby bar, and he debated whether or not to follow him inside.


If we don't meet him now, we might lose him, It would be a pain to find him as he travels the entire world he thought to himself. But it could be dangerous for us to get involved in a fight. We're just humans, after all.


Meanwhile, Observer was humming to herself, combing her hair with her hand and waiting for Hamza to make a decision. She wanted to look her best for him, hoping he would notice her like he had last time. She trusted that He could handle whatever trouble they might face. for her, this was just a date as far as she was concerned. 


After a moment of hesitation, Hamza made up his mind.

"Okay, let's go. We need to act fast. Observer, could you open a portal down there?" he asked.


Observer gave him a nod

"How do I look?" but complied and raised her hand.


hamza waved his hands saying it was god but he hardly looked at her for a second. 



She was still a little annoyed by his behavior earlier. A portal gateway appeared on the spot, and Hamza and Observer stepped through it, arriving near the entrance to the bar.


As they approached the door, the system displayed a message to Hamza.

"Very smooth, you idiot," it read.


Hamza rolled his eyes and retorted,

"I don't want relationship advice from you of all things."


The system responded with a middle finger, which Hamza promptly smacked away from his sight.


Without a word, Hamza took Observer's hand and began dragging her towards the entrance of the bar. It caught her off guard, but she was secretly pleased to be holding hands with him. As they reached the massive door, which towered over them at a height of three meters, three sliders opened up and a pair of eyes appeared, scrutinizing them.


"Why are you here?" the voice demanded.

Hamza tried to act like a cool gangster, hoping to blend in with the crowd.


"Yo, my man. We're here for a good time and a drink,"


 He said in a hippie voice, trying to sound more convincing than he felt. He was embarrassed, but he kept his emotions in check, determined to see this through.


The slider shut down and the door opened diagonally. As they stepped into the club, Hamza and Observer were hit by a wall of sound. The thumping bass of techno beats filled the air, and strange, otherworldly music played in the background. The club was packed with weird and wonderful creatures, ranging from aliens to monsters and robots, all enjoying the raucous party atmosphere.


The decor was equally as strange as the patrons, with flashing lights and neon colors illuminating the space. Hanging cages, containing nearly nude dancers with exotic features such as multiple eyes or extra limbs, swayed above the dance floor, adding to the surreal atmosphere.


It was clear to Hamza that there were no humans in the club. The world of Samurai Jack was a dystopian future where Aku had conquered the universe and enslaved or killed most of the human population. Humans were a rare commodity, with only a few able to survive as outcasts or rebels fighting against Aku's rule.


Hamza felt a twinge of anxiety as he realized the danger he and Observer were in. They could be surrounded by Aku's loyal followers and could be recognized as outsiders in an instant. But he pushed the feeling down and focused on his mission: to find and join forces with Samurai Jack was a top priority.


Walking along with observer, he was lost in thought, he suddenly heard a whizzing sound and saw a missile hurtling toward him. Before he could react, Observer leaped towards him and pushed him to the ground, shielding him from the impact. As they fell, the missile soared over them and hit someone else. Hamza quickly regained his senses and saw Observer lying on top of him. he could feel two things on his body. his cheeks flushed with embarrassment, but he quickly composed himself, masking his emotions behind a stoic facade.


Hamza's heart raced as he regained his footing. He reached out and gently touched Observer's arm, his gratitude unspoken yet palpable in the way he looked at her. 


"You better reward me later," Observer replied with a grin.


As they helped each other up, their attention was drawn towards a fierce battle taking place nearby. Tall-necked aliens were fighting against a lone samurai warrior, Jack. Both Hamza and Observer watched in awe as the weapons used in the battle fired in all directions. Hand missiles were launched by the green-looking aliens, but Jack dodged them with ease, expertly slicing off some of their limbs. As the battle raged on, Hamza was in complete shock.


He was not expecting this. Nothing like this. Jack appeared to be in tremendous pain, and his appearance was menacing. His left hand was amputated, and his left eye had a deep scar running across his face, with blood oozing from his wounds. Despite his injuries, Jack fought on valiantly, with his torn garment fabric providing the only cover for his wounds. Hamza was at a loss for words as he watched the spectacle unfold. He could hardly believe that he was witnessing Jack in such a state and was battling it out in front of him. He was sure that nothing like this happened in the cannon event, heck nobody was strong eve to even give him such an injury. From gods and monsters to minions and galactic bounty hunters. nothing could do more than a few scrachers. 


Hamza's voice trembled with despair as he spoke, taking in the fresh wounds on Jack's body while he battled against the tall-necked aliens with claws and guns.


"He got hurt this badly fighting against Aku?" he asked, disbelief and concern in his tone. It was clear that Jack was struggling, dealing with his injuries while also trying to fend off the attackers.


[author] yay [/author]

Hello guys. Sorry for not uploading for so long. I was very busy with life and my uni. I’m doing a 3 chapter release today for the people who are reading my work as an apology. Thanks for reading my story. Also, I would really recommend you guys give samurai jack a chance. It’s an amazing show that will give you such joy to watch. I rank it number 1 in the golden age of CN releases of cartoons.

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