

Watch as Alex starts his journey from a un shackled soul to supreme throne as he assends from mortal to god to a being unknown. First word :Harry Potter Second word :Naruto

Gamer_LAVI · Derivasi dari karya
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12 Chs


Through the nightmare forest two childlike figures were passing through well one one was floating while other was curiously looking around in order to catch a glimpse any fascinating creature which lived here.

"Its futile Alexy there are no living here this is just the boundary of 'Little Garden' if you get trapped in here you dissipate in it forever" said the floating fairy.

"Then Eva how are we still safe or rather why is your home here?" asked Alex with a deadpan.

" Its because I thought It would be cool 😎. Thehe~" Eva said with a blush " however the main cause for our relocation in 'Fantasia' is difficult" she said in somber tone

"Its humanity isn't it after all"

"Hum, Alexy is smart do you want to hear why 'Fantasia' came to being"

"hum its better than nothing"

" Then listen to the tale... 8000 years before there was a kingdom its name has been erased.. 7 species ruled them together.. Giants .. Dragons .. Dwarves .. Druid.. Elves.. Humans .. And fairy. Giants were as tall as mountains some could dwarf even the tallest of mountains. Dragons lived in specific habit which suited them they were wise and were said to be half part magic. Dwarves built cities in hallowed mountains they had magnificent ability to craft. Druid were the caretakers of forest and land. Elves were noble and beautiful. Humans known for their wit and curiosity. Fairy fee floating with happiness. 4000 years this peace lasted and each and every one of us started to claim Mother Goddess as our own in arrogance wars were waged 373 years that is exactly how long it lasted in our arrogance none of us heard her cry seeing her children fighting broke her heart and the extermination of Druids to the last child broke the patience of Gaia the catastrophic event known as Great Flood was her tears Gaia cursed us herself depending on our crimes Elves became ugly and were to be bound as willing servants or die. Giants shrunk and became mindless brutes. Dwarves lost their craft to the goblins which came later. Dragons which were wise now became beasts which can not even speak. Fairies were stripped off their wings. Humanity was stripped of their magic except selected few. " said Eva in a somber tone " the reason we are here is because of the magic stripped humans they have caused Gaia to weep again and we don't want to get caught up in their mess its too late for them"

"You mean a Great Flood equal is coming" I asked bewildered

" Yes Alexy but don't worry because it will take around 500 to 600 years" she said trying to give me hope.

'Shit!! Those muggle niba son of roaches what the hell I have to prepare Project: Mars as soon as possible Damit I wanted peace!! I will complete it during my time here but still this Earth has a consciousness like that of nasuverse but there is no Alya well its better this way ' I thought as a gigantic tree came to my view surrounded by lush green forest ' its beautiful ' what was more impressive was the magic concentration here.

__________________Flash back________________

"mother is it compulsory for me to go with teacher"

" Little one don't worry 'Little Garden' is a paradise" she says trying to assure me

"Have you been there mom?"

"No Alex in fact you are the first human going there even Merlin only met Fae race and was denied entry beyond the forest"


" Beautiful isn't it this is the last and only dwelling of Fairies. Once the race which were free and joyous are reduced to it. Well lets go straight to mother" she said with her mood doing 180°

She caught my arm making me float beside he as we flew towards the giant tree while I was analyzing the concept of floating beside her

'huh mana is coated around in . 00001 mm thick sheet with wind attribute and gravity neglection but she is doing it on an unconsciously which is under standable but still Mana is flowing from her back huh so when fairies wings were chipped they gained this ' I stoped my thoughts as an door came in our view a huge door was engraved on the trunk of the tree the door opened inwards a royal throne room was visible with a giant lotus within it.

" Mother I am back and I brought my student here" Eva said cheerfully

Suddenly the lotus bloomed in it was a girl about eighteen years old Emerald hair and shining blue eyes but what was more attractive was the butterfly like wings made of pure mana on her back.

" Eva why is there a human in our Garden do you not know the rules of Land below Please give me a good Explanation" she said in a melodious voice and a huge suppression came from her well for Eva at least because it was normal mana which pressured me and no matter how pure it is it just won't match mana prime.

"Mother just look at him with < eye>"

"Alright child I shall amuse you

<River of destiny flowing through land of time,

I seek answers from the one before so guide my blind eyes to see see the VEIL


' The hell so chuni don't tell me that I have to chant every time I use spell' while I was disparing my luck Eva's mother out right fainted.

" Mother!! " Eva rushed and caught her mother then laying her in lotus she escorted me to guest room telling me to rest. While I was resting I didn't know what storm was brewing.

____________________________________________. Yo guys if you have doubt about anything you can ask me in comments