
Journal of Physics and Math for the Aspiring Magician

A book that will guide you into the mysteries of mathematics and physics, teaching from beginner to complex formulas, following the point of view of an aspiring mage from the National Academy of Magic. The author will try to unearth your desire for learning physics, math, and more, while entertaining you with an interesting and compelling story, packed with action and romance. You will follow the ups and downs of the life of a mage who fails, learns, loves and discovers. The purpose of this book is to create a compendium of math and physics, to help spread the incredible knowledge under an entertaining approach. I hope you find embarking on this journey both pleasurable and useful. ... August 25th, 3018 New Common Era. "You have previously been told that the way of creating mana particles is by assimilating with the universe... Your thoughts and wills interact with what has been commonly called dark energy, and the result is the creation of VM particles." I nodded. "Well, that's not exactly right." That sentence alarmed the entire class. Mages improved by understanding more of the world, and therefore they have to follow the scientific method and basic rationality, liking it or not. Believing in a false theory should not actually yield any significant results as far as magic goes... It's impossible to believe we had been seeing things wrongly this entire time. And worse, it could disrupt the foundations of magic that we had built over time. The professor patiently waited for the class to calm down before resuming. "That is indeed how you create mana particles, there's nothing wrong about that. However, VM particles are NOT the only type of particle that can be produced from dark energy interactions." ""Wha-!?"" "How is that even-?" A ruckus exploded once again. I could feel my naturally producing virtual particles flickering in and out of existence, as I lost control of their production. I reckon my reaction should have been one of the strongest in the class, given my degree of faith in that particular professor. The majority would only believe a disruptive theory when they saw it with their own eyes, as a protective measure against falsehoods and... side effects like mine. I temporarily stopped my unstable radiation of mana and focused on the issue at hand. The woman continued: "There are, in fact, different ways of reaching the same place. In this case, different thoughts and wills that can interact with dark energy. The ancients called it the different Daos." Some quick assumptions revealed the logic in her words. Things were starting to get acceptable, magic-wise. "That also means... that there are other ways of creating worldly interactions that would otherwise look like magic, but that aren't actually magic. At least not how we know it." Wait a second... "...And yet, the general populace call it magic none the wise." My VM particles started to quickly flicker and shimmer. "In fact, the history books call it magic, too. However, there have been many of names for this sort of... miracle. Among them..." I broke out in cold sweat. "Divine Intervention, Power of Faith, Sword Intent, Bloodlust, Killing Intent, Fear of Death..." A tense atmosphere pervailed the room. "...Those are all proven states of will that can interact with dark energy. And each and every one of their interactions differ from one another, even if just slightly." I felt my connection to magic being cut off in that moment. "You have all committed a grave mistake. To assume that our 'Path' was the only one that led to knowledge and power is to discard the very first lesson I gave you." I gulped dry. I couldn't help but feel very vulnerable at that moment, especially because her words were correct in their entirety. "In this class, I will teach you about the other paths to power. And teach you how to defend yourselves against them, so this sort of thing does not happen twice. Follow me to the practice field!"

Renegade_Universal · Fantasi
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29 Chs

New School Year

Are you wondering why I was considered when I had such bland affinities? The answer is hidden a bit further than it might sound, so beware.


One year later, June 27th, 3016NCE.

My plan was to study hard this year and then go to study magic at the Academy, but...

It's been more than a year, but no one came to talk to me yet. Did I fail their test? 

I checked my phone, but my conversation with Mr. Jacob was gone like it never existed.


Next week is the deadline to pay next semester's school tuition. I don't think I can convince my mom to postpone it any further...

Maybe I should tell her I'll go study in a public school, in case I don't get chosen?


Sol1 5th, 3016NCE.

I had a fight with my parents. I insisted that they didn't pay the tuition for the Basic Cycle of Higher Education, but when they asked why, I couldn't answer. Every student who still wasn't sure of what they wanted to do with their lives enrolled in the Basic Cycle, it was known as the best way of figuring yourself out. Everyone did that, even if they had no money, for they had 100% discounts for those kids on worse economic situations.

No one would decline doing the Basic Cycle. Naturally, my parents thought I was into something bad, or illegal, when I asked them to wait. I managed to convince them for a while, but I was afraid they were going to put me through a detention center or something, so I just gave up.

I didn't tell them about the Academy of Magic, though. I haven't told anyone.

I was starting to wonder if I had hallucinated all of that.


July 16th, 3016NCE.

The new school year started again today. I didn't attend.

I decided that if no news came until midnight, I would give up on being a mage. 

I think I'll also make things official with Anna... wish me luck!


July 28th, 3016NCE.

Leaf's Saturday didn't start that well. He had to take care of his drunk girlfriend, Anna, through most of the previous night. She participated in a freshman party for her ellected course, architectural studies, and had invited him to go together.

Leaf was surprised at the amount of people who had directly gone to Ellected Higher Education. He would have thought there would be more people in doubt of their career. In reality, the proportion of 16 year olds to 17 or older freshmen was very high. It was a signal of the success of the Appraisal system.


By the time he got home, he was exhausted. They had just started dating, so he had to accompany her in whatever adventures she had.

He had just freshed up when he heard the intercom ring. He decided to wait, just in case someone answered it before him, but the absolute silence in the house (excluding the ringing) told him he was alone at home.

He had predicted that outcome, though, since his parents always left for some errand on Saturday mornings. Leaf quickly reached the intercom.


[Is this the Westernham's residence?] A woman asked.

"Who wants to know?"

[The Institution of Developed Education.]

Leaf's jaw hit the floor at that. 

"P-please come right up."

[Thank you.]


"Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god. No way... Could it be that... they came for me?" Leaf was absolutely ecstatic as he waited for the woman to arrive.

Such visits from the Institue weren't common at all. Unlike institutions of higher education such as the university Anna had enrolled in, the IDE was a government-led organization, one of the Secretariats. Their agents were extremly capable (rich) high-ranked officials, each and every one of them.

After what felt like an eternity, someone rang the bell.

Leaf rushed to open the door, and quickly invited the woman inside.

The woman was impressively young, on her early twenties, and her most distinct feature was clearly her face, adorned with a long and wavy hazelnut brown hair, two bright blue eyes that exuded confidence and indifference, and pale lips.

She was dressed in a casual, albeit elegant, woman's suit: trousers, a light blazer and a refined blouse. Unlike the Institution's all-black formal style, her clothes were somewhere between a navy blue and indigo, with the exception of her blouse, which was a whitish-beige.

She clearly knew how to present herself, like someone had taught her from a young age. Her striking presence was worthy of a noble title, much like her beautiful features. 

Leaf was about to say something when he was paralyzed with her beauty. Even without make-up she could rival any celebrity he had seen on TV. He had no doubt she was a big-shot herself.

'She is definitely a mage.' He thought despite having little evidence.

She stepped inside, and it was enough time for him to recompose himself. 

"Welcome to the Westernham's. Would you like some water or... or something to eat, perhaps?" He asked as he closed the door.

She decreased her imperceptible frown, somewhat amused by Leaf's antics.

"I'm good, thank you. You are Leaf Westerham, yes?" Her voice was cold and her attitude business-like.

"That's me." He nodded.

"That makes things easier." She turned to him and cut to the chase: "My name is Isabel Piëch, and I come on behalf of the National Academy of Magic. Leaf Westernham, you are hereby officially invited to the National Academy of Magic, Campus Arsheiz, to start your studies. Your Adhesion Ceremony is scheduled for the 2nd of August, in two days, so you must report to the principal before then."

Leaf's eyes opened wide, and he could feel a little like crying. He wasn't crazy! He had really talked to a mage in a cafe! And he was accepted by the Academy of Magic! It was a dream come true!

"Since your admission was a little unconventional, I was tasked with offering a ride to Arsheiz for you and your family. Unless you have a way of getting there on your own, we are leaving now."

It took him a second to understand her words.

"Wait, wait a second-"

"Almost forgot, yes, the Academy will assign grants so that you and your family don't have to spend a penny with home moving. You don't have to worry about a thing."

"Oh, that's nice. But wait, that's not the point! We have to leave now? I don't even know if my parents are going to want to come with me! And... and... There won't be tuition costs, right?"

"There are no tuition costs, of course. Everything you need is provided by the government, including an allowance. As for your parents... I'm afraid that they are obligated to follow you to Arsheiz, at least until you complete your preliminary studies."

"What do you mean, obligated to follow me?" He had expected the government grants, but her following sentence caught him off guard.

"If they don't, I'm afraid they will have to rescind your offer." Her tone remained unchanged.

"What? Why? What do they have to do with me going to the Academy?!"

She paused for a moment as she was trying to come with an answer.

"It's for their own safety. Being a mage is no safe job, after all. Regardless, it's Academy rules. I don't make them."

"Can you at least wait until they arrive? They should be back any time now."

"...I can." And with that, she chose a spot in a wall, rested her back against it, crossed her arms, and closed her eyes. 

Leaf honestly thought she a weird woman. She went straight to sleeping!

"Are you tired? You can take a seat anywhere you want. The couch is pretty good."

"I'm fine, thank you."



Leaf took some time to process things. When he eventually looked at her, he could see the veins on her forehead twitching from time to time, almost as if she were putting some kind of mental effort.

"Uh... What are you doing?"

Isabel was startled by his voice. It seems like she went a bit too deep in her concentration this time.


"Are you practicing magic?"

She didn't want to answer the kid. She really didn't. But the feeling of his eyes on her face was bothering her, so she gritted her teeth and answered:


"Are you sure you don't want anything to drink or to eat?"



Leaf then thought of something.

"Where is Mr Jacob? Why wasn't he the one coming here today?"

"..." She didn't answer.

"Is it a secret?"

"No." She took a deep breath. "He can't leave his post so they sent me in his place."

"I see..."

Leaf returned to his thoughts. As a sudden realization dawned on him, he yelled:

"Oh, no! What about Anna?!"

A little intrigued, Isabel forced herself to ask:

"Who's Anna?"

"My girlfriend! Damn, and I just started dating, too! I suppose there is no way to bring her with me, right?"


"Can I tell her I'm going to the Academy? And can I tell my other friends?"

"I would advise against it."


"Same reason your parents have to come with you."

"I see..." He got depressed thinking about his colleagues. "I won't be able to see them, maybe ever again..."

"What are you saying? Of course you can. There are vacation periods in the Academy, as well as visiting areas." She didn't specify that those areas were only for the high-ranking members of the government and society. 

"Really?! That's good. I should let them know I won't be coming to school anymore, then. Ah, but first, my parents."

And with that, Leaf again fell silent, contemplating over the myriad of things he heard, and wondering about his future in the mystical Academy.