

Well, guys this is the place where I try to brief you on the MC's personality and what type of adventure he will have. But I won't so just enter and if you managed bear with the annoying personality of the MC you deserve a medal and a entertaining story.

Rank1Cloud · Fantasi
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4 Chs

Roses are Red, My favorite Shoes are Nike, Why Does The 1st Person I Find Is A Trump Look-alike?!

The Bearded One was almost bursting with rage at the crazy that stood before him.

'This bastard is really shitty! Why had I to lose that bet with The Baby Faced One...'

He looked at the bastard as it seemed that he was having some kind of weird ass delusion with his fist and at some point he heard, "Ladies before you decide its best if we let Fist-chan finish what she started alright?!" Then he saw Crete move his fist like it was them that agreed with him.

He looked at the mist boy and begin to talk right when he saw the bastard preparing his fist once again. "I swear you mist bastard if you even tried to land another fist on me I swear that I will do everything in my power to reincarnate you a worm that will be infinitely fed to birds and turn to shit then sprout in a weed that is pissed constantly than eaten by a pig, which is eaten by a human which then shits you turning you into a worm once again."

Crete was flabbergasted at the manners of this bearded guy. First he appears out of the blue, then becomes angry when I try to use my self-preservation instincts and then like a dement old man begins to launch curses after curses like a sailor. He slowly approaches the bearded one that now is more like Red Face Bearded One and begins to search his 'pockets'. He then seemed to find something in his 'pocket' and says, "Red Face Bearded One please watch your age. I don't want to be blame for your death. Here some lollipop so you can calm down."

The Bearded One looked at the hand of Crete and like a reflex he reached his hand forward. When he was about to reached it, Crete evade the hand and shouted, "SIKE! Who is the dumb bastard now, you Red Face Monkey.... Bearded One?!"

The Bearded one... The Red Face Bearded One froze. 4th Dimension like 'Error 404' shit. His all-powerful soul broke as he stared blankly in front of him.

Like a slow-ass reboot, he finally unfroze and shouted, "ENOUGH!"

Crete felt the space solidify and couldn't move. 'Shit! It seems that I exaggerated a little bit!'

The Red Face Bearded One looked viciously at the bastard standing there with a look of piety and said, "Eheeee... You think that you are so funny?"

Crete nodded but because of the solid space his head only bobbed down a little. But that didn't escape the analytical eye of the mighty entity.


The shout made the whole room tremble. Even at some points cracks appeared in the wall, showing nothing but complete void. Now, only in this moment was Crete really scared and fearful for his life.

"You, stinky and sort of bitch tiny bastard think that you are so funny, how about being able to tell jokes for all eternity, uhn? And bad ones at that... I know! You bastard listen, I finally have chosen your punishm... your reward for the blah blah of your life blah blah. You shall be reincarnated in a fantasy world which it may be considered where all the fantasy dimensions are connected to. You will be able to grow stronger at a rate never seen before like in those RPG games with Exp and all but only if you make someone laugh and feel joy at your jokes."

The Red Face Bearded One stood there with its arms crossed like is plan and judgement were the evilest and fantastic of plans. Meanwhile Crete was only thinking one thing, 'WTF?! Just that?'

A portal appeared behind Crete and when he thought that the portal would swallow sending him to his new life and all sorts of fantastical adventures, he saw the mighty entity move his leg backwards and shout, "I forgot to say. Everything you say will be your so 'funny' speeches, you will never be able to have normal talks without having your so 'funny' sentences making their way there. So enjoy your crippling life, you annoying bastard!"

Then like the final shot of the penalties in the League of Champions Final, The Red Face Bearded One kicked the handsome... now not so handsome face of Crete propelling his entire self into the portal.


Meanwhile, in a very busy street in Lorstein[U1] [U2] , the capital city of Bright Kingdom. In a very particular alley called the 'Alley of those who Search' a conspicuous portal appeared. Crete like a cannon ball was launched out of the portal and the first thing that appeared in front of his eyes was a rapid approaching wall.

He didn't even have the time to raise is already free limbs to protect himself. He rocked against the opposite wall of the portal.

Although the alley was mostly deserted there were still some homeless and some crackheads there who for a second were astonished at the appearance of something mystical like a portal but as the dust settled and they saw that the portal had vanished they quickly attributed that appearance of the portal to one of their common hallucinations.

Before they could return to their 'businesses' they heard a pained and angry voice, "Fucking bastard! I already know why he was alone, not even his wife neither his daughters wanted a man with a stingy personality. If you ever do that again I say just better call your wife and daughter at least I could have them 'beat' more gently!"

The homeless man looked at each other wondering who the hell was wall-loving man was talking to. Perhaps he was talking to the wall? They didn't care since most of them either spoke to their empty bottles trying to bargain with them for their magical refill or with themselves like a mental journal, just only for the mentally insane.

Crete was hugging his aching head, grumbling how he would have his revenge on the Red Bearded tunic lover. While he was grumbling, he began to hear some approaching footsteps. He looked over his shoulder and saw a man with a face so orange that he would give Trump a run for his money on Halloween Pumpkin Best Impressions!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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