
Jokers Work

hope you read it and enjoy it

Mazuku_Lee · Seni bela diri
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Jokers Work

"Finally, it's my first day of high school and they even gave me this star pin" said Nata while entering the school gate. The scene shows many students trying to recruit freshmen into their clubs. "Hey freshman, handover your star pin to me." said a sophomore throwing the freshman to the ground. "But I can't, the school gave it to me." said the freshman. while clenching the pin. "Handed over before I incinerate you." said the sophomore, making fire come out of his hand. "I should help that student but it's better that I don't get involved it might get hard for me, and it was already hard enough to choose a power at the end I had to go with the power of making other powers unaffected, well time to-" Was saying Nata when (Fuuush) the ace of the school, walked by she had long white hair, tall, and gray white eyes. She walked over to the sophomore. Everybody crowded around and push Nata within the crowd. "What the!!" exclaimed Nata while being pushed around "handover those pins you stowed." said Misato, while extending her hand. "Ha! Do you really think I'm going to hand it ove-", without letting him finish his sentence in a blink of an eye she was punching him into the ground, taking the pins from him. "Damn, you said the sophomore, getting all his strength and in putting it in one hit in one big ball of fire and throws it. At that same time, the crowd was pushing nata around and ended up pushing him into the crossfire. "Oh no!" said Nata. While the fireball gets closer nata extends his hand, and everybody in the crowd covers and Masato the Ace's looks back. Everything turns dark (screen turns white).… ssssssss, smoke is coming out of Natas hand everything turns back to normal. Everybody was surprised "where did the fall ball fire go?" said one freshman. "It was Misato It was probably her." said another freshman. "She is so strong" said a girl freshman. they all crowded around Misato, "well that's good that nobody noticed it was me well I'm going to be late for class got to run to class." said Nata while running inside the school entrance, "But it wasn't me." said Misato, looking up and seeing Nata running away.

Nata enters the classroom and takes his seat. "That was close, I was almost late for the first day of school." said Nata. in that moment walks in Hisoka. (a popular guy because of his looks) Immediately a crowd of girls went around him. "Ladies, ladies, one by one I'm not going nowhere" said Hisoka looking at the crowd. Nata looks up and sees the commotion. "Well, I guess there is will always be a popular person." said Nata looking at Hisoka. In that moment Hisoka looks at Nata and both made eye contact. "One moment ladies." said Hisoka, while leaving the crowd and walking towards Nata. "Hello, my name is Hisoka Shuna, and you are?" said Hisoka looking at Nata, "oh, I am Nata Akita." said Nata. "I see well from now on you and I are going to be the bestest of friends" said Hisoka showing a smile, everybody around Nata and Hisoka were surprised. "ok." said Nata. class started, and everybody was presenting themselves and their powers. "I am Hisoka Shuna my powers are ice element." said Hisoka then sitting back down. Then a girl stud-up from her seat that was next to the window. "I am Tanaka, Shion, and my powers are strength." said Tanaka then going back to her seat. "Oh, I guess it's my turn, so not tying his head Natasha stands up and speaks hi I am Nata Akira, and my powers is Telekinesis, but it's not that strong." said Nata after sitting down again. (Suddenly the door opens.) "Oh, sorry I am late" said a girl busting into the classroom breathing heavily. "It's fine we just started introductions and it is your turn." Said the teacher looking down at the attendance book. "OK, my name is Tsunko Naji, It's nice to meet you guys and my power bringing forth lava." said Tsunko with the bright smile. "OK that's all go take a seat." said the teacher. then Tsunko goes to sit down behind Nata. "Hi, my name is Naji, would like to be friend." said to Tsunko. "OK, I would love to be friends." said Nata. Meanwhile, there is a shadow outside the classroom looking straight at Nata, then takes it leave.