
JoJo x MHA: The Star

He typical person, but was forced to follow a certain life. However, one day, he dies from a truck in the suburbs. Before he died, he saved a kid from being hit by the truck, so at least he might go to heaven. The boy is in for a surprise when he instead gets reincarnated into MHA. No harems here

DryComplementary · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
29 Chs

The Exams


(Musutafu/U.A. Entrance Exam Auditorium, Afternoon)

Jotaro entered the U.A High School through a numbered door and began wandering around the hallways until he found the entrance exam auditorium and sat where he was supposed to be seated. Jotaro glanced around to see Izuku, who was a couple of rows behind him. At the stage, Jotaro saw that the 'Voice Hero' Present Mic would be doing the introduction.

"This guy?" Jotaro muttered. "Ugh... I should've brought headphones-"

"Hey again!"

Jotaro heard a whisper to his right - it was Toru Hagakure; she sat next to Jotaro coincidentally, waving to him before concentrating on the stage.

"What's up, UA candidates? Thanks for tunin' into me, your school DJ!" Present Mic thundered. "C'mon, and lemme hear ya!"




"Keeping it mellow, huh? That's fine; I'll skip straight to the main show!"


"Let's talk about how this practical exam is gonna go down, okay?! Are you ready?! YEAH!!"





"Oh my goodness, it's the Voice Hero, Present Mic!" Toru whispered.

"Yeah... he's not my favorite hero, to be honest."

"Really? But he's so cool! Did you know he has a radio show?"

"Yeah, but I don't watch it since I'm into more… tame podcasts," Jotaro replied. 'I probably wouldn't get any sleep if I watched his show.'

"Ah~! Incredibly, all the UA teachers are pro heroes!"

"Huh? I didn't know that."

Jotaro returned his gaze to Present Mic, who was now discussing the practical exam.

"As your application said, today, you rockin' boys and girls will be out there conducting ten‐minute mock battles in super‐hip urban settings!" Present Mic continued. "Gird your loins, my friends! After I drop the mic here, you'll head to your specified battle center; sound good?!"

"Hmm, guess this means they're splitting us up so we can't work with our friends." Jotaro deduced.

"Aw, man! That sucks... oh well." Toru sighed.

Suddenly, sounds came from behind Jotaro that sounded like loud muttering; it would be distracting to most, but Jotaro managed to keep his focus on Present Mic.

"Okay, okay, let's check out your targets! For the exam, there are three types of faux villains in every battle center; therefore, you'll earn points based on their difficulty level, so you kids better choose wisely!" Present Mic recommended. "Your goal in this trial is to use your Quirk to raise your score by shredding these faux villains like a mid‐song guitar solo but make sure you're keep'n things heroic!"

Present Mic then leaned over to look at the students as if they were planning to do something dubious during the practical exam.

"Attacking other examinees is a U.A. no‐no, ya dig?"

"Excuse me, sir, but I have a question!" Said a new voice, some rows behind Jotaro.

Jotaro and Toru looked to where the noise was coming from, and it was none other than the Clark Kent of My Hero Academia - Tenya Iida.

"Hit me!"

"On the printout, you've listed four types of villains, not three," Iida proclaimed. "With all respect, if this is an error on official UA materials, it is shameful!"

"Oh no, he's one of 'those' kinds of students..." Jotaro muttered.

"We are exemplary students!" Iida exclaimed, moving his right hand in a chopping motion. "We expect the best from Japan's most notable school, which denotes a mistake such as unacceptable!"

"Wow, that glasses kid seems kind of too… perfect," Toru remarked quietly.

"He probably went to one of those private schools, you know? The ones where you get etiquette training and stuff."

"They have schools for those…?"

"ADDITIONALLY, YOU WITH THE UNKEMPT HAIR!!" Iida shouted, pointing at Izuku.


"You've been muttering this entire time; stop that!" Iida demanded. "If you can't bother to take this seriously, then leave! You're distracting the rest of us."

"Sorry..." Izuku apologized, deflating into his seat while other examines snickered at him.

"All right, all right, examinee number 7‐1‐1‐1! Thanks for calling in with your request! The fourth villain type is worth zero points, so guy's just an obstacle we'll be throwing in your way." Present Mic answered. "There's one in every battle center; just think of it as a hurdle you should try to avoid; It's not that it can't be beaten, but there's... kinda no point, so I recommend my listeners try to ignore it and focus the ones toppin' the charts!"

"Thank you very much! Please, continue." Iida nodded before sitting back down in his seat.

"That's all I got for you guys! I'll sign off with a little present, a sample of our school motto! As General Napoleon Bonaparte once laid down!"

'Not sure he's a good example, to be honest...'

"A true hero overcomes life's misfortunes! Mm‐hm! Now that's a tasty soundbite!" Present Mic remarked. "Are you ready to go beyond? Let's hear a Plus Ultra! Good luck! Hope you practiced hitting more than just books!"

This was it... finally, it was time for Jotaro to put years of training Star Platinum and his Quirk to the test - starting today, he would go on a path to achieve his lifelong goal of becoming the strongest hero.

"Alright... let's get this over with." Jotaro sighed, getting up to take the written exam.

Beside Jotaro, Toru looked at him, astonished at how relaxed he looked; This was a test to decide if someone were hero material or not, a massive deal in the thoughts of many, but...

'He looks so coolheaded!' Toru remarked. 'Does he know what we're about to face or something?!'


(Musutafu/U.A. Entrance Exam Zone Two, Afternoon)

It might seem unlikely, but Jotaro finished the written exam in record time. While most other kids were stressed throughout the written exam, Jotaro completed it in twenty minutes. Nobody could believe that he finished it that quickly, even the teachers were shocked, but he triumphed over the first trial nonetheless.

"That test was pretty easy, to be honest," Jotaro spoke to himself candidly. "Alright... I think this is the place, zone two."

Jotaro arrived at zone two and watched as examinees clamored to each other about the size of the location they would be tested in.

'How did they manage to get this all to fit in here...'

Most of the examinees were tense - the exam was about deciding if you could become a pro hero, after all. Jotaro, on the other hand, was relatively relaxed since the practical exam appeared pretty straightforward: defeat faux villains, get points, and receive high marks. Jotaro looked around and saw that Izuku was nowhere to be seen; he supposed he had gone to another training ground.

"Hey, it's you! Kujo, right?"

"Uh, yeah?" Jotaro responded, turning around to see Mina right before him with Toru by her side. "CHRIST-"

"I heard you two bumped into each other again~!" Mina exclaimed, looking at Jotaro up and down like before. "Ooo~ even taller and more handsome than last time~! You have good taste in boys, Toru!"

"M-Mina! That's so e-embarrassing!" Toru stuttered, blushing profusely and shaking Mina back and forth. "Stop talking!'

'They must be close friends.' Jotaro supposed, watching their humorous interaction. "So, do you two know when this will start?"

"We dunno! I think it's five minutes or so, though."

"Excuse me." Said a voice from behind Jotaro. "Is this zone two?"

Jotaro turned around to see a kid with a raven for a face, or head, and a human body - Fumikage Tokoyami.

"Yeah, were you lost?"

"No, I was just trying to confirm if I was in the right area."

"Ah, good for you then," Jotaro said. "How long do you think before the exam begins?"

"Hm, good question, but if I recall - it should be right about-


"Now." Jotaro finished, furrowing his brows and looking towards the entrance of the practical exam. "You guys better start running."

"Huh?" Mina, Fumikage, and Toru interjected simultaneously. 'What does he-"

Jotaro immediately leaped past the gate leading into the practical exam; using Star Platinum allowed him to leave most of the examinees behind.

'Good headstart!' Jotaro exclaimed. 'Now, where're those faux villains?'

"Get moving! There are no countdowns in real battles!" Present Mic announced, using his speakers. "Run, run, run, listeners! You're wasting airtime here!"

"Huh? Did he just know when it was time for the exam to begin?!" Mina remarked.

"We're supposed to go early?!" Fumikage exclaimed - students began moving towards the faux villain zone.

"I don't know! Let's not fall behind!" Toru exclaimed, running in the direction where Jotaro left


(Musutafu/U.A. Entrance Exam Zone Two)

Jotaro found robots lining the streets and immediately rushed at them using Star Platinum; he even fused his attacks with his Quirk to quickly dispatch the faux villains.

'I think I have gotten fifteen points from those machines already.' Jotaro recorded - several faux villains then appeared from out of nowhere in front of him. 'I'm having some good luck today, aren't I?'

Star Platinum unleashed a hailstorm of punches at the robots, adding more points to Jotaro's score. Looking around, Jotaro saw that the other examinees were finally catching up and fighting the robots he had left behind.

"I better start finishing them off fast before they get all the good ones," Jotaro said, pulverizing a three-pointer's head with Star Platinum.


(Musutafu/U.A. Entrance Exam Monitor Room)

In a dark room, a series of monitors and screens showed the examinees participating in the practical exam; numerous teachers were watching and evaluating each potential U.A. attendee.

"Clearly, the examinees have no idea how many villains are left or their locations." Principal Nezu explained. "They have limited time, must cover a vast area, and hunt down every last target."

A camera then shows various examinees performing different tactics and strategies to get points - ranging from using their Quirks directly or indirectly to garner points.

"Some use information‐gathering abilities to plan strategies while others rely on speed to pull ahead of their peers." Principal Nezu continued. "Of course, remaining calm under pressure can be a huge advantage - as can pure power and combat ability; however, the most successful students use a combination of all these tactics - that's why they're the ones who rack up the highest scores."

The camera then shows a student with a funny-looking hat who smashes another robot with ease without even using his own hands; Jotaro had them in his pockets.

"Hm, I'd say this year's group looks promising." Said a teacher. "But this one is particularly fascinating; he has over ninety points for fighting robots alone and is currently the examinee in first place."

"Well, there's still plenty of time before it's over since the real test has yet to come." Spoke another teacher, watching as a zero pointer slowly makes its way to the examinees. "Let's see how this one and the others will react..."


(Musutafu/U.A. Entrance Exam Zone Two)

There is a sudden rumbling, and the examinees start murmuring to each other about what was happening - it felt like an earthquake.

"What the hell's going on?!" Jotaro exclaimed.

Suddenly, a bunch of examinees runs past Jotaro, appearing from behind a corner nearby. Jotaro turned to see what was causing the distress, thinking it may have been a larger three-pointer. Instead, he saw a behemoth of a faux villain - the zero-pointer.

"RUN, DUDE!!" Mina screamed, running past Jotaro. "RUN!!"

"That thing's too big to take down!" Fumikage warned.

Jotaro knew he couldn't take down that machine without getting some momentum first; therefore, he heeded their warnings, leaping to the nearest building and continuing from there.

"This is ridiculous...!"


(Musutafu/U.A. Entrance Exam Monitor Room)

"Now, this is where things get interesting; a person's true character is revealed when faced with danger." All Might said, looking at a split screen with Izuku and Jotaro. 'Lemme see what you two are made of!'


(Musutafu/U.A. Entrance Exam Zone Two)

"Less than two minutes remaining!" Present Mic announced.

"Two minutes?" Jotaro remarked before preparing to jump to another building. "Oh well, best make the most of it-"


'Huh? What was that?'

Jotaro turned to see where the noise came from, and it was Toru; she was being crushed by some debris that fell from the collapsed buildings.

"Owww!" Toru groaned; her legs appeared to be stuck underneath from rubble. "Oh no! I'm stuck! Help! Anyone!"

'I feel like there's a joke that goes with that phrase...'

The zero-pointer began slowly making its way towards Toru as its feet knocked around more debris and built up smoke. Jotaro looked at her for a moment before hurrying to her aid, kneeling beside her and ordering his Stand to lift the debris.

"They really should have made precautions for these types of situations."

"Jotaro?! What are you doing here - HEY!!" Toru exclaimed as she was now getting carried bridal-style by Jotaro. "You're touching my thigh, pervert!"

"Calm down and let me help," Jotaro said, leaping to the top of a building nearby, away from the danger.


"No, we just jumped - now, let me see those legs."


Jotaro shook his head and laid her down to check out her legs (for medical purposes). Jotaro observed closely and deduced that they were crushed by debris so severely that she couldn't feel the pain as extensively; she probably won't walk again because of how broken they were.

"I'm gonna have to do something a little… 'wacky' to mend your legs, so... don't hit me, okay?"

"Wait- what do you mean by fix and 'wacky'- WHOA!!" Toru exclaimed; Jotaro placed his hands on her legs to look for her knees, needing to grab them to let his Quirk heal her legs. "This is too much!"

Toru was blushing profusely now, unable to do anything because of how embarrassed she was - only able to cover her face with her invisible hands. However, after several seconds, the wound sealed up completely, and her legs were fixed.

"Alright, cool."

"HUH?! You can heal, too?!"

"Uh-huh, I'm gonna punch that robot, okay?" Jotaro said plainly. "It might crush other examinees if I don't stop it."

Jotaro then crouched his legs and leaped far into the sky toward the zero-pointer.




"I forgot to say thank you…"

In the sky, heading towards the zero-pointer, Jotaro was contemplating his decision; he had too much momentum to stop.

"I SWEAR TO GOD I BETTER HAVE ENOUGH POWER TO DESTROY THIS THING!!" Jotaro yelled, clenching his right fist and breathing, combining his Stand with Hamon.


(Musutafu/U.A. Entrance Exam Monitor Room)

[You Say Run]

"No combat points are rewarded for taking on the humongous villain," All Might muttered, watching a screen with Izuku on it; he was in the sky, preparing to punch the zero-pointer. "But there is... opportunity."

"Hey, what is that kid with the weird hat doing?!" Exclaimed a teacher beside All Might. "Is he also going to…?!"

"Hm?" All Might interjected, checking the other screen that showed Jotaro leaping towards the zero-pointer.

"A chance to shine..." All Might said, surprised, appearing wide-eyed. "To show what you're really made of…!"


As the two soon-to-be heroes' fists collide with the zero-pointers, cracks begin forming down their robotic bodies, starting from the head and moving down to the legs. Explosions suddenly go off, with the two zero-pointers being destroyed simultaneously.

"Oh my god..." All Might said, astonished. "These kids are unbelievable!"


(Musutafu/U.A. Entrance Exam Zone Two)

Jotaro was falling to the ground at an extremely rapid speed; as quickly as he could, Jotaro used Star Platinum to lighten his fall by grabbing onto a building and sliding down its side.

'Slow down! C'mon!' Jotaro internally yelled, sliding down the side of a ruined building until he reached the bottom. 'OOOHH-!!'

There is a jolt before Jotaro finally settles on the side of the building, holding onto a ledge before dropping to the ground safely. 'Jesus...'

Jotaro then looked at his clothing to see that it was utterly shredded - except for his pants and the left side of his torso. Jotaro then heard some running towards him, turning to see Toru, Mina, and Fumikage going towards him; Toru seemed to have something in her hands.

"HOLY CRAP, DUDE, THAT WAS SOME PUNCH!" Mina yelled. "You are pretty strong!"

"That was quite impressive... wait, what was your name again?"

"Ah, I forgot to tell you, I'm Jotaro Kujo."

"Fumikage Tokoyami, nice to meet you."

"You're incredible, Jotaro!" Toru exclaimed; as Jotaro turned to look at her, he noticed that she had his hat in her hands.

'Huh, I didn't even notice that I had lost it.'

Toru notices that Jotaro is looking at his hat and immediately hands it to him.

"Uhm! I came to return this to you; thanks for saving me, by the way, and fixing my legs!"

'He did what?' Fumikage and Mina thought simultaneously.

"No problem, I'll have to repay the favor sometime," Jotaro said, sliding the hat back into his hair.

Looking back and forth from the interaction, Mina grins a bit more widely than last time.

"Ooh, I see how it is~!" Mina said deviously, sashaying like a snake next to Toru; she then whispered something to her friend. "Hey, Toru~ you know his shirt is completely ripped, right~?"




Toru, confused, doesn't realize what Mina is saying until looking at Jotaro for several moments.

"GAAAHHHH!! MIINNAA!!" Toru screamed, shaking her friend back and forth.


Jotaro and Tokoyami watched the interaction to the side, unable to understand what was happening.

'Give me a break/They're so loud..."

"AND THAT'S IT! THE EXAM IS OVER!" Present Mic announced, finalizing the end of the entrance exam.

"Seems the exam is finally over!" Mina said before she grabbed Toru's hand, rushing away from the boys. "C'mon, Toru! Let's see our results!"




"Want a soda?" Jotaro offered.



(Musutafu/Kujo Residence, Late Afternoon)

Jotaro was now on his couch, reading a manga page as usual. Suddenly, his mother, Jorine, comes rushing into the living room with a box in her hands - it had the official U.A. symbol.

"JOTARO~!! YOUR LETTER OF ACCEPTANCE INTO U.A HAS ARRIVED!!" Jorine exclaimed, teary-eyed.

"Mom, the letter being delivered doesn't mean I got in; it just means my results have been posted,"

"Here, son~! Open it so we can see your scores!"

Jotaro slowly opened the box, and immediately, a projection of Shota Aizawa was in front of him.

"OH, IT'S AIZAWA~! He is a lot like you!" Jorine remarked. "Though he looks kind of old and tired now… poor Aizawa didn't age well, and that beard doesn't look trimmed either..."

'I don't... look like this weirdo? Do I?'

"Hello… I'm Shoto Aizawa, I am a teacher in the hero course, and I run Class 1-A." Aizawa said tiredly. "Yawn... I have to make about eight more of these, so let me make this quick: you passed by a great margin."

"My boy is a hero~!"

Jotaro's mother starts hugging him as he continues to listen in on Aizawa's explanation of his results.

"Lay off a little? Please?"

"You received high marks on your written exam, acquiring a perfect score - well done - and a total of ninety points from fighting robots during the practical exam," Aizawa continued. "However, we also must show other factors during the practical exam that have recently been added, so watch this short clip."

The short video is that of Toru Hagakure talking to an interviewer. Jotaro was confused, 'what could she be talking about?'

"Hello! I would like to ask something!" Toru said bubbly. "Uhm, can I give some of my points to the person who rescued me from the zero-pointer?"

"Why would you do that? He has enough to pass already."

"I just wanted to… give something back to him in return!" Toru said with a smile. "He is also kind of cute, y'know?"





"Ha... I'm glad this won't be shown to him, right?"




"So, is that all you wanted to ask...?"

"That was a pretty long pause! Are you sure?!"

The video closes, and Shota Aizawa is shown again on the screen.

"Anyways, good job, kid, you got an additional sixty points because of that good deed," Aizawa said, holding out his hand as instructed by Principal Nezu. "Welcome to your Hero Academia."

The video ends and Jorine stops hugging Jotaro; she's looking at him suspiciously.

"I didn't know you had a girlfriend, Jotaro~!" Jorine said with a smile (refer to Anya Forger from that one time when she studied in Spy x Family). "When were you gonna introduce me~?"




"Yare Yare Daze…"


remake done


fukin finally, my left thumb is dying and my balls have been crushed

Stay tuned for the next chapter

DryComplementarycreators' thoughts