
Undead Kingdom

This is going to be a mini arc for B23 and his team, so about 6-8chapters or so.


Deep inside a temple in Oregon state, Liam could be seen in front of a desk. He had spent his last few weeks planning out how his take over of the world was going to work. He figured that he should start with the Americas first, then move on to Asia using the Bering strait. He would then precede with Europe, then Asia, and finally Africa. He didnt want to take the time to go to Australia or all the small islands, and anyone who was in the poles is probably buried in ice, so no use getting them.

"Oh well, they are just a few people anyway, a few extra zombies or Vampires are nothing." Liam said to himself as he looked through his journal.

Liam wasn't some idiot who just wanted to take over the world, he had a righteous goal. He hated humanity in all forms of its influence, and he wanted to 'fix' it. He decided that it would be most efficient to turn everyone into vampires and zombies that obey his every command. That way he can command there to be no war, no death, no hunger, and no depression. Everyone would have a use, and no one would be different.

He would make race obsolete, he would make genders useless as immortals have no need to reproduce, and he would make all countries one, so there couldn't be any foreign discriminations. Sounds pretty boring, but it would bring peace. What Liam didnt understand was that war and conflict are needed. Nothing can grow without pain, including countries and empires. The victory and loss of various wars throughout our existence is what brought us to this point, otherwise we would be nothing but hairless apes with no sense of technology. Not that that would be particularly bad compared to modern day humans.

"Now, I wonder how I should deal with the sun?" Liam asked himself. He couldn't build an empire across the Earth if they could all die if they touched sunlight.

"Hmm, maybe this? No wait! There was something on this written on the walls. How did I forget about that?" Liam shouted and ran over to one of the corners, where he started to search around on the walls.

Most of the walls in the temple had writing on them, and it was all in some native American language. It took Liam months to find and revive a native American that knew this language in particular, and even longer to learn it, but once he did, he was able to decipher the walls. He hadn't found much use in them other then them describing what the pillarman was. The only different things was the map describing the location of other temples, and what he was looking at right now.

"So these pillarmen were looking for something called the red stone of Aja? If I can find this, then the sun wont be a threat to me or my armies ever again! All I have to do is find it and put it on a mask, then wear it with some blood, and then I'm set! Great! But this damned thing doesn't say where it is." Liam kept talking to himself for a while before he finally noticed a small line at the bottom of the wall, that was extremely inconvenient to read as it was backward and upside-down.

"The red stone of Aja is capable of multiplying hamon users power by many times, and apparently hamon users were its guardian, so I just have to find one and they can help me get the stone! Great, so now I have to find a hamon user. Well then, I guess its time to pay that kid another visit." He said as he made an evil looking smile and thought about Raijin.

"B23! Come here! I have a mission for you." Liam yelled at the temple door.

Seconds later, the door opened to show a very pale and red eyed Yuno from Black Clover. He walked over to Liam and kneeled. "Yes Lord!" He shouted.

B23 and Onaka had been taking their role as commander very seriously, and as such their method of expressing themselves has changed. They show full respect to Liam and await orders like they used to, however now they don't lower themselves like before. They used to view themselves as ants being compared to a mountain when they were in the same room as Liam, however Liam told them that was unbecoming of his commander, and ordered him to have a little more pride.

This made B23's year, and caused him to train both himself and his soldiers a hundred times as hard. In just a few months, under B23's command, an entire military was built up. It couldn't rival any of the larger countries, but it could flatten most of the African armies (No offence to any readers in Africa, but I am basing this off of a few different ranking list of the worlds military that I found, and most of the African countries are very low on all of them.)

On top of this, Liam was actually pretty good at leading a kingdom. There was already a large town built up around the temple consisting of only intelligent zombies and vampires. Over time, a political hierarchy had been established without Liam noticing. It went savage, undead, vampire, vampire lord, immortal, and finally vampire god.

They had come up with this themselves, and implemented it without Liam's permission. The 'Savages' were simply the zombies that were brought back with no intelligent, and were treated as slaves to the other ranks, they were the poor people. The undead were of the highest population and had average human intelligence, the working class. The next level are vampires that were resurrected from human statues. They had higher intelligence and power then the undead, however weren't like the vampire lords. The lower middle class.

The vampire lords were undead that received the mask from Liam, so there were only a thousand of them. They had much higher strength and intelligence then normal vampires, and were much more powerful. These guys are treated like the rich and famous people, however they earned their status by fighting in different situations for Liam, and doing it well. They were the upper middle class. (This makes sense right? Because a zombie already receives a huge boost in strength when compared to a human, and adding a stone mask on top of that should increase it further with the added bonus of super intelligence. Its not canon, but I think it easily could have been.)

The next class is immortal, which is the level B23 is at. It is basically just a vampire lord with dark ripple. The reason it is worthy of its own class is because of the huge boost in every aspect it gives to the user. Before B23 was powerful, but would still be beaten occasionally by other vampires if he didnt use Onaka. However after receiving the dark ripple from Liam, B23 became overpowered in every thing. His strength, speed, endurance, regeneration, and even battle sense became superhuman. He was the upper class-elite. He could now be considered the third most powerful being on the planet, after Liam and Raijin. Freddy was fourth.

The final class is the one made for Liam, vampire god. This is because Liam is literally god in the eyes of those he brought back, so they named hum as such. They didnt understand what his power truly was, but they did understand that nothing in the world could defeat him, especially after his transformation into a pillarman. On top of all of that, he was also the best leader they had ever had, even when compared to the leaders in their human life. He was a king.

Although yes, he did use a royalty system and made himself a king, making a kingdom based off of monarchy, he truly wants to build a great kingdom. He had also succeeded in doing this so far as well. Such as the fact that he didnt bring any one from his kingdom to his battle with Daichi and Raijin. Yes, he brought over a hundred thousand soldiers, but they were only savages that he resurrected on his way to their battle field. He didnt bring anyone from his kingdom to fight them, only to observe.

He had also made sure that no one was over hunting or polluting anything. They used trees and rocks for their houses and nothing else. Not because they didnt know how, but because they didnt need to. They could see in the dark just fine, so they had no need for lights or torches. They were basically immune to cold, so they had no use for fire and stoves. They even had almost infinite stamina and Olympic level speed, so they had no need for vehicles.

They didnt need medicine or soap because they were immune to diseases and illness. The only thing they had to worry about right now was making sure everyone was asleep in a house when the sun rises, and that they had enough statues to feed their population. Liam solved this by making a large bell that was to be rung twice a day at sunrise and sunset, to let everyone know when to hide.

Liam even altered the zombies and vampires with his abilities in order to allow them to have children. This way he could increase his kingdoms population without relying on reviving statues as zombies or vampires. Then he would make vampire horses and send them off with some vampires to collect statues for the town to eat. He was working on a way to alter their genetics again so that they could eat animals and plants instead of relying on a population of statues that couldn't reproduce at the moment.

"B23! I have a very important assignment for you, however this must be carried out with extreme caution, so only you and ten other people can carry it out. Be ready to leave in three days time, keep in mind that you are heading to the middle of Canada, and you are going to be tracking someone from there, so this could take months to complete." Liam stated with a satisfied expression upon seeing the way B23 presented himself.

"Yes Lord! I will have a team ready to go in three days. But may I ask what the purpose of the mission is? Or do you simply wish for us to find the target and leave?" B23 asked.

"I may have found a lead on an artifact that could be rid our kingdom of its weakness to the sun, however I need to find that brown haired kid that I fought after killing the old man. They are the only ones that I think would know the location of the artifact." He said with no hesitation. He had complete trust in B23 as his commander, and had no reason to keep it from him.

"May I ask what the artifact looks like? I might find it on our journey." B23 asked again while n thought.

"It is called the red stone of Aja. It is a transparent red crystal like stone in the shape of a triangle. It shouldn't be to hard to miss."

"So our mission is to go to Canada and track that Raijin and his sister to wherever they are, then get the location of the stone from them. After that we have to find and retrieve the stone correct?" Onaka spoke up and asked to clarify. (B23 told him about them)

"Indeed. If you can find this stone for us, then you may just save our entire kingdom from the tyranny of the sun." Liam said dramatically, getting flashbacks of the one video game he had ever played in his life, and questioning if he should rename himself Harkon.

"Yes sir! We will begin as soon as possible!" Onaka and B23 said in unison.


I know that all that information may seem unnecessary, and that you may think it is unrealistic for them to do that. But, I will remind you that the undead under Liam still have a mentality similar to a human, and humans will use every chance they get to be above other humans. I think that if these undead were real, they would immediately make a similar hierarchy the second they realized the power gaps. Any suggestions on how to improve their kingdom would be great.

Also, this entire fanfiction is now at the length of the first Harry Potter book. So the time that it took you to read this, is equivalent to the time it would take to read Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. Just thought that was something interesting to point out. Thanks for reading.