

Nevermind! False alarm, I can still upload, here's your chapter.


Asami followed the rabbit into the cave and immediately regretted it. She could smell a thick odor of blood that would make anyone squeamish. There was blood all over the walls and the smell was so strong that she could almost see it. Even the rabbit froze when it entered.

Asami and the rabbit stood their frozen for a few moments before Asami decided to ignore the blood and catch the rabbit while it wasn't paying attention. She figured that she should get the rabbit first then run away as fast as she was physically capable of running. However, just as she was about to move to catch the rabbit, she heard something move,


The entire cave shook with the sound of the deep growl from within. It was deep, long and utterly terrifying to both Asami and the rabbit. It was so powerful that the rabbit fainted. Asami couldn't take advantage of that however, as her instincts were telling her to run while her mind and heart were telling her to fight it. Her instincts and bloodlust engaged in a battle for control, but she couldn't move until one of them won.

Moments later he bloodlust won as she made a dumb decision and decided to walk farther into the cave. Now this wasn't because she was dumb, this was because she had an extreme craving for battle, like how although Vegeta isn't really smart, he isn't stupid like Goku. Even then, he still decided to allow cell to reach his perfect form in order to fight him, this is similar to what is happening to Asami right now.

As she walked further into the cave, she saw what was making the noise, and what caused blood to be splattered all over the walls. Near the end of the cave, two creatures could be seen. One of them was a large bear laying in the ground in a pool of its own blood with basically all of its internal organs exposed. The other looked like a bear, but was different. It had its entire face split open with teeth covering either side of it. Its claws were a lot larger then a normal bears and seemed both sharper and more durable, as they looked like knives made of steel.

Asami didn't know what to do, she regretted wanting to fight the beast, but still had her own pride and decided to stand her ground. Seconds later, the beast seemed to sense her, its back fur retracted back into the skin, revealing the bare skin of a bear. Then the flesh started to move around in unnatural ways before creating two lumps of flesh. To Asami's horror, the lumps opened into large blue eyes that stared at her with confusion, curiosity, hunger and a little anger for the women interrupting its meal.

It started to ignore its meal as it turned around slowly and stared at her with its now closed face. The bear seemed more the twice as large as the largest bear she had ever seen, and she could clearly tell it was many times stronger. It took a step forward, hoping to scare her off. She flinched a little, but gave it a determined expression and stood her ground.

'I cant let this thing find Raijin. I don't know what it is but it is obviously at least as strong as Liam, and I'm not sure if Raijin can take it. So I either have to lead it away from the camp and hope it doesn't find him, or I need to find a way to kill it. It seems to be similar to a bear so it cant be that smart, all I have to do is outsmart it then.' Asami thought with a worried expression as she tried to create a plan.

"What the hell are you?" She asked on instinct. The parasytic bear didn't reply.

The bear was finally annoyed enough to attack, and it attacked fast. Fortunately Asami was able to dodge it thanks to her speed and mushin reflexes, however she did get a cut on her face.

She ran out of the cave while being forced to dodge all of the attacks of the bear parasyte (bearasyte?) at the same time. She was getting better at dodging it as she got hit. A perk of being a genius at fighting, she gets better during a fight, she really is the real life equivalent to a Saiyan, but without Ki and zenkai boosts.

She started to dodge the attacks faster and faster with better precision, until eventually she could do it with her eyes closed. By the time she was out of the cave, she was dodging like ultra instinct, but without the aura. She backflipped onto a tree and used hamon to stick to it, before turning to get a proper look at the beast. Before she was in a dark cave, so she couldn't see it in its entirety.

It was big like she had thought, however what she didnt notice was the complete disfigurement compared to a normal bear. Other then the face opening, eyes on its back, and its knife claws, it had many other defining features, such as its weirdly bulky body where she could clearly see its muscles through its fur. Another thing that was pretty weird about it was the fact that it had multiple pears of eyes on it. She had only noticed its normal ones and the ones on its face before. Now she could clearly see that it had four pairs of eyes.

There was one on its head, one on its chest, and one pair on each of its arms. She was able to notice that the shades of its fur were different. Its head was a slightly darker drown compared to its chest and each of its arms were different too. If you haven't guessed yet, this was a bear parasyte that had fused certain parts of itself with other parasytes in order to make up for a weakness.

"What the fuck!" Asami yelled as she still couldn't comprehend what was happening.

"What are you? How the hell are you doing that with your body?" She kept asking questions, but it was more of her asking herself as some twisted comforting method to calm down.

"RAAAAAAAA" The bear started to yell at the top of its lungs with anger.

*Inhale* *exhale* *inhale* *Exhale* The bear started to breath in a pattern for a second before eventually, golden sparks appeared on its claws.

"The fucking bear can use hamon! What the fuck!" Asami felt despair as she tried to comprehend why the parasyte bear thing had hamon ability as well.

The bearasyte looked at her in anger before it grabbed the tree and started to climb.


Meanwhile, Raijin was sitting in his tent somehow glaring at himself even though he doesn't have a mirror. He had finished his training and had decided to come back to the camp and see what Asami was up to, however she hadn't been back for a few hours. Normally it didnt take her this long to hunt, and he was starting to worry.

He would go out and look for her, but he was afraid that, with her weirdly bipolar personality and unstable mood changes, she would take offence to that and start massacring statues. Now, don't think of him as a wimp because of this. He isn't a coward, he simply didnt understand what was going on with Asami's personality at the moment and didnt want to be forced to attack his sister if she started killing everyone. He didnt want to take any risks.

'What the hell should I do? Should I go looking for her and risk her killing everyone because she thinks I don't trust her to do a simple task? Or do I stay here and wait?' Raijin was really trapped between the massacre of hundreds or peace of mind that his sister was okay. Yes, he views these as equal, because he doesn't care about random strangers. Who would? Humans suck.

"Ah, screw it! If a few people drop dead, well that's just because they didnt try hard enough. If they did then they would be awake already, so I don't feel bad. Besides, I'm sure I can convince her not to kill people somehow." He then decided to get up and deal with the consequences later.

He left the tent and started walking around, looking for Asami. Sadly he went into the complete opposite direction.

Far up in the clouds, a golden hand could be seen. It seemed to be pointing upward in a weird way, as if face palming, but without the face.

It then clenched itself into a fist for a second, before it seemed to sigh and started to float down to the Earth. It grew less visible somehow as it got closer, not invisible, just difficult to notice, like the thing that happens to gods in Noragami.

Eventually it was hovering above Raijin and seemed to radiate a slight annoyance. It pointed downward at his head and shot out a golden beam. The second it touched his head, Raijin's eyes glowed for a second as he got a look of confusion on his face. In his mind he was seeing a vision of Asami being attacked by some shadowy figure that seemed to be blurred by the vision. He then felt a strong pull in Asami's direction.

(Don't worry, he is not getting any type of clairvoyance ability. The hand of fate simply showed him a vision, nothing else. I don't want to make him to overpowered yet.)

Raijin then forgot about the vision, when he realized where he was after a few seconds of confusion he felt a strong urge to go south and his instincts were screaming at him for some reason about there being danger, which was weird since that normally didnt happen for him. He wasn't a fighter by nature, he was a musical artist, so although he was pretty good at fighting, it was strange for him to have any form of fighting instincts or danger sense.

Even after the evolution took effect, he didnt develop anything like that. In fact, he had gained a huge boost in his musical ability. Don't get him wrong, he loves the concept of fighting and he likes it himself, but he also understands that there is more to life then fighting and being string in someway. Also he didnt really have that natural talent and fighting spirit that Asami had, or the tremendous will of Daichi, all he was moderately talented at was hamon.

He wanted to know why he was feeling this pool, however Raijin had a strong feeling that Asami was in danger and decided to forget it for now. He used a weaker version of the White Thunder Overdrive and dashed off at normal Mach speed instead of his usual Mach 10. He had learned that if he toned down the speed, he could go farther and he could even turn a few degrees.


Back to Asami, she was now at the top of the tree and barely hanging on with hamon as she screamed curses at the bear. Although she has a strong fighting spirit, she could recognize that this thing was so much stronger then her, that it was pure plot armor that she was able to dodge earlier.

She knew when she couldn't win and decided to just lead it to the top of the tree, then jump off, and hope that it followed her. If it did, she should have a good enough head start to run a decent distance away from the camp and Raijin before it killed her.

But then, Raijin ran past her, then realized she was there, and turned back around.

Raijin ex machina!


I am going to try to focus more on character development from now on, any suggestions on how to do it? You all should know that I'm new and this isn't something I'm very good at, so any suggestions an how to help Raijin have more of a defined character and a more useful one will be much appreciated. As for the others, I already know what will happen with Liam and Asami so no need to worry about them. Thanks for reading.