

This is the Part 2 of Jikirukuto

JZK_SENSEI · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
84 Chs

Scars of Steel and Seeds of Rebellion

The Colosseum echoed with the metallic clang of steel, the scent of sweat and fear hanging heavy in the air. Jikirukuto, the Rust Warrior, danced a deadly ballet against his opponent, a whirlwind of blades flashing in the flickering torchlight. But amidst the chaos, Jikirukuto saw not just a foe, but a victim.

His opponent, once a skilled swordsman, moved with a desperate twitchiness. His breathing, ragged and shallow, spoke of a hidden agony. A rusty gash on his leg, infected and inflamed, pulsed with a sickening luminescence. Jikirukuto knew, with a pang of empathy, that the fight wasn't just against the man, but against the cruel hand of fate dealt by Darktraitor.

He disarmed the swordsman with a swift maneuver, the point of his blade stopping mere inches from the man's throat. Instead of a killing blow, Jikirukuto spoke, his voice calm yet firm. "We are both pawns in a twisted game," he said, "Forced to dance to the tune of a puppeteer who thrives on our suffering."

The man, eyes wide with surprise and exhaustion, looked at Jikirukuto, a flicker of understanding dawning in his clouded gaze. He spoke, his voice hoarse, "You... you understand?"

Jikirukuto nodded. He had seen it all - the fear, the desperation, the manipulation - reflected in the eyes of countless gladiators forced into this brutal spectacle. He knew the true enemy wasn't the man before him, but the unseen darkness pulling the strings.

"We can choose a different path," Jikirukuto continued, his voice low but resolute. "Join me, and together we will break free from this nightmare."

The proposition hung in the air, heavy with the weight of rebellion. The man hesitated, his gaze flitting between the arena floor and Jikirukuto's unwavering eyes. Then, with a deep breath, he spoke, "I... I have nothing left to lose. Show me a way out, and I will fight by your side."

A similar scene unfolded across the arena. The swift archer, her arm mangled and infected by a rusty arrow, listened intently as Jikirukuto spoke of Darktraitor's tyranny. The shadow user, his mind fractured by the dark magic he wielded, found solace in Jikirukuto's offer of unity and purpose.

One by one, the gladiators, broken but not defeated, laid down their weapons. They had been forced into this fight, their skills twisted into instruments of violence. But Jikirukuto offered them a different weapon - not of steel, but of hope, of unity.

In the heart of the Colosseum, a battlefield transformed into a fragile alliance. The air thrummed with a newfound energy, not of bloodlust, but of defiance. The whispers of rebellion spread through the crowd, carried on the wind of change.

Jikirukuto, more than just a warrior, became a symbol. He used his power not just to disarm, but to heal. He soothed the infected wounds with a touch of time, mending not just flesh but also broken spirits. The crowd watched, mesmerized, as the Rust Warrior, once a lone figure, became the heart of a burgeoning revolution.

The seeds of rebellion, planted in fertile ground, began to sprout. The Colosseum, once a symbol of oppression, became a beacon of hope. Jikirukuto, the Rust Warrior, emerged not just as a victor, but as a catalyst, igniting a fire that threatened to consume the very foundations of Darktraitor's reign.