

This is the Part 2 of Jikirukuto

JZK_SENSEI · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
84 Chs

From Flicker to Flame - Alepou's Rekindled Power

Alepou, stripped of her white hair and her magic, felt like a bird with clipped wings. Her once fluid movements were reduced to panicked scrambles, her agility a shadow of its former glory. Dodging attacks was a desperate ballet of near-misses, fueled by sheer adrenaline and the gnawing fear of failure.

She fought like a cornered animal, her attacks a flurry of desperate swipes and kicks. Every blow landed was a minor miracle, every parry a testament to pure human grit. But against Alexandra, empowered by Darktraitor's stolen magic, it felt like a losing battle against a raging storm.

Her breath grew ragged, sweat stinging her eyes. Her muscles burned, screaming for rest. This was no superhero's spectacle; it was a human girl fighting for survival, her movements a desperate echo of the grace that once defined her.

But then, a flicker. In the corner of her vision, she saw it – a whisper of white, a single strand of hair defying the stolen magic, pushing through the darkness like a defiant dandelion seed. Hope, long extinguished, rekindled in her chest.

With a surge of raw determination, Alepou channeled the flicker of her returning power. It was like a spark catching hold of dry tinder, igniting a wildfire within. The white hair, once sparse, erupted in a torrent of silver, crowning her head like a halo of power.

The change was instantaneous. Her body, sluggish moments before, pulsed with renewed energy. Her movements became a blur, a whirlwind of controlled fury. She danced through Alexandra's attacks, a hummingbird amidst a storm, each dodge and counter a testament to her reborn agility.

Her strikes, once weak and desperate, now carried the weight of a thunderclap. She landed a blow on Alexandra's shoulder, the impact sending ripples of shock through the air. The stolen magic around Alexandra flickered, its hold weakening like a dying ember.

Alepou pressed her advantage, a whirlwind of white hair and righteous fury. She was a force of nature unleashed, her movements blurring into a dizzying spectacle. Each punch, each kick, resonated with the echo of returning power.

The crowd, once bored by the mundane struggle of a human against magic, erupted in a frenzy of cheers. They witnessed a miracle – a girl, stripped of her magic, clawing her way back to power, sheer willpower fueled by the embers of her stolen strength.

But Darktraitor, ever the puppet master, wouldn't let his plaything fall so easily. A tendril of shadow, thick and menacing, snaked towards Alepou, aiming to bind her and extinguish the rekindled flame of her magic.

Alepou, sensing the incoming threat, spun, her white hair flowing like a river of moonlight. Her hand, outstretched to intercept the shadow, crackled with raw energy. The impact was a clash of light and darkness, a miniature supernova that sent shockwaves through the arena.

The shadow recoiled, its form flickering like a candle in a hurricane. But Alepou felt the sting of its touch, a cold tendril of fear snaking through her veins. She was stronger, yes, but Darktraitor's magic was relentless, a serpent slithering in the shadows, waiting for the right moment to strike.

As Alepou stood, panting, her white hair glowing like a beacon in the fading light, the question hung heavy in the air: could she hold onto her power, reclaimed through sheer grit and defiance, or would she be consumed by the encroaching darkness? The answer, like the fate of the Colosseum itself, remained precariously balanced on a knife's edge.