

Back when fishes soared through the heavens, tigers laid eggs, trees prophesied, and chickens twerked; the destiny of all creation rested on the shoulders of a young boy, named; Ji Min! Our MC had been chosen by prophecy to become the Omni-Being; a peerless existence who was not only omnipotent but omnipresent and omniscient as well. As the forgotten cornerstone of the very foundation upon which all creation was laid, our MC was able to meet the requirements to be chosen as the herald of the forgotten True Spirit. But as fate would have it, our MC ended up transmigrating into the body of a little kid who had a soup of chronic diseases. So, in a world where the strong ate the weak, drank their blood, and picked their teeth with their victims’ bones, what would become of our dying MC? How will he survive in a world where Qilins are treated as pets and Dragons are made to play catch? A world where overlords grill their meat with tribulation lightning and drink lava?

The_Primal_Scribe · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
94 Chs

The Smiling Buddha Appears Again

"Chaotic Steps!"

Sensei blurted after confirming that the three rodents were now out of the picture.

With his erratic movement, he avoided the first claw strike which slammed into the trees behind him, obliterating everything in sight, and clearing a 50-meter path in its wake.

Sensei frowned slightly at the result of the first claw slash.

Whilst it gave him a mental estimate of the power behind the second inbound claw slash, he was still surprised that the damage could be that much despite all the measures he had taken to weaken it.


"Peak 5-Star Lord Stage! I don't think I can fare any better than the young lord if I was to take on an attack of such scale without the bloodline shadow."

Sensei thought to himself as he a set of chains appeared on the arms of Ji Min's bloodline shadow; it wrapped around its palm in response to Sensei's actions before sending a vicious palm strike toward the claw slash.

"Smiling Buddha!" Sensei blurted as both attacks collided.


A massive explosion blasted through the area, uprooting trees and disintegrating boulders as all the beast carcasses in the area were sent flying into the distance.

Seeing Ji Min nullify their attacks so casually and with a level of strength they had never thought he had, the white rodents stopped in their tracks and stared at him in trepidation mixed with a deep sense of wariness.

"Do you now realize how hopeless your struggles are, or do you still need me to beat some sense into you?" Sensei asked as he slowly walked toward the rodents.

"Your biggest mistake was allowing an important member of your group to run off on its own without proper protection." He continued as he grabbed the two chains in his hand.

"Then it had the audacity to open its disgusting maws and attack my Young Lord; that was its biggest mistake." He added as he rolled out half of their lengths.

"These errors are more than enough to make wipe you all from this forest, but instead, I'm stuck in my Young Lord's body with little to no strength to protect him.

But now that he's asleep, I guess I just have to make do with what's available."

The rodents didn't dare move a muscle as they listened to Sensei speak with an expressionless fury that could only be sensed from his low voice.

With every step Sensei took forward, the white rodents made a subconscious one backward; they trembled, and their furs kept shivering as they began to feel somewhat groggy and light-headed.

"I don't want to hurt you both since I feel you will do a good job serving my Young Lord with those unique bloodline abilities you possess."

Sensei muttered as cracks began to spread out from beneath the rodents.

Some trees bent and creaked until their trunks began to crack; even the leaves in the area had long disintegrated, either from the gravity or the effects of the invisible tranquil poison.

The rodents felt like a massive mountain was bearing down on them as their blood circulation began to slow to a crawl.

"You see, the sheer potential of my Young Lord's future and talent is almost endless, and a place such as this continent will be too little to contain him.

If you swear your allegiance to him now, not only will you two be able to venture and experience a world beyond the confines of this puny forest with him, but it is also certain that you will be able to encounter better opportunities to grow stronger."

Sensei pitched Ji Min to the rodents whose little intelligence seemed to be understanding what he was inkling at.

On one hand; as beasts with unique bloodlines which were evident from their color and ability to control and influence the minds of other rodents, the white rodents thought of refusing Sensei's gesture and fighting to their deaths.

But, on the other hand, the smaller one also understood that their situation was now dire; after all, their bloodline shadows were now flickering like candles amidst strong winds, and it could tell that they were no match for Sensei and the four rodents on his side.

The four rodents on tranquil-poison steroids seemed more than capable of at least keeping one of them at bay whilst Sensei finish off the other.

But before it could assess the current situation a little further and make a decision, the bigger rodent suddenly attacked out of the blue.

The bigger white rodent activated its bloodline ability as several golden runes began to spiral across its body, and moments later, its shadow stabilized as it attempted to launch another sonic attack at Ji Min.

Sensei saw this and simply sighed as he shook his head helplessly.

"As the bigger one, I thought you'd be a little bit smarter than your counterpart, but it seems I need to make an example of you and show you that struggling is useless..." Sensei sighed as he set his gaze on the bigger white rodent.

"Be still!"

He commanded with an outstretched arm, and instantly, the 30-meter gravity area suddenly focused only on the white rodent, causing it to experience a level of pressure that was more than a dozen times heavier than normal.

The bigger white rodent felt its legs give way beneath it as it crashed to the ground and lay there immobilized.

Its bloodline shadow vanished with a puff under the suffocating pressure and poisonous atmosphere as blood began to seep out of its orifices.

"You can do whatever you want, but don't kill him yet.

I will grant him another opportunity to submit afterward, then if he still proves stubborn, I'll let you all feed on his flesh, perhaps his blood will help you guys evolve."

Sensei spoke softly as the four rodents on his side bolted toward the immobile white rodent and began to pummel the living daylight out of it.

Sensei didn't even bother to spare the little rodent another glance and instead kept watching the bigger white rodent get pummelled by its comrades.

In less than two minutes, the bigger rodent succumbed to the onslaught as the golden runes on its body began to dim and fade.

The moment the runes went off, the bigger rodent drew its last breath and died, but the four rodents didn't stop and instead pounced on it, clawing and shredding its body into chunks and bits.

'Unlike this little white rodent who can give them precise commands with its squeaks, it seems I can only give them simple commands. ' Sensei sighed as he returned his gaze to the little white rodent.

The smaller rodent saw its kin fall under the severe onslaught of their comrade and it couldn't help but shiver in fright, wondering how it would feel if their fates were swapped.