

A boy who lived a harsh life gets a second chance at it, In the new world of Geze alongside others from earth. Read the the journey of Liam in this new world.

AlexanderCane · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
4 Chs

Ch 2 Tutorial

Liam woke up in a field with 50 other people.

The others were visibly shocked by their new surroundings, some of them let out ear piercing screams of shock. Some of the more level headed people saw the floating holographic messages in front of them.




The other people started talking about what was happening.

"Hey hey what the hell is going on!" Said bystander A

"Am I dead?" Said bystander B that somewhat calmed down from his screaming fit

"Everyone calm down we have only one minute to prepare ourselves" said calm guy C

"Do you know what's going, where are we!" Yelled by not so calm girl D. Who went from screaming in fear to accusing everyone very fast.

"I.....I don't know" muttered calm guy C

"Then why the fuck are you trying to be a leader huh!" Screamed not so calm girl D

"All I remember is going through this thing called the void"

"Me too"


50 seconds ago in the same field but about 400m away, Liam was looking around the area in shock. He was in this pitch black room just a few seconds ago but now he was in the middle of a field with grass that went up your knees, when he looked around there was a coniferous forest that appeared in the distance.

But his attention was immediately grabbed by what sounded like a pig squealing in the distance, as he looked towards where the noise came from he saw a group of people numbering about 50 in the distance.

Liam didn't want to go towards them, what if they tried to harm him?

Out of nowhere a gaggle of Geese appeared, but these Geese were not normal geese, they were 2 metres tall and did not look as friendly as they did in the real world which was astonishing seeing normal geese are fairly terrifying as it is.

The honking army of geese started closing in and the people tried to hide behind one another trembling in fear. All the confidence they had moments ago had now vanished for most of them.

Liam was confused when he spotted the geese appear out of thin air and then started to freak out, his first thought was to run towards the people for protection because there is usually safety in numbers, they might also act as a distraction, but there were 20 or so big geese in his way.

He focused on the geese and a holographic status appeared next to them

Name: none

Race: Goose LV 1

Hp: 70/70

Str: 10






Skills: Bite LV 1(Str)

When Liam saw these stats the first thing he zoned in on was the Agi: 6 of the Goose which signified, if he remembered correctly, speed and dexterity which meant according to the numbers he was 3 times faster than them.

So, when he saw the menacing geese waddling their way towards him he got the quack out of there pushing through the tall grass.

There was a forest ahead filled with coniferous trees and most importantly NO GEESE. There was a small problem though, there were quite alot of geese blocking his way but there was no need to fear, Liam had a plan.

He remembered once seeing on TV, if there are aggressive animals nearby you can scare them by indimidating them, so Liam gave it a go, he sucked in the all the air he could in to his lungs and


His voice cracked mid roar, the geese quacked mockingly and as if laughing at him.

(Skill obtained through making your audience laugh and have a good time at your performance)

Perform LV 1(cha):

10% more chance to make audience laugh

Liam didn't know whether to be happy or embarrassed at this outcome. He didn't have time to settle his conflict of emotions because he now had to run for his life.

Although he had not managed to intimidate any geese, he successfully made his way into the forest safely because his attempt at a roar definitely did distract them. The quack noises were dissipating, so he looked around just to make sure there were no geese around.

As he stopped paying attention to where his feet stepped, he sliped on some poop and he fell down a deep burrow.

The place was eerily dark and all he could hear was the echoing of multiple droplets. He could see a light up ahead so he started slowly going towards it with his hand guiding him across the wall.

As Liam came closer to the light he saw a new status window appear

Name: John

Race: Angler frog LV 96


Hp 1000/1000

Str: 126

Agi: 132




Cha: 24

Skills: Waterbeam LV 5 Quagmire LV 5

Acrobatics LV 10

As Liam was reading the status window he noticed the light hopping up and down getting closer to him and with each hop the ground trembled. So Liam turned to run and at that moment a drop of water came down from the ceiling which caused a puddle to overflow and ever so gently the small flow of water trickled towards and pushed a few pebbles under his advancing foot.

Sploosh SPLAT

Those were the sounds of defeat for Liam as he slipped over the stone debris and fell face first into a pile of shit. Afterwards it was completely silent yet again.


John the frog, who was twice the height of him, let out a deep bellowed laugh that made the ground shake slightly. Liam didn't know what to do as his brain short circuited.

"Nothing has made me laugh so much in my years here, they mainly all come to fight me" John chuckled as he hopped around and started lighting the torches.

"Here kid it seems you have lived a pretty sheltered life to only be LV 1, huh, you'll probably die at this rate but you have an interesting class a bit similar to what my race normally specialise in. Since you gave me good laugh, I'll show a trick to getting the skill 'Acrobatics' really quick just as a little repayment for not trying to kill me on sight, even though I would have killed you in an instant. See that rope over there, tie it from root to root making sure its tight enough to use as a tight rope and once you've done that, try crossing it. Don't worry if you fall off you'll land in water anyway." John instructed

'I don't really want to fall in the manky water but if I don't do it there is a chance I'll end up like those guys', he thought as he looked over to all the skeleton corpses piled up against the corner of the cave and he also highly doubted that they had died of natural causes.

Liam also wanted to get a useful skill, not like 'Perform' , he also still had his assassin skills but they were not class proficient anymore, so they were basically useless at the moment.

So he set out to get the skill 'Acrobatics' and after 22 painstaking attempts to get across and plunging into the murky water, that Liam now highly expected to be John's toilet due to the smell, he finally got the skill in about roughly 42mins 54secs.


Acrobatics LV 1(Agi):

10% increased chance to not lose your balance

"Great now I won't slip up as much