
Chapter 3

Apparently Bud was single, too, and he didn’t seem to have a special lady. Really, it wouldn’t hurt to keep tabs on him just in case things didn’t work out with Jesse. Not that she was into cheating games or even hedging her bets, but a girl had to be practical. And if anything, he was even better looking and an inch or two taller than Jesse. His blue eyes would melt the polar icecaps if global warming didn’t do it first. He had sandy, wheat-colored hair, just a little shaggy, and a pair of shoulders that barely fit through a standard door. If she’d met him first, things might even be different right now. But she hadn’t and she practiced loving the guy you’re with. Jesse was nice, good looking and an exciting lover. What more could she ask?

Unless it was two such guys. The naughty little voice in the back of her mind came up with the damnedest ideas! I won’t listen. Shut up, you imp. I’m not sure I could handle a ménage! Although it might be fun to try…