
#Jerusalem Prequel:Checkmate

The story tells of a political struggle. Fearing the power of the Flame Lord, the Elders created a political conspiracy to destroy the Lord and the protagonist. Bilet and his brother Kassifa are trying to escape the pursuit of Sitri, the Shadow prince.

Yuji_Zhang · Fantasi
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10 Chs

Chapter Seven: The Endgame

At dusk, the sunset gently shone through the window and fell on the pages of the book. Vassgo was reading books with crescent shaped glasses. Although his eyes were fixed on books, his heart had already wandered away. Vassago closed his book and came to the window. The sunset was setting in the west, and the hillside was shining with gold. If only he could go out and play with his family.

"Bang Bang Bang——"There was a hurried knock on the door of the study. Strangely, it was time for the servants to leave work at this time, and the security guard wouldn't enter Vassago's private area at will. Who was outside the door?

Vassago suspiciously twisted the doorknob and opened the door——Kassifa stood outside the door. "Holy blood, what are you doing here? You scared me.I thought you were a thief, "Vassago said.

"Oh...Sorry,The security guard said I could just go straight to the study to find you,"Kassifa said.

"It's fine.I am glad you're back."

"You know....dad,I have considered for a while.I did go a bit too far before....Do you want to see the sunset? Today's sun is particularly beautiful,"Kassifa explained.

"Of course.I'd like it.Let's go."

Kassifa returned to the office and pondered for a long time. He said that an independent office was empty except for a mountain of documents and uninterrupted phone calls. Kassifa felt inexplicable emptiness. Wasn't working so hard just like being a father? He wanted to prove that I am stronger than my brother. Life should not just be about work.

A piercing alarm suddenly sounded on the peaceful street, and soldiers shuttled through the empty alleys. Billet's rear pursuers were reluctant to part, and now all the police forces in the country were here to deal with him. He was now under siege!

Billet dodged enemies through powerful experience and skills. He hid himself in the sewer where he could easily evade ground tracking. He planned to follow the sewer system and left the kingdom. Now that the enemy had arrived at Flame City through the portal, they must warn their father of their surprise attack.

Billet's heart was pounding and pounding, and he felt the weight of his heart making him gasp for breath. Could his father have already been killed? Was Kassifa still alive? Billet was the only person who could save them.

Billet raised his ears, he heard something moving behind him. The water on the ground vibrated slightly, and the pipes made a noise. The unidentified object was charging at high speed.

The surrounding brightness and temperature instantly decreased. A huge shadow broke through the ground. Its outline was extremely sharp, moving and attacking like a whip. Fast as lightning, it launched 5 attacks in the blink of an eye, and even Billet couldn't see its movements clearly.

If counterattacked directly, Billet was not sure to block every attack with the blade. Billet simply converted the blade into a shield to block it. All attacks of shadows were invalid. It stopped. Billet finally saw clearly that it was Sitri. Sitri retracted the shadow and focused his strength on the claws of his hands. He used the sharp claws of his hands to unleash a torrential force from bottom to top. Billet retracted his shield, forming lines that trapped his hands, while the remaining blades turned into a pool of liquid that covered Sitri's field of view.

With a contemptuous smile, he charged his entire body like a javelin without looking. Billet used up his blade and didn't have time to recover, but was stabbed in his left thigh. The two of them fell and rolled down until a huge drainage outlet resembled a waterfall, and they fell into the water.

Flame Hall faced west and always could see the clearest sunset. Kassifa and her father loved to watch the sunset on the balcony when he was young. Eligor was sitting on the balcony under a parasol, drinking tea.

Vassago opened the balcony door and found Eligor. Eligor stood up, tidied up his clothes, and smiled.

"Good afternoon,Mr.Vassago.I am Eligor.I'm your son's friend."

"Dad, this is Eligor.He happened to be shipping goods into the city today. The customs will be checking for half a day, so I'll take him on a shortcut. He is very grateful and insists on coming to see you once," Kassifa said.

"Hello Eligor, I've heard about you.Thank you for treating my son so well.Please take a seat," Vassago said.

Eligor brought two cups of tea and pulled out the chair. The three of them sat down and talked, watching the sunset.

"Come and taste the tea. I made it myself, healthy and delicious," Billet said.

Kassifa took the lead in drinking tea and chattered.

"Wonderful.It's really good tea." Kassia excitedly praised it.

Vassago also picked up his tea cup and prepared to taste it. He shook the teacup and sniffed the tea."Looks not bad.Let me try," Vassago said.

Eligor's eyes became alert and fierce at this moment, staring intently at Vassago drinking tea. Just as Vassago's lips were about to touch the tea, he suddenly had a fierce face, his pupils dilated, as if he had noticed something shocking. "Eligor,what kind of tea is it!What have you done!"Vassago asked.

"Tea to your death." Eligor snapped his fingers.

The teacup in Vassago's hand vibrated violently, and flames shone everywhere. The tea was boiling, emitting thick smoke.

Immediately after, the tea cup exploded, and a powerful shock wave shattered the glass and railing of the balcony. Vassago disappeared into the sea of flames of the explosion in an instant, his entire body being blown out and crashing into the wall.

"No——what's happening, Eligor? Dad...is he dead? It exploded...the tea..." Kassifa was so scared that his limbs softened and s=he collapsed to the ground. He covered his mouth, unable to believe what was happening before him, and asked in horror what had happened

A calm and cold-blooded face appeared on Eligor's face. He cautiously walked up to the explosion site to check, confirming that Vassago was no longer visible, and then burst out laughing,"Aha, Flame Lord, that's all. I am superior in strategy."

"What's going on? Tell me Eligor,tell me!" Kassifa was close to emotional breakdown, roaring at the top of his lungs.

"You are next." Several carriages carrying goods were parked at Hall. After hearing the explosion, the people on the carriage said to their companions:

"The signal is coming, hurry up and move on."

With a command, groups of shadow soldiers appeared, and they removed a small portal from their respective carriages. The other soldiers picked up their weapons and transformed into ghosts to launch an attack.

The soldiers appeared and disappeared, lurking in the dark corners, hunting and killing the guards. They were unstoppable, breaking down blockhouses and blowing them up. The entire Flame Hall was covered in corpses everywhere.

"It...it works! We did it. General Paimon, can you hear me? We are under an attack! We need your help."

Paimon's virtual image loomed, and the remaining guards saw hope and were overjoyed. But Paimon seemed unaffected by the attack, and his face was very embarrassed."I am sorry.''Paimon shut down the contact.

The soldiers broke through the door of the communication room, their ferocious spirits rubbing against their swords.

"Ahh——" Kassifa discovered the explosion in the bunker and quickly leaned over to check. Inside the Hall, there was a raging fire, and soldiers slaughtered the guards. It was the end of the day!

"Prince Kassifa,you have to come with us...." Before the guard could finish speaking, the bunker behind him also exploded, and flames engulfed Kassifa.

Upon waking up again, Kassifa felt unbearable pain all over his body. Not only because of the explosion, but also because of his stomach pain. He could hardly open his eyes. There was thick black smoke and dust everywhere. Kassifa looked around, as if he was in a corner of the garden under the balcony.

Kassifa remembered Billet at this moment. That was right, Billet could definitely help him, and his father would be saved. But where was he? Anyway, Kassifa must escape.

Although the thick smoke caused extremely poor visibility around, Kassifa tried to walk to the small door based on his memory in the injured situation. Kassifa walked trembling and stumbled over a fragment that had been accidentally blown up. His face fell heavily on the fragment, and he almost cried out in pain, but in time, he covered his mouth with his hand to stop it. He was afraid that the sound would attract the soldiers around him.

"Where are you gonna hide?"It's him! Kassifa's hair stood on end, trembling as Eligor appeared like a ghost from the sea of fire.

"You traitor! How could you do this? I....I trusted you as my family. I will kill you asshole!" Kassifa said.

Kassifa extended his hands, his palms instantly warming up and turning red, and several flames shot out towards Eligor. But Eligor just gently waved his cane and bounced the flames away like feathers

"This is politics,my dear. You are too young to take part. Victory is built on countless corpses," Eligor said, "Check!"

Eligor slammed his cane onto the ground, causing a powerful storm to strike from the point of impact. The crystal skull of the cane sucked in the surrounding light. It emitted a dazzling white glare. A long crack broke out on the ground between the two of them.The crystal emitted a huge laser, instantly squeezed open the surrounding air, tore apart the molecules in the air and headed straight towards Kassifa.

The powerful light covered Kassifa's eyes, and he closed them in fear, waiting for death. But after 2 seconds, he didn't feel anything. Kassifa opened his eyes and Eligor's laser missed him. It was blocked—— Vassago caught the laser with a giant hammer.


"I caught up,boy," Vassago said.

At the critical moment, Vassago woke up from the ruins. The explosion did not completely kill him.

"What? "Eligor said unimaginably. "Damn it, he is still alive."

"Holy blood,you hurt very much!" Kassifa said.

At this moment, Kassifa regained his composure. He carefully observed Vassago. Vassago's right hand was blurry with blood and flesh, and his entire arm was shattered. He only saw a few pieces of meat and a bone that were about to fall off. Vassago's right face was also burnt black, making it difficult to distinguish between eyes and hair.

"Not bad for being a Flame Lord, you can still catch my attack with such injuries," Eligor said. After speaking, Eligor increased his firepower. The laser has doubled in size, releasing energy that makes the Vassago block unsustainable. His hammer cracked like a branch in the laser attack. His left hand, which supported the hammer, continuously sprayed blood from the wound. The poison carried by tea itself also erodes his body and consumes his internal power.

"Stop father, stop! You are going to die...."

Kassifa couldn't help it anymore. He was crying, tears worth stopping. He grabbed Vasagago's sturdy back and prayed over and over again.

"I'm sorry that I'm not a competent father. All I can do is give you love and protection. Go find Billet, you two brothers must live well, live well...."

Kassifa stopped and looked at his father with his eyes filled with tears. Vassago had no pain or fear on his face, only his affectionate smile. Kassifa only heard one last sentence,"I love you."

After the laser broke through the hammer, it triggered intense airflow and explosion. Eligor was instantly knocked back by one meter and fell to the ground. When he stood up again, all he could see was Vassago's body, which had been burned to ashes.

"No, no, no——"Eligor became angry with embarrassment and waved his cane recklessly.

"Sir, Kassifa has runned away."

"Then go and catch him! Never let him run away, neverI will witness his body with my own eyes," Eligor said.

In the midst of the fire, the Shadow Soldiers poured out like a swarm of insects heading towards Kassifa's escape direction. Eligor firmly grasped the cane and stared ahead. The wind flapped the back of his suit like a flying flag. He turned and disappeared into the fire, like a ghost.