
Jeremy Nobody

"So your the CEO of Si tech, I've heard so much about you. A lot of people speak highly of you. I'm Gregory Adams owner and founder of the Adams association. Care to Introduce yourself??" "I'm Jeremy, Jeremy Nobody." "Hmm, that's an interesting name is it a family name??" "No. It's my name. I have no family." ------------ What happens to a child who was abandoned by his birth parents, A child who had to face the struggles of growing up in an orphanage, A child who was later adopted only to face even more struggles and hardships that led him into committing murder, A child who could only survive by living amongst thugs and thiefs. Well I'll tell you what happens he becomes a hollow shell, A dead Man who still lived, A person who just exists because he had to. Even after gaining wealth and power nothing changed his heart was dark and filled with misery Until he encountered the overly optimistic, cheerful and funny Melissa Williams. Will she change his life?? or maybe turn his world upside down?? Find out

Queensis123 · perkotaan
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34 Chs

Chapter 32: The call

Chapter 32: The Call

"Well l guess we're done here." Melissa said as she attempted to stand up.

"You should stay. You can order anything you want. The food here is amazing. And it's not every day a girl gets to sit and have lunch with me. So enjoy this opportunity." Jeremy said with a smirk.

"You flatter yourself Mr Nobody." Melissa said as she sat back on the chair. " And I'm only staying because you said there food is good."

Jeremy looked at Melissa and he smiled once more. He just couldn't help it.

"Your hair."

"What's wrong with it?" Melissa asked.

"It's.. naturally poppy red?"

"Yes it is. Something wrong with it. Or let me guess you hate the colour red."

"No. It's beautiful. It compliments your eyes." Jeremy said staring into Melissa's eyes.

Melissa tried so hard to hide the blush creeping it's way to her cheeks.

"I think your better at flattering yourself."

Jeremy chuckled at her response. But what was more amusing was how red her face was. How adorable. He was absolutely enjoying today's lunch. Best one he had ever had.

And then his phone rang. Caller ID showed Steve. And he wanted to ignore it. But something deep down refused that suggestion. So he answered. And what he heard from the other side wasn't pleasant at all.

The call ended. And he stood up abruptly and asked Lucas who was standing behind he the whole time to get the car. Lucas who noticed the urgency in his bosses voice rushed out immediately. Jeremy grabbed his jacket and without even saying goodbye to Melissa walked out of the restaurant.

Tony who was sitting at the bar area watching Jeremy and Melissa, saw Jeremy all of a sudden standing up and grabbing his jacket to leave after a phone call knew something was wrong. He watched Jeremy walk out of the restaurant. But before he raced after him he went to over to the table were Melissa sat all confused and a little worried.

"Miss Williams, I'm afraid something came up. But you can order what ever you like and when your done my driver will take you home. Have a good day." Tony said. Then raced out of the restaurant so he could still catch up with Jeremy.

When he got outside Jeremy was already entering his car. "Get in." Jeremy shouted and Tony rushed in.

The car drove off really fast.

A little out of breath Tony looked at Jeremy and asked what was going on.

"Steve was in an accident. He called me earlier and all he could say were his breaks weren't working."

Tony sank back in the chair after hearing that. All he could do was hope that Steve was all right.