My name is jeff the killer and I live with the creepypasta Slenderman Jane the killer Ben Laughing Jack Laughing Jill lulu Sally Lazari Homicidal Liu Jason the toymaker Bloody painter and a lot more we have slenderman daughter's and Son Ben drowned Hayley Ariel Slender Summer Slender and Sky Slender My AU do not read if you do not like it
(everyone was up and had breakfast and got ready for the day) Slenderman p.o.v ben Hayley Summer Sky I'm back I said welcome back dad they said I'm going to my room I said okay dad they said..( When Slenderman got into his room Hayley locked the door on him with Paige being in the room with Slenderman) Paige p.o.v Hello Slenderman how are you doing it's been a long time I said PAIGE he yelled the one and only I said when did you get here he asked me I got here yesterday I said the kids have grown up so much I said yeah he said and how are your brother's I asked him they are doing good he said so why are you here for paige he asked me well my mum die yesterday so my uncle moved into her house and I moved out into my old house right next to your woods and come by to see you and my dad and just happened to meet the kids yesterday I said and they are doing really well another then Summer taking things from Sky and Sky trying to kill Summer because of it I said yeah well that Sky for you Slenderman said no one take her things without her trying to kill them it has to me or Hayley or Hoodie to stop her from trying and killing summer all the time Summer take something of Sky Slenderman said wow so this happened all the time I asked him yes all the time or just some time He said wow I said