
Jeff The Killer X Reader

If your under the age of 13 or 18 be warned that this story does contain Smut for you little Jeff simps out there feel free to read this is for you lovely's out there I myself IS a JTK simp so I high wear that as a patch on my banner

20wilbursoot24 · Lainnya
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10 Chs

Chapter 4: Meeting each other without knowing.


This is a reunion of how Jeff, EJ, Masky, Hoodie, and Toby my childhood friends came back together yes I was dating jeff when we were kids I miss him dearly but he won't and I highly recommend he will not remember me if he did it's a 1 out of a million chances that he will me and toby has several disorders and nerve disorders so there's a million out of a million chance that he will recognize me Jack knows what perfume I wear Masky knows I'm insecure like him, and Hoodie cause when I'm calm and collected so for those guys is a million out of a million chances they will recognize me. Jeff on the other hand sits next to me on the public bus and the others sit across from us and my friends I made in the third grade at Addison Elementary School. I have people outside of school soo yes fun.

 we were on a field trip my cp friends came jeff like always sat next to me this time he was my seat partner I sat next to the window looking out of it I stop after a good hour of looking at nature I went onto my phone to play games my phone died an hour later i fell asleep I didn't know that I fell asleep with my head on jeff shoulder. 

(Jeff's pov:)

 I felt someone lay something on my shoulder I look down to see blaze sleeping I had a feeling she didn't know that she put her head on my shoulder for me it's easy to recognize the person you've dated before and their chippers behavior it's cute to see blaze sleep it's a rare chance for me since I never really get to see her sleep it's only when she really and I mean really tired and just out cold it's hard to wake them up so I try to make them more comfortable and put them in my lap before I was Jeff the killer before I knew it I was holding them in my lap I then fell asleep she moved closer to me I then actually smiled at that my head was buried in the back of their neck


~Time skips to 4 hours later~


(Blaze's pov:)

Toby came over since we were there, he had shambles he clank them together waking me and jeff up for me I jump back to my seat I glared at toby. Jeff did not know I had two disorders. F-fuck you t-toby I gave him the finger I vaulted over the seat and left to by followed by jeff.


(Toby pov:)

Toby laughed and ticked a couple of time.


(No one's pov:)

When we got there, I was already off the bus and talking to longtime friends I didn't see for 3 years so we caught up on everything and what we did in our lives their names are Eclipse, Lunar, Sun, and Moon school was going great so far I've had my up's and downs from school so far it's going great it's been 2 years since then im almost 19 I had changed my name from Shadow to Blaze


One day I bumped into jeff on the bus because the bus driver was mean and did not wait for me to find a seat, so I just stood the entire way to school right next to jeff of all places someone yelled my name ???: BLAZE! BLAZE! BLAZE! BLAZE OVER HERE! Blaze: rolled my eyes I walked over to the little group, and we talk and walked the rest of the way to school jeff followed me someone who I knew before I change my name sneered the word shadow for jeff to hear Jeff's eyes widen I punched the person who said the word shadow I broke their jaw they hissed the word fuck you to me. Me and my friends walked onto the campus of the school I went to.


(Blaze's POV)

Jeff was 19 I was 18 Jeff bumped into me and the room that was not being used anymore for school purposes I was in that class room doing my work that I needed to catch up on jeff walked in and he closed and locked the door he then slammed his hand on the desk I was sitting in I jumped cause I didn't expect no one to know where this class room was I looked up and I saw jeff I said in a monotone voice deprived of any emotions: what do you want. Jeff was shocked he walked around my desk to get closer to me he bent down, and he slammed his lips on mine I tried pulling away but instead of pulling away I kissed jeff back because I missed him dearly Jeff held me and kissed me again and again until we both pulled away, he buried his head into my chest. I smiled at jeff kid like behavior.


(Jeff's POV)

I didn't know why I kissed him I just did and I missed the feeling of him being around me I started kissing him again I had picked up one of his legs I started kissing him while grinding against him he moaned into the kiss I started to get hard I pulled away from him as well letting him go I walked out of the class room and back to the mansion I was scolded by Masky when I got there.


(Blaze's POV)

Jeff had pulled away and left the classroom without saying a word I wanted more but that was not going to happen anytime soon I felt more alone than I did before. I wanted to be with jeff more than ever I felt alone, an outcast like I don't belong I have killed a few people in my past when I was Shadow since I change my name schools and houses my mom doesn't utter a word cause she knows it wasn't on purposes I black out and after I've done with my "victims" I come back to my original self and I freak out at what I've done it was one of those "days" again.