
jeff the killer x reader

y/n is 16 and just moved to hernew house next to a forest she never fit in in her school she sat alone and her parents everytime the stars aligned would look at her funny and even people on the street wouldn't make eye contact with her because she had this interest in serial killers , scary stories and just everything that was viewed wrong in society

DaoisthYkZdU · Seram
Peringkat tidak cukup
3 Chs

first day

I woke up at 7:20 to get ready for school ,my new start my new life

I hoped in the shower got dressed

Went down to get breakfast you ate bowl of cheerios and some watermelon 🍉.packed your bag and waited for the bus .

Italics are thoughts

What if people think I'm weird what if I fall or trip and get my outfit messed up what if everyone is mean to me. I was getting lost in my mind until I heard

"Hey kid you getting in?" A man said he had a really croaky voice .I nodded an got in it was really loud inside the bus everyone was talking to their friends ,I was scanning the vehicle for any spear seats " Come sit with me " a girl with a sweet voice said I got closer to the seat slowly and I got interrupted by a boy who pushed me and sat with the girl.

she wasn't talking to me ughh I'm so dumm.

" New?" A boy called out I looked at him waiting to see if he was talking to me I pointed at my self "yes you, here" he tapped a seat next to him so I sit down. He seem very exited probably because it's the first day he had a smile across his face. He extended his hand and said " hi I'm kevin " I shook his hand and introduced my self y/n was all you said before he asked

"what brought you here there's nothing interesting in this town...don't get me wrong I love this town ! I have never left it's just that it doesn't seem like a tourist magnet it just has forest and a small mall"

I-my dad's job was relocated so we had to move.

"Hmmm so what does your father do...if you want to tell me I don't want to invade your privacy" he said while rubbing his neck

Ummm honestly I never asked him so I couldn't say . I smiled and he just kept talking the rest of the way I didn't mind I wasn't good at conversation so I just got to know him a little more.

(Time skip at school)

I was heading to the principal's office to get my schedule and my locker number. She told me I had homeroom first so I made my way to the room number,I knocked on the door and a man in a white cardigan opens the door "oh you must be y/n." uhh yes is this class 1a?(any mha fans?)

"Yes indeed, come in come in" I entered the classroom to be welcomed by a loud "Y/N!!!!" I heard someone say I turned around and saw kevin with the happiest smile on his face

A slight smile appeared on my face

"Okey can you introduce yourself please y/n".

Yes ok so umm where do I start my name is y/n and I'm 16 years young and I used to live in (hometown) until my father's job was relocated so I ended up here I like seri- I stopped myself I wasn't going to mess up. "Thanks you can sit down next to Kevin since it seams you already met"

Time skip way home

I walked to the entrance of the school bilding and I start to reflect on my day

Well I could of gone worse I almost ruined my first impression but I think I got a friend kevin, there was a teacher she was a little annoying and she yelled at me for being late to her class what was her name again? It was miss...miss Quinn yes miss Qui-KILL HER what ? I heard something well I guess it was someone talking .

I walked home I didn't want to take the bus it was too loud and I guess I remember the way it had been three minutes of me walking and thinking about all of my favorite murders and I returned to the real world and realized that I had no idea where I was .......shit! I got to stop daydreaming I said out loud,how am I getting out of this one ughh. I growned and I heard a faint "y/n? Is that you?"

Yesyesyesyesyes it was kevin!!

Yes hi Kevin I kind of got lost I said while rubbing my neck

"Haha ok I can walk you home I know this place as the palm of my hand" he said while posing confidently and it just made me laugh

Won't it be a problem if you get late to your home? I asked

"No way!! My mom and dad work till late and I still got time since my sister's school end an hour from now" .

Oh ok I didn't know you had siblings

"I do I have two little sisters they are twins Hanna and Hailey....and I had no I have a big brother sorry I said had he's still alive he just went the wrong path"

(Remember to vote it really helps and leave any opinions in the comments.jeff is probably appearing in the next chapter or the one after that).