
Jayden King - Rise of The Reegan

A young charming yet mean student bullies a student to his death and suffers consequences he never imagined he would and triggers a curse now he has a destiny, the only path to redeem himself, and the only way to find peace is to follow the path.

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50 Chs

Wanderers of The Forest

Later, in Brigid's chambers "The dead body you say… How will we find it?" Jayden asked.

"You are a werewolf, you can track down a dead body by sniffing it out!" Brigid explained.

"I know that but how are we supposed to know that the dead body we found is of a person who died because of the squealer?" Jayden specified the question.

"You will know once you find it!" She said.

"I don't think we should burden Jayden with all these problems, he already has too much on his plate" Emric suggested even though he knew he wouldn't stop, especially not when it comes to Rose but still he tried.

"Don't worry about me, let's just find a solution and get to it!" Jayden said and left the room.

Emric stared at him with annoyance then turned back to Brigid "Why are kids these days so stubborn?"

"Why will they be called kids then?" Brigid cackled.

Emric tossed his head with disappointment when he heard Brigid again "Are you from another time anyway?" She cackled.

Emric turned around and started walking quietly.

That day Jinx and Patricia started to search for a cure that could pull the squealer out of Rose's body, meanwhile, Jayden and Emric decided to search for the dead body.

"Do you want me to drop you to your home? Your mom might be worried sick!" Emric was suspicious about how Jayden hadn't returned home since the ritual night.

"That won't be necessary." Jayden sighed.

After insisting Emric finally pried him open, and Jayden told him everything that happened between him and his mom.

"What is her name again?" Emric asked.

"Delilah, Delilah King!"

"I think I've heard her name before!" Emric got lost in thinking.

"We can leave it to later because I think we have company," Jayden said.

Jayden saw a bush shaking, he stepped back ready to attack but when he rushed to it a man got out from behind the bush he stumbled down and took his last breath in front of Jayden.

The man had his skin ripped off completely, he had no hair left, no nails on his fingers, his eyes were filled with blackness, and not a single tooth was left in his mouth.

"What in the name of…" Emric's eyes widened, "We need to get it to the sanatorium to examine him"

"Is someone torturing him?" Emric was still confused.

"I think we found the first dead body" Chills ran down Jayden's spine as he shook his head "Let's pick him up!" They carried him.

The weird part was, even though that man had no skin, he wasn't sticky or bleeding, he was dry.

They carried him to the sanatorium and left to catch up with Swan who went out in search for Rose.

Swan thought a lot about how can she track down Rose, because she couldn't find her scent, She had already gone through the woods, but she wasn't there.

She gave a visit to her mom and even she had no idea where she was "I don't know where she is, all I know is… I don't know why but I am not worried about her even though I haven't seen her for many days now" She smiled nervously.

Swan raised an eyebrow "Well… don't worry. I guess?" She shrugged when Diana slammed the door on her face.

"Nice to meet you too!" She yelled in a fun way and left, when she was getting toward the woods she saw Emric and Jayden walking her way.

She nodded with disappointment "Evening is almost near and we haven't found a solution to a single problem, How are we going to get through this?" Jayden almost pouted.

"Hey! I said we will get through this, that means we will get through this" Swan patted him on his shoulder.

She raised her eyes and looked at Emric, he saw tears sparkling in them, she blinked them fast and smiled forcefully.

This was the time Emric realized how badly she was hurting, before now he had no idea that she has feelings for Jayden.

He gasped and Jayden noticed something was going on, Swan nodded while staring at her brother.

"We have found the body, that's a win I guess?" Emric smirked.

Emric handed over the body to Jayden, When Jayden led the way Emric grabbed Swan by her shoulder "I am so proud of you" He kissed her on her head.

She was breaking down inside, not because she couldn't have him but because she knew the light he was obsessed with was not a light but a fire, he'd burn himself if he caught it, and somewhere deep down, he knew that too but still he was chasing it.

She was afraid to watch his heartbreaking, she was afraid if he would break again there may be no healing this time.

Somehow they managed to bring the body to the sanatorium, but unfortunately, Jinx was busy, so they left the body on the stretcher, There were a few more healers in the sanatorium, who took the body inside.

That's when Swan's head started spinning, Before she'd fall Emric caught her.

"Why are you hurting yourself like that? You've already skipped your third meal!" Emric yelled at her.

Jayden was staring her with anger, but then he smiled "I am hungry too!" He knew she will say no if he tells her to eat something so instead, he took her to his favorite cafe.

When Emric entered everyone was staring at him, his personality was drawing everyone's attention toward him he was wearing a white v-neck shirt and a brown leather vest.

He was usually versatile when he picked up outfits but a brown leather vest was his favorite, maybe because he knew it suited him, there were many girls who were staring at him.

He cleared his throat looking around "I think our trio will be a big hit someday, Mr. Weasley!" He whispered.

"I know it will but… they are looking at you, Mr. Potter, not us!" Jayden smiled.

They ordered burgers there, and when they were only halfway through their drinks, they heard a howl.

After their eye contact with each other the trio planned to leave the restaurant "Are you up for some practice buddy?" Emric winked and they started running toward the woods.

The guttering and howls were telling them that there was more than 1 wolf, or there may be too many wolves.

When they reached the middle of the woods they stood sharp, the bushes were shaking around them.

"Take a deep breath, Jade! Wear that anger of yours as your weapon, there are wolves out there planning to hunt down innocents! Wrap yourself in the armor of your rage! Focus!" Emric stepped back.

Jayden did as he was told to do his bones started cracking, he was in pain.

"That cracking bone thinks you are weak! Tell it how strong you are" Emric encouraged him again, Jayden fought his pain, suddenly he could understand what the other wolves wanted to do, their plan was to run for the town and hunt down people.

"This is you! You are not a bad person Jade! Embrace your differences…" Jayden turned earlier this time but only because he accepted himself.

He ran to a wolf and jumped on it, Emric and Swan turned differently, they never felt pain, they jumped too, and they fought wolves but that was no use, Three against so many wolves were not working the way they expected, but they didn't give up.

And when Emric wound up badly just before getting killed they heard a screech, it was Rose, Wolves started falling back, they dropped on the ground and started squirming.