
Jayden King - Rise of The Reegan

A young charming yet mean student bullies a student to his death and suffers consequences he never imagined he would and triggers a curse now he has a destiny, the only path to redeem himself, and the only way to find peace is to follow the path.

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50 Chs

The Third Sin

"You can't leave me alone like that" She extended her hand toward Lucian. And the door where he was going slammed with a loud wind blow.

She thought she could make him realize what he did to her but she didn't know, whatever was happening was happening according to his plan.

He was successful in committing his first two sins, first, he corrupted poor Cithara then when she was completely in love with him, he betrayed her and broke her heart right on her bed!

When he was facing the door he actually was taking the knife out of his pocket.

She lowered her hand believing he'd come back to her, but within the blink of an eye, he turned back throwing a knife at her which landed straight into her arm.

Knowing she can't heal herself, he paced his way out of her house.

She was not only heartbroken but she was devastated and nearly dead, she was imagining all day how he will act when he will get to know about her pregnancy, she hadn't imagined it would go that way in her darkest dreams.

She collapsed on the ground by her bed with her empty eyes stuck on the small table where she had the arrangements to announce her pregnancy and where she kept the meal she prepared for him.

She knew she wouldn't make it so she placed her palm on her belly and started reciting a spell no one knows what it was but her belly started growing faster and within the next few minutes, she felt a terrible labor pain.

They say when a witch uses a pregnancy-boosting spell the pain of labor doubles and she was bearing that pain all alone, in the middle of the jungle she was screaming and crying all alone and no one was around her to comfort her, she even delivered her baby on her own.

She took her baby in her arms and cried with joy, she wanted to experience this for a long time, and now she was finally holding her baby.

But unfortunately, this couldn't last long she knew she was slipping away fast so before she would close her eyes, she bonded her son's life with Lucian, knowing he was immortal she performed her last spell and right after completing her last spell she gasped and as soon as she died a strong blow of force struck Lucian from inside, he felt his body breaking, it was a pain he couldn't bear without screaming helplessly, it was the first time he transformed into a wolf under the full moon.

He unlocked the curse, they say the labor pain is equal to breaking twenty bones at a time, and because of him Cithara suffered twice as much pain so now on every full moon he will break exactly twenty bones, just to be transformed into a wolf, and the worst part was, he would never remember what he did as a wolf.

When Cithara died she shattered like ashes and disappeared into thin air, she took this hard step of bounding her son with the man she now hated only because she knew he'll be left alone in the jungle, so now when Lucian will eat, he will nourish his son, but she had no clue that this also made things worst for their child.

When Lucian woke up the next morning he found himself next to a dead body, with its flesh separated from its bones.

He himself was covered in blood, and when he turned the body he realized it was Marianne.

He killed her and ripped her body into pieces, few of her body parts remained including her head.

He cried louder and realized what he just did to himself.

He decided to kill himself, also the bounding spell between Lucian and his son takes almost 12 hours to activate, So when Lucian slit his wrists his son also felt the pain, but like his father he was immortal too. He just cried at the top of his lungs like a baby usually does.

From time to time he kept attempting ways to kill himself and with his silly attempts his son suffered.

No one knew how he survived alone like that but they say he learned hunting by himself. He also possessed the witch powers he used them to communicate with the ancestors and learned about his past.

He swore he will make his father pay for what he did to his mother.

He fed on raw meat and animals, mostly on wolves and bears, and went into hiding to find a way to break his bounding with his father so he can hunt him down and kill him.

Meanwhile, Lucian moved on after a few years, while he was turned into a wolf he turned many humans into werewolves.

Instead of learning from his mistakes Lucian totally abandoned the path to his redemption and started walking down the dark road, he misused his strength and his appearance, and people started calling him Lycan instead of Lucian.

His victims started making their own pack by turning humans into werewolves, but then the omegas started abandoning the packs and then there was a time when people were scared to even get out of their houses because of the wolves.

When things got out of hands, We! The sons and daughters of the river were sent to Earth! To sober them up! We've taken an oath to protect people from them! Time passed and people almost forgot about the wolves until now! When you were turned by some lousy alpha! Along with a few others! Who had no idea who you are!" Emric sniggered.

"What do you mean by who you are? What am I?" Jayden insisted to know more.

"Give it a rest, my jaws are hurting" He held his jaw with his hand and cracked it pulling it from left to right "Besides you will find out at the right time!" He smiled "Now I need to go! The sun is almost up…" He looked at the orangish line growing in the sky.

"Okay but can I ask just one more question? What does this story have anything to with the Hawkbone?" Jayden asked.

Emric slowly turned back to Jayden "The witch I told you about? Her name was Cithara Hawkbone!"

Jayden was left speechless, Emric started running, and when he was far enough he jumped and transformed into a wolf.

"How come he didn't feel the pain?" Jayden raised an eyebrow with confusion.

He felt good after talking to him, he at least knew that someone is looking after him, and the way he described the 'Sons of River' made him realize there are more than one person who was looking after him, he was not alone in this.

There was one more thing he realized, Hawkbone's arrival means he was not bound to Lucian anymore, but it was just his assumptions, no one knew whether this was the case or not, and he wasn't sure if he should go back to his home but he was relaxed enough to sleep now so that night he star gazed until he fell asleep under a tree.