
Jayden King - Rise of The Reegan

A young charming yet mean student bullies a student to his death and suffers consequences he never imagined he would and triggers a curse now he has a destiny, the only path to redeem himself, and the only way to find peace is to follow the path.

Mayali1512 · Fantasi
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50 Chs

Spreading Darkness

They weren't the only trapped ones, there was another soul, slowly being trapped by something that she couldn't possibly have imagined.

The night Rose bit Jayden, she went back to the graveyard, she was numb and her eyes were empty, as if all her tears have been flushed away.

She had a feeling she will find Hawkbone in the graveyard and she was right, she got close to him and wiped the rest of her wet cheeks.

"You regret sacrificing your loved one for the greater good?" He was standing by a tombstone.

Rose clenched her fists and slowly nodded in denyal.

"Are you afraid to go to your parents?" He asked.

"Why would I be afraid to go to my parents? Oh… You think I am afraid I might hurt them?" Rose smirked "They are the reason why I became a monster in the first place" She lowered her gaze.

"Hush!" He got close to her and hugged her "You are no monster… You are… perfect definition of beauty" He gently rubbed her back.

She was still lost in thoughts when she pulled herself back with excitement "I must say being a vampire is better! I quickly overcome my emotions and fears!" then she turned serious, she thought for a second.

Hawkbone gently pulled her chin up "What is it?"

"What am I to you now?" She looked him in the eyes.

"I am your father now! As you know I gave you a second birth" He had that vicious smile on his face again.

"Show me that you love me Father" She sat in his boots "Teach me to be happy… Teach me to fight…. Teach me to be stronger!" She smiled while her eyes fixed on his face.

He held her with her shoulders and pulled her off the ground "I will but you have to obey me…. Especially when I tell you to go back to your family!" He said.

"Okay!" She agreed and decided to leave right away, but he held her wrist.

"Not now! I said 'When I tell you to go!'" He said.

That night with Rose's rebirth, another thing born within her, thirst for blood, she needed a lot of human blood to stay alive, if this is what you call it, and Hawkbone promised he will help her deal with it.

Rose had to stay low for some time, she couldn't go out in the sunlight, and she needed to control her blood lust, she had to go with Hawkbone now.

He took her through his hideout, his cave in the middle of the woods.

"Why are we here?" She asked when the wall in front of them broke and crumbled.

While she was learning new things about her new life Jayden was watching his friends die in front of his eyes.

He tried pulling them both one by one, but the more he pulled the deeper they get sucked.

"Listen Jayden! Come here" Emric's breath was breaking, he was sweaty and his body was turning white.

Jayden stumbled and fell close to him, he held his hand.

"Listen… save her, save yourself!" Emric was stammering.

"Shush! We came here together and we are getting out of here together" Jayden scolded him.

"Look at me I am already dead" Emric quavered.

Jayden was not ready to give up on him.

"What is that?' Swan was staring at the top of a big boulder across the biggest pond of blood.

When Jayden turned back he saw a shadow of a wolf with glowing eyes.

It was patrolling left to right, right to left.

"Help!" Jayden called out to him.

"It's not here to help you! He's a swapper!" Emric said.

"Can you speak basic? I am new to all this you know!" Jayden prepared himself for a fight, even though he didn't know how to, he held his position when that wolf shadow jumped down and stretched long enough to form a human body, but still, it was a shadow.

"Swapper is the one who swaps shapes and faces! And it only forms the shape of a person who's afraid the most" Emric said.

It got closer and it started a shape swap, first, it turned into Emric, then it turned into Swan, and it jumped a few times until it stopped after turning into Jayden.

"Then we better keep it here or if reaches our town it will die swapping!" Jayden had a smirk on his face, a sarcastic one.

"You are the one it chose to be!" Swan pushed herself to the edge of the pond when she realized she was still stuck.

Pond pulled her deeper until she was buried from her toes to knees, the ground was not wet, but it was still swallowing their bodies alive, it felt as if she was stuck in a dried pile of rocks.

"Be careful!" Jayden told her to stop moving.

"If you want to get out of here! You have to pass the test! The way out is not through force!" Swapper said.

"What kind of test? Tell me! I will do anything!" Jayden begged.

"Explore your secrets! Go to your darkest zone… and you will know what to do!" Swapper whispered, he had Jayden's voice but a lot more deeper and powerful, there was a storm roaring in his voice.

He was circling around Jayden. Jayden tried to concentrate on what the swapper said, but he couldn't make sense of it, he closed his eyes, but right after a minute he opened his eyes back with anger "How am I supposed to concentrate when you are circling around me, sniffing me?" He gritted his teeth.

"Your lack of concentration has nothing to do with my sniffing!" Swapper stepped back.

"Oh did you tell your friends about your dark past? Did you tell them what kind of person you were before?" Swapper stopped walking and now stood straight with his arms folded.

Jayden turned pale, he slightly turned his head back where his friends were looking at him.

He felt chills running down his spine, he clenched his fists, their life depends on him now. Either he open up about his past or he will lose them forever, he was not ready to talk about it but he didn't want to be the reason for 2 more deaths.

Once again the flashes of Felix's death and the scene of his dead body being ripped apart made him frightened inside his brain.