
Jayden King - Rise of The Reegan

A young charming yet mean student bullies a student to his death and suffers consequences he never imagined he would and triggers a curse now he has a destiny, the only path to redeem himself, and the only way to find peace is to follow the path.

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50 Chs

Rising Hatred

That night Rose showed up at her home. Her mom was beyond happy but her father couldn't understand how could she be alive when they saw her dead body with their own eyes.

"It doesn't matter! All that matters is my daughter is back! My beautiful daughter is back!" She hugged her tightly and bawled for hours. That made Rose realize that her mom really loves her.

"Mom! Tell everyone that the dead body you all found was not me! Because I just woke up that night in the grave, no one will believe you if you'll tell this story! God gave me a second chance and I will live it to my fullest" She cried the tears of a crocodile.

And her mother fell into her trap just as she wanted.

So the next day she announced that the girl they buried was someone else, and when the authorities visited the graveyard to check out that grave there was a body of a dead girl just as old as the day Rose died.

It was hard for everyone to swallow it because many people saw her with their own eyes, but some people presumed on their own that Rose was just putting on a show by getting a doll or something so she can catch attention.

That day Jayden first went to school, he made an excuse about not being well.

But he bumped into Rose, she was in the school, he wasn't just afraid about facing her anymore, he was more afraid about what she could do with people.

Rose, who thought Jayden died that night was furious to see him standing unharmed in front of her, she wanted to slit his throat right away but she couldn't she was under strict order from Hawkbone to keep it together.

Somehow she managed to obey him every time he told her to do something, she kept a sharp eye on Jayden all day, staring at him.

Jayden was surprised about how hatred changed her, she was completely a different person, she was nothing like the Rose he loved, she was wearing a bracelet in her hand, the design was telling him it was something ancient, it was silver and had an infinity symbol on it.

Even her appearance was different, she had winged eyeliner applied that she never did before. Her hair was completely silky and straightened, glossy lipstick. A leather choker which also had an infinity symbol on it.

But whatever she was doing she wasn't smooth at it, somewhere a person could see that it is not who she is.

After school she went to the woods, Jayden noticed her stumping toward the woods, he knew who was behind this all, he decided to spy on her.

Until she suspected someone following her. On a spot she stopped walking, she turned back Jayden hid behind a tree.

Then Jayden again peeked and there was no one.

"Where did she go?" He thought and as soon as he turned back, he found her standing right in front of him, she held him by his throat "No wonder I smelled a dog!"

Her grip went tighter and tighter, and her eyes filled with tears.

Jayden's face turned red, but then she left his throat "If I didn't have orders to keep you alive, I would have killed you!" She gritted her teeth and left him behind.

"Listen I…" Jayden had just opened his mouth she turned back and smashed a heavy punch on his nose, which made his nose bleed.

"Stay away from me!" She said and with a speed of a lightning bolt, she disappeared.

Jayden sniffed as he pressed his nostrils, his nose was bleeding, but his pain quickly faded away.

With disappointment, he headed back out of the woods, when he heard a scream.

It came from the school, so he started running, and as soon as he reached the school he saw one of the students standing at the edge of the wall at the rooftop.

It was one of those students who he bullied sometime ago, but the strange thing about that entire situation was, the student who was about to jump down was not in his own control, Jayden clearly saw how emotionless he was, students were crying, and yelling at him to make him stop.

Jayden could reach him to stop him, his speed was faster since he became a werewolf, but he needed a distraction, and he could still not be fast enough to reach him.

He saw Patricia who was also worried, he slipped close to her, he whispered in her ear "I know who you are, and I believe you are not behind this! Make it stop!" He whispered.

"I don't know what you are talking about" She stared at him.

"I saw you killing those snakes! Look! You don't want an innocent to get caught in between supernatural matters do you?" He whispered more politely this time.

"Even if I did anything people will notice here!" She was truly worried.

"Then I guess it's up to me!" He looked up at the student.

"I can't do anything to stop him but… I can slow him down! But you have to be very fast!" She said.

Jayden reached the rooftop in no time, the student had his one foot out of the roof already when he forced his second foot half on the border right then Jayden pulled him back with his hand.

He shook off Jayden's hand from his body and tried getting off the ground in order to jump, he had a strange kind of fire and anger on his face. Jayden pulled him again and grabbed him so tight that he couldn't get away.

Still, he tried to get out of his grip but he couldn't.

"Henry! Look at me!" Jayden yelled.

He stopped struggling, he was heavily breathing he stared at Jayden as his eyebrows started to get back to ease.

"You are alright!" Jayden held Henry's face with his hands.

Henry inhaled and exhaled heavily, his shirt was soaked up in his sweat as he caught back his senses. He was frightened as soon as he realized what he was about to do.

Jayden took Henry back down and out of the school, and students started cheering up for them, shouting Jayden's name.

Jayden took a sigh of relief, but Henry was nervous to see everyone around, Jayden took him to the cafe.

He ordered something for Henry to eat.

After he was satisfied he opened up his mouth.

"You bullied me! Because I am a little bulkier than you! You made fun of me because I wear glasses! But… You saved me today! Why?" Henry was confused, Henry had a little heavy body but not so much but still he was bigger than most of the students, a little chubby, and even then he got so bullied.