
Jayden King - Rise of The Reegan

A young charming yet mean student bullies a student to his death and suffers consequences he never imagined he would and triggers a curse now he has a destiny, the only path to redeem himself, and the only way to find peace is to follow the path.

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50 Chs

I Feel Lost

"I know, every single one of us, is suffering, one is suffering worse than the other one, and we can't even imagine how they are coping with their traumas and everything, which means I am not the only one suffering, and thinking this gives me strength.

I also know, that being a Reegan is not easy, With a great title and position comes great responsibility, and after all the mistakes I've made in the past, accepting this title and being responsible is the only thing that brought peace of mind in my life.

But you know what is the trickiest part for me in this entire story? The place where I felt safe since I opened my eyes, was my mother's arms, they are not here to hide me anymore.

No matter how old I get, I will always need her, and I can't help it.

I still remember when I used to get scared of my nightmares how I felt safe when she hid me in her arms, when I had breakdowns, that was the place where I rebuilt myself.

And now? I am having nightmares more than I've ever had in my life but now when I wake up, she's not around to comfort me, to tell me it was just a nightmare.

Now that I am freaking out because out there is the woman I am in love and she's suffering, she's hurt the most, and when I need strength? I can't hear my mom's voice telling me that it will pass, or telling me that I can do it.

All of a sudden I feel lost, I feel as if I… I am going to lose everything, I'm scared" Jayden closed his eyes when tears slipped down his cheeks.

Emric rubbed his back "It is your examination, I know you will get through this proudly, and I and Swan… we will never leave your side" He said.

"I just want my mom! I want to find her and tell her that she can trust me, that I will listen to her story and I will understand her.

If she's in the dark I will hold her hand to help her get through this as she did when I started to walk, she held my hand so if I lose my balance she could hold me." Jayden's voice was trembling he was holding back his tears, trying not to cry as hard as he could.

When actually he was screaming and crying a river inside, he was barely holding it together with a small stitch that could open and rip him apart any second.

"We will find her, I promise!" Emric said and Swan stood up.

"Wait a minute! Wait a minute…" Swan had something in her mind "Come on guys that is enough resting for today" She said.

"What's in your mind?" Emric suspected Swan had a plan.

"I have a plan, but for this plan… we have to split up!" Swan patted them both on their shoulders.

After planning they agreed to split up, Emric was going to visit the victim's house and Swan was going after Delilah.

"Jade! This is the hardest decision for me to leave you alone right now, but promise me you will come back in one piece!" Swan stared at Jayden straight in his eyes.

"I promise, I will come back in one piece" Jayden smiled, he liked the way they both cared about him, he had no idea the way Swan cared for him was on another level.

She could turn the world upside down when it comes to Jayden, she'd walk on hands If he says, she'd jump down the cliff if it makes him happy.

And then they parted ways, and that's when their real journey began.

Jayden had to wait for the most painful moment when he have to let Rose suffer with all that pain, he hated to watch her die every day but he had to track her, Following screeches was impossible for him because those screeches could only make a person's ears bleed.

In the sanatorium Ryanne finally woke up, his head was spinning, he stepped out of the room and saw Jinx standing by the fence.

It turns out he hadn't left the sanatorium at all, he fainted the day he fed on Jayden's blood and Jinx took him in so he could rest and recover, while everyone thought that he left.

"How long have I been out?" Ryanne squinted.

"Only long enough to miss out on every important detail?" Jinx shrugged with a sarcastic smirk on her face.

Ryanne stared at her with widened eyes.

Meanwhile, Jayden climbed trees, he discovered how perfectly he could swing from branch to branch, he landed on one when he realized he reached the closest tree to the lake, he could see lake water sparkling "How did he fix it?" Jayden was surprised.

Just then Ryanne appeared there from under his nose on the ground, Jayden was so lost in the view but when he looked down he got badly startled "What the…" he lost his balance but quickly grabbed the tree bark.

"Do you think maybe you could… come down so we can talk like civilized people?" Ryanne frowned with his hands in his pockets.

"Never do that again!" Jayden jumped down catching his breath "Listen I am sorry." Before Jayden could say any further Ryanne waved his hand to make him stop.

"I don't know why are you apologizing when that's not even your fault" Ryanne shrugged.

Right after Jayden noticed that Ryanne was also holding an umbrella "Speaking of… why are you holding the umbrella you look ridiculous" Jayden stared at him from head to toe.

"Well… what can I say Jayden? Our mutual love interest has been used against us to pull out our powers.

A mutual love interest who's nowhere to be found still… so you see? I am trying to protect myself from this gorgeous sunlight that makes my skin burn if I try to even put a finger out of the shed! Sad life!" Ryanne shrugged pursing his mouth dramatically.

"Wait what?" Jayden's eyes widened.

"I know you knew already!" Ryanne squinted while staring at him.

"No! I didn't… I… only had doubts…" Jayden shifted his head to the other direction.

"Do you smell blood?" Jayden turned around sniffing.

"Yes, I do! And it is coming from here!" Ryanne rushed toward a bush, when he saw a woman injured resting her back on a tree "There's a woman here and she's alive but unconscious" He called Jayden.

There was a woman of his mom's age, his heart skipped a beat watching her like that.

"Vampire bite marks!" Ryanne saw her neck "Her body is turning pale which could only mean one thing, someone drank an unbelievable amount of her blood… and that might be Rose." Ryanne closed his eyes with disappointment.

"But she didn't kill her! Which means she's fighting and if this is true then she could still be found!" Jayden's eyes widened as if a light of hope returned back in them.