
Jayden King - Rise of The Reegan

A young charming yet mean student bullies a student to his death and suffers consequences he never imagined he would and triggers a curse now he has a destiny, the only path to redeem himself, and the only way to find peace is to follow the path.

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50 Chs

A Sweet Moment

Jayden felt a warm breath touching his face as he slept under the tree. A strange sweet smell made him open his eyes, he tried to peek from his heavy eyelids and as soon as his blurry vision cleared enough for him to see a shadow with blurry features, he saw a beautiful face sparkling under the sunlight passing through leaves on her sleek skin.

He slowly reached her and gently touched her cheek with his thumb, his fingers slowly reached her neck and he held her from under her hair.

He got close enough to feel her breath on his face, her pounding heartbeat was racing faster as if it is calling out to him as if it is dying to get closer.

Her eyelashes landing on her cheek with the slightest smile appearing on her face, she slipped her hand over his cheek gently.

He was lost in the smell of her hair, the warmth of her breath was driving him crazy and they were only a half-inch away from each other "Rose!" He called her name with his light yet gentle voice.

She sniggered, while slowly gliding her finger through his forehead and jaws "As much as I enjoy seeing your perfect face this close to mine…. As good as I feel to let you touch me like that… I am afraid but I must break it to you I am not Rose! I am Swan, daughter of River, I was sent by Brother Emric! To help you through your journey" She yanked.

"What?" Jayden rubbed his eyes, he still couldn't see clearly, after all, he stayed up through most of the night.

After a while Jayden opened his eyes slowly, he felt as if he was being carried on a fast train, but he was on the front, he just saw trees and plants passing by faster, but with heavy eyes, he drifted off again, he just heard a voice of a woman "Sleep… You need rest" She whispered.

An hour later, Jayden finally woke up, he stretched his arms wider in the air and cracked his neck.

Swan who was sitting by his bed watched him with her sparkly hazel eyes until he looked around to examine where he is and how he reached this place.

When he realized he was not alone his eyes met with Swan's eyes. She pulled her white cape from her collar that had a dark blue broach in the middle that had a head of a wolf on it. Her golden hair, so long, only an inch above her thigh was spread all around her back like a cloak made of silk, her round yet deep eyes were perfectly aligned around her broad nose above her beautiful pink lips.

She was carrying a large hunting bow, with curled-up limbs and a quiver hanging to her tiny waist, wrapped in skinny white jeans and a dark blue sleeveless lace top, and dark blue long boots.

He glanced at her appearance squinting and a big yawn encroached on the spectacular sight, making its way out of his mouth.

And the only thing that woke him up was the meeting of his eyes to the quiver hanging from her waist "Is that?…" He thought for a second and he inhaled a big amount of air all at once "Are you an archer?" His joy could easily be seen in his eyes.

"No?" She was confused and thought "Why would he think that?" Until she realized there was a bow hanging to her back "Oh!! This is for you! Brother Emric asked our finest craftsman to craft it for you" She took the bow in her hand and extended it toward Jayden.

"For me?" Jayden blinked his eyes faster, he was smiling like a child "Thank you so much" He gently slipped his fingers all over the bow.

"It is our tradition, when we welcome a new wolf in our outskirts we gift them something close to their heart!" She sat beside Jayden "And I prefer these" She pulled out Javelins from under her cape.

She stepped back and swung them smoothly, Jayden's jaws dropped at her swish movements "Everyone is waiting for you" She pressed the center of her Javelin and it shrunk into a small metal she struck her wrist with that metal and it wrapped around her wrist like a bangle.

Now that she left the room, Jayden examined the entire room, it wasn't such a fancy place but still, it was unique and beautiful, there was a bed where he was lying, and at the front was a window with beige-colored curtains hanging over it. And at the right was a cupboard and beside that cupboard was the door to the bathroom and on the left of the bed was the door to enter and leave the room.

As soon as he freshened up he headed straight out of that room. Right in front of that room was a balcony going all the way to his right to round stairs going down which would lead a person to the main hallway, where the throne of Alpha lies.

When he climbed down he saw Emric reaching out to him, he greeted him and grabbed him to his father, who was sitting on the throne, with his mouth full of juice and a glass in his hand.

"This is my father! The alpha of the River wolf pack!" As Emric introduced his father without spending a second Jayden bowed down.

Alpha who still had that juice in his mouth, spitted out his juice with a big cackle. Everyone who was in that hall started laughing including Emric.

Jayden's face flushed red with embarrassment, he stood straight pulling his clothes and collar from every angle to make sure if his outfit is alright.

"I am sorry, it's just we are not used to these customs here" The Alpha wiped his mouth with his handkerchief and climbed down his throne and extended his hand toward Jayden to shake hands with him "I am Maverick River! I am not a king or Alpha of the old time! Every wolf is my family! And family doesn't bow to each other" He smiled and by holding him with his arm he took him toward the dining room.