
Jaxon Rhylis - Chronicles of the Stellar Explorer

In the darkness of space, a damaged ship drifts aimlessly after a surprise attack by unknown enemies. Jaxon Rhylis awakens from cryogenic sleep, alone and disoriented, with only the ship’s AI, Nate, for help. Determined to uncover the truth behind the attack, Jaxon embarks on a perilous journey across the solar system. Meanwhile, generals of Nation of Human United from Earth leads a desperate defense on the Moon, uncovering clues that hint at a larger conspiracy involving advanced technology and teleportation. Amidst epic battles and dangerous adventures, Jaxon with allies unravel a mysterious conspiracy orchestrated by enigmatic villains with advanced weaponry and sinister intentions. --- This adventure series becomes increasingly epic with each episode, featuring grandiose battles and formidable villains. As Jaxon delves deeper into the mystery, he faces overwhelming odds and abominable enemies, pushing him to his limits. Step by steps, my goal is to introduce smoothly incredible weapons, battles across solar systems, temporal manipulations, and increasingly powerful villains—the series begins small, with one hero who encounters progressively more significant villains, organizations, and battles. --- Comment on chapters about the story if you love or hate something ! I will be happy to read you and take into account any suggestions.

Olivier_Wah · Sci-fi
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29 Chs

The Old Mining Facility

The lab in Rangar, nestled within the hidden city on Deimos, buzzed with an air of urgency and tension. Jaxon, Paula, and their team gathered around the holographic table, which displayed a detailed map of the city and the surrounding area. Aria Shaw's soldiers had encircled Rangar, making their mission to reach the first server even more perilous.

— We need a plan to get past Shaw's soldiers, — Jaxon said, his eyes scanning the map. — There are multiple patrols and surveillance drones.

Paula glanced at Jaxon, her expression resolute.

— We can't afford to make any noise. We'll use the old maintenance tunnels to slip out of the city. They're less likely to be heavily guarded.

Maya Trent, an experienced engineer with a knack for improvisation, chimed in.

— I've checked the tunnel schematics. They lead to the outskirts of Rangar and bypass most of the patrol routes. But we need to be quick and silent.

Liam Keller, a seasoned security officer with a background in military tactics and hand-to-hand combat, added with a grin, — Quick and silent, two things we're known for. Right, Maya?

Maya rolled her eyes. — Yeah, right after being known for our love of luxury and fine dining.

Jaxon looked around at his team, each member steeling themselves for the dangerous task ahead.

— Alright, everyone, gear up, — Jaxon instructed. — Make sure you have everything you need. We move out in ten minutes.

The team dispersed, each member preparing for the journey. Jaxon and Paula double-checked their equipment. Maya ensured she had all the necessary tools to navigate and manipulate any old machinery they might encounter. Dr. Elias Moore, a scientist specializing in geophysics and subterranean mapping, reviewed the tunnel schematics one last time, his meticulous nature ensuring no detail was overlooked. Nina Valdez, a skilled medic with extensive knowledge of xenobiology, checked her medical supplies, ready for any emergency.

Paula approached Jaxon, her face set with determination.

— We're ready. I've briefed everyone on the route and the importance of staying quiet.

Jaxon gave a final look at the holographic map.

— Let's move out, — he said, his voice firm.

The team gathered at the entrance to the maintenance tunnels. The air was cool and filled with the scent of dust and old metal. The dim lighting cast long shadows, creating an atmosphere of silent anticipation.

— Keep close, stay silent, and watch each other's backs, — Jaxon whispered, his voice barely audible.

With that, they descended into the tunnels, their steps careful and measured to avoid detection. The tunnels, relics from an older era, were dusty and lined with cobwebs, but they provided the cover they needed.

Elias led the way, using his expertise in geophysics to navigate the treacherous underground terrain. His handheld scanner mapped the tunnels in real-time, guiding the team through the labyrinthine passages.

The team moved swiftly, their senses heightened in the oppressive silence. The occasional sound of dripping water or the distant hum of machinery only served to amplify their tension. Each turn and junction brought them closer to the city's outskirts and further from the safety of their base.

— We're almost at the exit, — Elias whispered, pausing at a junction. — A few more meters and we'll be outside the city perimeter.

Paula, leading the rear guard, glanced back and gave a quick nod.

— Everyone stay alert. We don't know what awaits us on the other side.

The team emerged from the tunnels into the cold, barren landscape of Deimos. The stark terrain was a mix of jagged rocks and deep craters, illuminated by the distant light of the Sun. Jaxon scanned the horizon with his binoculars, spotting a few enemy patrols in the distance.

— We need to stay low and move fast, — he instructed. — Our destination is the old mining facility. It's the closest location and should house the first server.

Using the rocky terrain to their advantage, the team moved cautiously, weaving through the shadows and avoiding open areas. The patrols, though numerous, were spread out, leaving gaps that Jaxon's team exploited expertly. Elias provided updates on enemy movements, allowing them to adjust their path as needed.

— Patrol moving west. We have a clear path for the next 200 meters, — Elias's voice echoed through Jaxon's earpiece.

— Let's move, — Jaxon signaled.

After what felt like hours, they reached the old mining facility. The structure was decrepit and abandoned, with rusted equipment and broken machinery scattered around. But it was here that the first server was hidden.

— This place gives me the creeps, — Maya muttered, her eyes scanning the dark interior.

— Stay focused, — Jaxon replied. — Elias, can you locate the server?

Elias's scanners whirred as he analyzed the area.

— Server located. It's deep within the facility. Follow the main corridor and take the third left.

Navigating through the dark, labyrinthine passages of the facility, the team remained on high alert. Every sound echoed ominously, heightening their tension. Finally, they reached a large, reinforced door with a control panel beside it.

— This is it, — Jaxon said, stepping forward. — Elias, override the security.

Elias's interface lit up as he hacked into the control system. The door creaked open, revealing a room filled with ancient technology interspersed with modern servers. The air inside was stale, carrying the scent of dust and old machinery.

Paula and Maya quickly moved to the central console, their fingers flying over the controls.

— We need to activate the server and download the data on-site since we're isolated from the network, — Paula said. — Maya, start the initialization sequence.

Maya focused on the controls, her concentration evident as she worked.

— Initializing now. It's going to take a few minutes.

Jaxon kept his eyes on the door, his blaster at the ready.

— We don't have much time. Shaw's soldiers could find us any moment.

The console beeped, signaling the start of the initialization process. A series of holographic displays flickered to life, casting a soft blue light across the room. Paula and Maya worked in unison, their movements synchronized as they input commands and monitored the progress.

— We're about halfway through the initialization, — Maya reported, her voice steady despite the urgency.

Jaxon glanced at Elias's interface.

— Elias, any signs of movement?

— Scanners show increased activity near the northern perimeter. It appears Shaw's soldiers are closing in, — Elias replied.

Paula's fingers flew over the controls.

— We need more time. Can we speed up the process?

— I'm optimizing the data transfer rate, — Maya said, adjusting the settings. — But we're pushing the system to its limits.

Jaxon's grip tightened on his blaster.

— Do what you can. We'll hold them off if necessary.

Suddenly, the console emitted a harsh beep. Maya's face fell as she scanned the screen.

— We've got a problem. The data download just failed. We need to restart the sequence.

— Restart it, quick! — Jaxon urged, tension in his voice.

As Maya worked frantically to reboot the system, the distant sound of footsteps echoed through the facility. Jaxon signaled for everyone to take cover. They moved silently, hiding behind machinery and crates, their breaths held in anticipation.

The footsteps grew louder, echoing ominously through the facility's cold, metallic corridors. Shaw's soldiers entered the room, their weapons drawn and their eyes sharp. They moved methodically, their boots thudding against the floor, the sound reverberating off the walls. The soldiers' gazes swept over every possible hiding spot, their expressions tense and alert.

Jaxon and his team remained perfectly still, hearts pounding in their chests. The slightest movement could betray their position. Sweat trickled down Jaxon's forehead, his muscles taut with the strain of staying hidden. The air seemed to grow heavier, every second stretching into an eternity as the soldiers methodically searched the room. The creak of machinery and the distant hum of the servers only heightened the suspense.

Each team member held their breath, the tension so thick it was almost tangible. Jaxon could see the determination in the soldiers' eyes, their intent to find any intruders evident in their calculated movements. The minutes dragged on, the oppressive silence amplifying the sound of every footstep and whispered command.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the soldiers moved on, their footsteps gradually fading into the distance. They had found no sign of Jaxon and his team. Jaxon let out a silent breath of relief, his body relaxing slightly as the immediate danger passed. The team exchanged tense, relieved glances, knowing they had narrowly avoided discovery.

— Maya, how's it going? — he whispered.

— Almost there, — Maya replied, her fingers flying over the controls. — Just a few more seconds!

The console beeped again, this time signaling the successful completion of the initialization process.

— We're done! — Maya exclaimed softly. — Data transfer complete!

Jaxon acknowledged with a brief nod, relief evident in his eyes.

— Everyone, fall back! We're leaving!

The team retreated swiftly, moving quickly through the facility's corridors. Elias guided them through the maze-like passages, directing them to the nearest exit.

— There's a secondary tunnel that leads outside. Follow me, — Elias instructed.

They reached the tunnel entrance. The cold air and dim light made the journey feel endless, but they pressed on, driven by the urgency of their mission.

— How much further? — Paula asked, her breath visible in the frigid air.

— We're almost there, — Elias replied. — Just a few more meters.

Finally, they emerged from the tunnel into the desolate landscape of Deimos. The stars above glittered coldly, and the distant Sun cast long shadows across the rocky terrain. Jaxon took a deep breath, the cold air filling his lungs.

— We made it, — he said, relief evident in his voice.

Paula nodded, her eyes scanning the horizon.

— But we're not safe yet. We need to get to our extraction point and upload this data to Nate.

The team moved swiftly across the barren landscape, their steps sure and purposeful. They reached their extraction point, a small outcropping hidden among the rocks where they could safely transmit the data. Maya set up the transmitter, her hands moving with practiced precision.

— Transmitter ready, — she called out. — Initiating data upload now.

The team stood guard, their eyes scanning the horizon for any sign of Shaw's soldiers. The seconds felt like hours as they waited for the upload to complete.

— Upload in progress... — Maya reported, tension clear in her voice.

Suddenly, the transmitter's lights flickered, and the connection was abruptly severed.

— The network's down! — Maya exclaimed, frantically checking the device. — We only managed to transfer part of the data!

— The connection to Rangar is down! — Paula's face grew pale as she checked her device. — The workers' camp... It must have been discovered by Shaw's soldiers!

Jaxon felt a cold dread settle over him.