
Jaune Arc. Knight of the Nine

When the dream no longer needs the dreamer, what happens? Jaune Arc found himself in Remnant after becoming the hero he always wanted to be. But now, he is a nobody in Remnant. What would this poor Knight do? Easy! Be a huntsman like he originally wanted.

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11 Chs

arc 2

A flash of yellow and orange darted across the battlefield as a pair of weapons clashed against each other. 

A staff made of wood clashed with a Warhammer of steel. 

"Not bad," The staff user praised. A pair of blue eyes looked fondly as the owner of the Warhammer panted lightly with her hair sticking to her face due to the sweat she released. 

Seeing that look on his face, Nora Valkyrie's eyes widened as she felt her strength fade. No, her semblance which allowed her to absorb electricity was a versatile one and with her training with her fearless leader, her tank increased in size. Sadly, she can feel her 'tank' deplete rapidly. 

Feeling this, she focused while jumping away to absorb the static electricity in the air. Good, she made enough space to give herself time to prepare until. Sensing something, the berserker raised her Warhammer and barely blocked a projectile. 

'Crossbow bolt?!' Nora's eyes widened. She looked away. 'I can't sense him anymore!' Nora thought as she readied herself. 

She felt it. Something was poking her head. Something sharp...

"I lose!" Nora raised her arms in surrender as Jaune smiled a bit at her antics. 

"Not bad," Jaune said with a smile as he raised his crossbow in the air. "You're getting there." 

"Man, you can be a monster, Fearless leader!" Falling to her butt, the ginger groaned as she tiredly lay on the ground while closing her eyes. 

Missing the way how her fearless leader's eye widened a bit. 

"Well, considering what I told you, it's better to be prepared," Jaune replied. 

The battle of the Imperial City flashed in his mind. 

Many were unprepared and lost their lives. 

Baurus died that day due to his lack of discipline.

He would not let that happen to Nora. 

Storing his Mage's staff back in his soul, the young man stretched and cracked his bones. 

Gazing deep in his soul, the Blonde looked upon his weapons ready to be used. 

Shadowhunt, the bow of the Dark Brotherhood was ready to be drawn, needing 128 shots before being powered up once more. 

Sufferthorn, his elven dagger, was ready to be drawn. While not as powerful as his Blade of Woe, its unique design and lightness complemented his Expertise in the Whispering Claw. 

Perdition's Wrath, a battleaxe he got after he claimed all the things in the Cheydinhal Sanctuary. A unique Dwarven battleaxe capable of carving through steel, flesh, and bone with ease. 

Dawn's Beauty, a longsword unique to himself and its brother, Doom Drum, a pair of gauntlets fashioned similar to the legendary Wraithguard but made of Ebony. A trio of gears that will only allow its full power to be used when all three are present. 

His Mage staff, while it was only a wooden staff without magic, has been through numerous planes of Oblivion and has been with him for a long time. The weapon that has been with him now for the longest of time. 

Along with numerous others, all of them were stuck in his soul unless he brought them outside. 

Foedus Draconis, his Akaviri Katana, was in his dorm room, displayed proudly over his bed, enchanted to prevent shocking Ruby, unlike the last time she tried to take it. The Blade of Woe is currently in his person. His Black hand robes and hood were currently being washed by Pyrrha, whose turn it was to do the laundry. His Mage staff is currently in his back.

'I am not confident enough with summoning a Daedra in Remnant without having any way to slip into Remnant so I will be sealing Daedric summoning away for now but my Necromancy is still good to be used.' Jaune thought to himself. His particular brand of Necromancy was more toward soul manipulation instead of Reanimation. 

While Mannimarco raised their bodies, Jaune used their spirits and souls to keep them at bay. Mannimarco's undead army and Necromancers were defeated with numerous tactics such as using mists and stone formations as a maze before Altering the ground into hot lava that destroyed the undead while banishing the souls of the undead or his own brand of necromancy... he devoured them.


A woman walked through the halls of Beacon Academy with silent footsteps. Working under fire bitch was stressful unlike when it was just her and Roman. Sure, they had some off days and busts but at least they were thieves. But fire bitch, she was insane and there is no other way around it.

Normally, she would have dipped but with Roman under her threat, she could not risk it. Not after they managed to track her down. 

Now, she was alone, told to scout out Beacon Academy and to look for promising students and their weaknesses. 

Ugh, it was so tiring. 

It made her sleepy. 

Yeah, that's it. 

All she needs is rest. 

Wait, since when did she arrive at this hall? 

No, she just needs to sleep...

"Not bad, you're quite resistant to this," 

Oh no! 

She tried to use her semblance but it was too late as a figure materialized in front of her. She couldn't see them but she knew they wore an attire of black and gold. 

"But you lowered your guard," And with those words, the sweet embrace of darkness claimed her. 

'Roman... I'm sorry,' 


A lone black raven soared through the skies. 

The city of Vale was under it,

The view of the city was majestic

a sight that many would look upon with envy. 

Black wings danced with the wind as it kept its focus. 

Black wings stilled as hair as black as ebony and a crimson dress caught its vision. 

The raven saw it. Magic of a different kind yet magic all the same. 

Born from the shadows of the Evergloam to be a set of eyes and ears for their lady's champion.

It adored its master, he was kind and gentle. 

Sensing the magic, the crow focused on the woman. 

Magic existed in this place and it knew, his master must be the only one worthy to rule. 

It will be its eyes like how its master became the blade of the mortal emperor. 

The only thing that was needed for the other one to awaken.

With it in the shadows serving as the eyes and ears.

The other, the hunter's gift, will be the guard of their master. 


Jaune Arc opened his eyes

The darkness caressed his form lovingly

His presence was hidden in a way that no one would notice him

A gray Fox

A listener

A thief

An assassin

The Blade of Woe was on the table near his hideout in a pocket dimension he had crafted in the Emerald Forest.

It was a replica of an Ayleid ruin's dining hall

Dressed in the Black Hand robes used during the events of the Soulburst in the second Era,

"Please, do not be alarmed," Jaune said as he looked at his guest. 

On the other side of a dining table, a short girl with pink and brown hair sat.

A Dark seducer, a member of the Shivering isles gifted to him by Sheogorath and currently, set the dining table.

"I am just curious," Jaune said as he looked at the girl. "It's rare for me to see an illusionist of such skill. Mostly, those who posses such skills are either prodigies, experts, older than they look, or... assassins," 

Heterochromatic eyes widened as the girl looked at him.

A small smile formed on the Blonde's face as he looked at the girl. 

"I rather ask you directly than," A skeleton of a beast, a bear of some kind, on the ground suddenly rose from the ground as if it was a puppet. Beside it, a spectral blue bear roared and glared at her. "This,"

 For the first time in her life, Neopolitan felt fear. Even more than her fear for Roman. 

Trapped in an unknown area with a man using a powerful semblance. 

"You see, I am quite curious why a fellow thief like Roman would resort to such... unrefined thievery that goes against his usual modus operandis," Taking the knife, the blonde cut through the steak and with graceful and elegant movements, devoured the meat. 

She knew the only way to come out of this was to come clean but she can't risk Roman...

"And please do not try to deceive me," A hooded specter suddenly appeared beside him as a golden-skinned woman marched to his side, giving her a look that reminded her of someone looking at garbage. "My companions can be a bit," Numerous weapons were brandished, a dagger from the hooded specter, a golden bow from the golden-skinned woman, a sword from the grayish-black-skinned woman, and the bears both glowered at her. "Don't bother using your illusions," 

Neopolitan froze as she felt a pair of presences behind her chair. A duo of hooded specters, one was unarmed while the other held a fire in their hand. 

"Shall we start our negotiations?" Jaune asked as he looked at the illusionist trapped in the pocket dimension. 

At the same time, a group of eight people dressed in Beacon Academy uniforms appeared inside a temple while Ozpin welcomed them, followed by Glynda, Qrow, Raven, Summer, and Taiyang. 

A beautiful Blonde woman smiled as she gave a bow. 

"Great mage Ozma, it has been a long time. I have kept your lessons at heart," 

"Indeed it has, Lady Obertas,"