

  I laughed with her as we lay there together, watching the ceiling. I glanced at the window to see that the sun was about to go down. It was almost sunset and I had to go, so I sat up.

  "Yes, and I have to go soon. King Vlad invited me to dinner, so I have to get ready."

  Leanna sat up too then stood up, letting out a breath, "I need to leave now too before sunset. Walk me to the gate of the palace?"

  "Sure, let's go." I replied to her with a smile as she grabbed her suitcase.

  We walked out of her room and down the hallway towards the stairs where we saw General Colton waiting for her. He seemed to really care about her as he smiled at seeing her with his eyes lighting up.

  "Leanna! I came to wish you a safe trip home!" He greeted her with a hug and a kiss on her cheek.

  "Thank you, General Colton, I will." She replied to him with a smile.

  "You know I told you to call me just Colton." He said as he took her hand on his after pulling back from the hug.