

I literally can't go anywhere without running into this girl. I thought about turning around and leaving but Phil asked me to come out here today and look at the East side of the fields. He was really happy with the installments they put in last week.

"Great," I said right out loud.

"Phil," I said in greeting once as I slipped off the horse.

"Thomas, how are you?" he said, shaking my hand.

"Looks like you have some extra help today," I remarked motioning to Sophie and Sarah giggling in the field.

"Yeah, I think they become really good friends on the boat." He hesitated, making sure he was out of ear shot before he went on. "Sarah has asked if we could move Sophie out here to live with us. What do you think? Do you think that is a good idea?"

"I don't think that my opinion matters," I'm not really sure why Philip would ask me this question. "I mean do you have enough room? That's the real question."

"Yeah, no. I don't really have room. Sarah just keeps telling me how difficult it is for Sophie without a place she belongs and that idiot Willard won't leave her alone. I thought you might know if that was accurate or not."

Why did everyone think I knew so much about Sophie? Damn it, I could answer this question about Sophie.

"Yes, I think she is uncomfortable in her current living situation but I don't know that this is the answer for her," I motioned to the farm. "But really you need to ask Sophie. I'm here to talk to you about your gates."

"Right," he said considering. "Sophie!" he yelled across the field.

Sophie and Sarah's head snapped up at the sound of her name.

"Great," I grumbled under my breath. I really just want to work on the gates.

"Come over here ladies!" he called.

Sarah came bouncing through the rows of tobacco leaves happily while Sophie drug behind shuffling her feet.

"Hello," Sophie said politely as she approached them.

"Well, what is it?" Sarah asked cheerfully.

Sophie was covered in dirt. I watched her while she brushed the dirt from her skirts and face. I think this is my favorite look. Work looked good on her.

"I was speaking to Thomas and he agrees that it would be best for Sophie to move out here with us."

What? I stared at him. How in the world did he get that from what I said?

"Oh!' Sarah bounced up and down giggling. I couldn't help but roll my eyes.

"That is so wonderful!" Sarah giggled.

"Are you sure about this Philip? I think things are a little tight here without me."

"Absolutely, we will build you a little spot just behind the house. I already have a foundation started. It will be a children's bedroom, eventually. " His face started to flush red with embarrassment as yes flashed a grin at Sarah. It was so easy to unnerve Phil. "But you know. We don't have a baby yet. You can stay there for a little while at least."

"Phil, this is more than generous. You don't have to,��� Sophie protested.

"It's not a problem at all. It will take a few days to build it but Thomas can help and my brother."

"What?" I asked not concealing my astonishment at all. "I'm a blacksmith, not a carpenter."

"Right, but I'm sure you know your way around a hammer and nails."

I stared at him. What the hell? Now I'm building a house?

"I will pay you for your time," Phil offered dryly.

"No," Sophie said her teeth were visibly grinding "I will pay him Phil, don't worry about it." She turned on her heel and marched back to the fields.

"What so now she is pissed at me?" I asked Phil and Sarah. Sarah glared at me and followed Sophie.

"Tell me again, why don't just marry her?"

I shot Phil a warning glance.

"It would save you building a house," he said with an innocent shrug.

"The gates?" I asked again exasperated.

"Right," he told me which gated on the east side and he wanted the hinges installed on. "But first, the addition," he said with a stupid smile. "Do you mind taking my horse and Maddox to pick up the materials we need? If you could get it this afternoon we could start first thing in the morning."

I sighed. So, now I'm letting Phil Castro tell me what to do? What is happening to me? I looked at Sophie across the field as she pulled and stacked the leaves. Fine, I would do it for her.

"Right," I agreed. "I will see you in the morning."

Building a house tomorrow. I was building a house. And Sophie was pissed at me again. I could tell by the way she stomped off. She was exhausting. He did not need this headache. Maybe he wouldn't show up tomorrow. Phil was perfectly capable of building it on his own.

Sophie was loading leaves in the back of a cart as he walked by. I didn't want to say anything to how could I not.

"Soph, why are you mad at me now?"

"I'm not mad," she said too quickly. "Don't do me any favors alight. I will pay you for your time."

"Stop that, it's not you I object to it's just…" I couldn't finish the thought. What did I object to?

"Look, I will be happy to help and I don't want you to pay me. I know you are thinking of Jeremiah's money and would never take that money."

She crossed her arms and set her jaw.

"I don't want to pick a fight with you," what the hell is wrong with me? Why was this infuriating woman capable of molding me into a different man.

"I will be here tomorrow happily. Do you understand?" I asked way too forcefully.

"Great," she said huffily. "Thank you!"