

Mubanga_Bowa · Seni bela diri
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2 Chs


Its just like any other day that someone would get up and think that they can make it, well a character of that sort did really think that everything can come in an instant, his Francis "Roman" Matabo, a courageous, brave, tall but not very tall, with curled dark hair, handsome and has a body that looks like that of an athlete who usually loves to talk with his friends and likes to be found in a peaceful atmosphere.

But this all changes when he finally notices something and says "All the days are the same and nothing Is changing, including me." he gets of his bed to prepare for a good start of the day, as he makes his way to the living room where all his family members are seated, he notices that there is an interesting program on the television set its called "Vocals" he looked at the television set and thought "what an amazing show vocals is but I've really got stage freight and that could knock me out".

He makes his way off to the kitchen to get himself a good old fashioned breakfast, he said " Hmmmm now this is what we call breakfast, simple black tea and some toasted bread" he makes his way to the dinning room were he continues to watch the show vocals, but this time something goes wrong while the participant his watching turns up to be another version of him, his name is Vasili he is got a good voice but can't sing at all. Vasili then looks at the judges with fear and anguish in him, like that of a cat surrounded by a hundred dogs, he then breaths in and he breaths out he does that continuously for about two minutes and then he starts to sing, he sang "perfect" a song by ed sheeran, he did it perfectly that everyone stood up and applauded for him.

Francis was dumbfounded when this happened, everyone was including those who were in the living room it was like a miracle had just happened, days and weeks had passed on and Francis was still wondering how easily Vasili won the contest even after portraying so much fear in the beginning, but now Francis tries to make up something "What if I went to meet Vasili, would he even dare to help me?, let me just try may be luck might be on my side."

In the next chapter we will be able to see why light can be dark sometimes.