
Jade: The Conqueror

After witnessing the death of his Entire Clan, The Vragon Clan! . . . . Jade has become a ruthless warrior, Some call him a monster, Some sees him as a Villian who is the only warrior who wants Revenge against the Six Ultimate Clans and the Empire, He has watched his father beheaded. Jade has grown to be more powerful than his father ever was, To serve his purpose of ultimate Destruction, His hunger for vengeance and Obliteration...He has created an Organization of dark hearted warriors. Coming from the race of powerful beings, Vragon warriors, The most Destructive and brute force in the entire Cosmos, Their name and personality strikes fear and chaos through out the entire Empire. Growing stronger every time, Unstoppable, Unbeatable! Stronger than ever until he meets his brother Jace...! Will he be responsible for the Destruction of the Empire? Will the Almighty Jade become worst than his father? The Rage...The Anger, The Aggression... Listening to the sorrows of his enemies, A once lovely kid will soon become the Author of complete Destruction... Shall the Prophecy of the Conqueror be fulfilled? Who shall bear the powers of the Ancient James of the Vragon Clan? The world shall know pain and sorrow, The Complete Obliteration be averted, Shall the Seven Demons of Terror be Awakened...!! After the Destruction of the Vragon Clan, The world has never know peace and happiness, Sorrow and Terror has ruled all this long...Craig Vragon, Jace Vragon and Jade Vragon...The Brothers of chaos. Who shall be the next Conqueror? Will a broken and dark hearted being become a pure hearted being? Or will he create more Chaos and pain, Will the sacrifice of his friends and family be in vain? Found out in this Story?

Emeh_Wonder · Fantasi
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44 Chs

Chapter 20: Who is the winner

James and Chad entered into the Ring and the forcefield covered them immediately to avoid any Destruction to the Viewers, Chad who has been waiting all this while to test the strength of the strongest smiled.

" It will be my honor to face of against a powerful being like you Drio James, Your chaoticness motivates me to becoming as assassin, Paid to cause chaos and Destruction just like you used to do back in the days " Chad said and James smiled.

" Hmph, You don't praise your opponent Mr, I might not show you any mercy " James said,

" I don't deserve any mercy from you Drio James, Show me thy unforgiving spirit " Chad said, He blinked and James appeared behind him, He made to attack but James caught his punch and he punched Chad on the face with a brute punch.

" Arrrgggggghhh... That's painful "

" I reminded you that I don't show you mercy, I may be your role model but now that we are fighting, Consider me as your enemy " James said, Chad blinked and he found himself smashed on the ground.

" How are you doing that? " Chad asked in shock, He couldn't believe how fast James could be, He blinked and now he is on the ground, groaning in pains after being smashed on the ground without his knowledge of what happened.

" Doing what exactly Chad the Destroyer? My sons are your fans and that's what makes me more calm towards you, I don't want to ruin my children favorite " James said, Chad blinked and he found himself on the mid air.

He screamed out in pains as he landed his back on the hard ground, He blinked again and he found himself on James hands, James lifted Chad and he smashed Chad once again on the hard ground without mercy.

" How can I just blink my eyes and you are Destroying me? " Chad asked, He cleaned out the blood which stained on his lips, James smiled and he folded his arms immediately, He understands what Chad is saying.

" You don't and can't understand what my Powers are, Don't just blink Chad, It is dangerous " James warned, Chad dashed at James with his full strength and James ducked all the Incoming punches and when Chad blinked.

Chad screamed out in pains as he crashed down hard, James lifted Chad up from the ground and landed a punch to his stomach before tossing him down again, Chad coughed out bloods from his lips.

" You know it's been long since I have ever fought someone like this before, I don't even throw my punches or use any power I have, I only let them burn " James stated and he stared at Zaibon who gnashed his teeths in anger.

" That won't be necessary " James said.

He diverted the energy blasts without even Moving, Chad blinked and he found himself on James hands, James punched Chad in the face before tossing him down again, the crowd were cheering happily.

" How are you doing this? Are you a time skipper or a Time controller? You can't be that fast and strong to beat me brutally with just me blinking my eyes, This is insane " Chad veered, He launched his attack but James blasted him away.

" You want to know why? Then blink once again " James ordered, Chad nodded and he blinked his eyes, He opened his eyes to see everyone stopped including the securities and the Emperor with the Drios.

" What is this? " Chad asked.

" Do you see the red symbol on my right eye? It is called a Cyrokan, Everytime you blink your eyes, I paused time and then deal with you, I usually erase it from your memories but I will let your's stay " James said and everything returned back to normal.

" Why don't you change your technique Drio James? " Chad asked, James activated the Cyrokan and time stopped, Chad's body stopped but his eyes, mouth and mind didn't pause with the body, Only James can make his body to move.

" Changing my technique? Why should I do that, And besides I still have fifty and more Techniques that can Destroy you, The Cyrokan is amongst the least but it is atleast a cool technique " James said.

" Then fight me without stopping time, I promise to make you bleed " Chad said and that caused James to laugh, He kicked Chad in the crotch and everything returned back to normal, Chad fell down groaning in pains.

" I will change my technique but you might die " James said, He slowly waited for Chad who could barely stand up to his feet, He smiled as Chad groaned in pains, He wants his sons to see how he dealt their action model.

" Wait what? Kill me? " Chad asked.

Two daggers appeared on his hands, He charged at Full force to strike James but then he collapse on the floor in pains, Chad spat out bloods from his mouth and blood ooze down from his nose.

" What did you do to me again? " Chad asked as he is groaning in pains, James walk up to him with smiles on his face, He bent down to see the groaning face of Chad and that makes it more better after all.

" Don't worry, It's just one little punch after all you told me to change my technique, I didn't have to strike you physically if that's what you want to ask, I just have to connect with your energy and punch it down, Simple " James said.

" Chad the Destroyer is already down so proclaim me the winner " James ordered, The Judges stared at Chad to see that he is already knocked out Eve though they didn't see James attacking Chad at all.

" Chad the Destroyer has been confusedly knocked out which means only one thing, The winner of this match is The Great Drio James of the Ultimate Vragon Clan, He is the Immortal of war and Destruction " Colos the announcer said and everyone applauded.



" This seems strange, How can we not see his attacks and now he is declared the winner, I have no idea what just happened " Drio Unere stated, Everyone were shocked on how the match went on with James the winner.

" James is one crazy being, He must have figured a way to manipulate time for his advantage, Attacking when needed and it will be a vital attack of Destruction, I don't really know what the technique is called " Zaibon voiced out.

" I have already known that James is incredible and powerful " Emperor Karsas said, He walked up to the Drios throne and he sat down on his throne without staring at anyone including his sons, That's how he does whenever he is done with a competition, No one has ever won him in a one on one match.

🕘🕘🕘Few Minutes Later🕘🕘🕘

" Pay attention to me warriors and citizens, I am Emperor Karsas as everyone knows, As the Emperor of the Shirlian Empire, I promised the victor a position in the council table and two thousand pieces of gold "

" Because of the Drios were impressed by the actions of this Chad the Destroyer, I shall award him with fourty thousand pieces of gold coins and a house because you will be given a position as the Chief of Warfare in this Empire "

Emperor Karsas announced and Everyone cheered in happiness, Chad is being giving the forty thousand pieces of gold coins and a ring which signifies his power in the Council of the Empire, He is the Chief of Warfare now.

" If I may ask James, Why did you suggest that I should make him the Chief of Warfare in the Empire, He is a talent but it is quite too much " Emperor Karsas asked, James stood up from his throne and he bowed.

" Chad the Destroyer will be a better candidate to train your daughter and her new friends, You wouldn't want her to be a weakling when she has grown, I will be taking my sons back to the Clan first thing tomorrow morning " James voiced out.

" Huh? Why the sudden rush? " Drio Fugai asked.

" This tournament has made me to realize something and I will need to do it, I am deeply sorry that your daughter will be displeased by my discussion but it is already final " Drio James answered and the Emperor sighed.

" Very well then, You are free to go...I will be missing you alright " Emperor Karsas said and he smiled, meanwhile Layla could be seen staring at Jade with sadness in her eyes, She held on Jade's hands so that she won't let out the tears.

" Jade, Are you really going? " Layla asked.

" Yes Layla, but we will return back right? And when I return I will be much more stronger than ever before, I will be a Conqueror " Jade answered,

" A what? " Layla asked.

" A Conqueror, My father said that only the valiant of them all shall be bear the title of a Conqueror, Even my father couldn't even have that title of a Conqueror, He always told me the stories of Alumod the Conqueror " Jade answered.

" Very well then, I need you to promise me that you will always be by my side, That you will always be more than my close friend, That you will return and be by my side, Can you promise me that? " Layla asked.

" Yes I promise you that I will always be by your side, Don't worry, You will always have Emily and Curtis by your side and speaking of them, I will need to tell them goodbye before we leave, It won't be nice " Jade said.

" Don't worry Jade, You can relax..I will tell them " Layla said and Jade nodded, Jace called him and they were both carried on their father's horse back by James himself, He laughed with them until they arrived at the Castle to sleep.

Just then by midnight, Zaibon appeared from the wall, He made sure that there is no guards to seem him and he caused a mirror to appear on his hand, Zaibon muttered unpredictable words and a being appeared on the mirror.

" Zaibon! You summoned me? " The Being asked.

" You need to calm your voice down, The Tournament is over and James with his children will be heading straight to the Vragon Clan by sunrise, That means the second phase of our plan is about to commence "

" It's time to bring forth the Seven Demons of Terror!!! "