
Jackson Bare's overpowered adventure through Marvel and the Omniverse

(DROPPED) WARNING THIS STORY IS WRITTEN BY A VERY NEW AUTHOR SO THERE WILL BE A LOT OF LOOPHOLES AND THINGS THAT DON"T MAKE SENSE, IT WILL GET BETTER BUT IF YOU CAN"T WAIT FOR THAT THEN I ADVISE YOU TO SKIP! This is just a wish a story I made for fun it's going to have a very overpowered mc so if you don't enjoy that I will not recommend this for you if you do have some advice for places and people I have the mc meet please comment. I am also a beginner writer so this story might not be the best one plus there might not be a lot of training arch or whatever, I will try to build up other characters though. Anyway, this story is about a young man who gets a couple of wishes and ends up fighting alongside the Avengers and being brothers with Loki and Thor hope you enjoy it. Oh and obviously everything except Jackson, Arthur, and Devion and system belongs to their right full owner Marvel, Jackson, Arthur, and Devion, and the system are mine. Don't want any copyright infringements

Jackson_Bare · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
37 Chs

Chap 31: Frontlines III

"Now settle down Mr. Soldier" Devion smiles and approaches the team who all instantly point their gun at them, " Don't you understand what settle down mean" Devion laughs, "As you guys can tell I have captured the governor, you should have seen him when Arthur appeared in his face", "How did you make it past all those guards?" Axel gruffly asks, still aiming his gun at him, "Why care about the little details we have the governor, you should be celebrating" Dvion dodges the question.

"If you could sneak into the base why didn't you take out the guards?" Captain America finally speaks Devion looks at Captain America his smile slowly going away, "Look if we had taken those guards out you wouldn't have gone Rambo on them and made all these guys look at you in a new light, now I and Arthur will be leaving let us know when the other mission will be happening" Devion says as he turns around "Oh and they set off a bomb when you were going Rambo so you better go take that out, I hear it's meant to take out the entire town." Devion informs and jumps out a window disappearing in the night alongside Arthur.

"Do you think he was serious?" someone asks, "I don't know but we need to make sure he wasn't," Axel says, "Alright everyone spread out into teams of three, I want two teams searching the office, 2 two teams going east, 2 teams running going west and everyone else follows me we'll go and evacuate the civilians, MOVE OUT!" Axel quickly lays out a plan and rushes out with Captain America and a soldier. Axel and his team move out going in and out of houses barging into people's houses trying to evacuate them as soon as possible.

*BOOM* Cap kicks in a door, a family screams as the father rushes forward to combat the intruder, "Hey, Hey calm down I'm here to help" Captain places his arms out trying to calm the family, "Look I need you guys to follow the rest of the people outside, there is a bomb that could go off" Captain keeps on explaining but the family still stays there cautious about what to do then the Father speaks "Cosa stai dicendo" The man speaks Italian and Captain can only slowly try and explain what he's saying in English, then Axel goes in and says "We need you guys to leave or a bomb will go off and kill you!!" Axel exclaims in Italian.

The last civilians are dragged out as the rest of the soldiers rush out of the city, *BOOM* A house blows causing a chain reaction of explosions as the whole city goes off in flames, "Thankfully we got everyone out" Captain walks to Axel congratulating him, a Lady rushes to Axel crying at screaming at him while pointing at the flames two soldiers quickly take her away to sort out her problems, "What was that about?" Captain questions "Her son was outside when we were evacuating everyone else and it seems he wasn't part of the people who we brought out," Axel says somberly as Captain America looks down.

*New Mexico United States*

A lady walks through the crowd in New Mexico, she occasionally stops by some shops staring at what they sell, but the most mysterious thing about her is how no one seems to notice her existence, narrowly passing by people who don't seem to mind how close she is. The lady walks to a crowd of people watching a man make a knife, he skillfully handles the liquid metal pounding it to make the shape that he wants, the woman moves towards the front to get a better view. The man seems to control the metal as it shapes to whatever he wishes when he pounds it, as the man makes the knife the lady frowns looking at his work with displease.

The man doesn't notice the frown in the sea of smiles and awe, the woman's frown deepens as the man works to the point that she ends up leaving the event and continues to roam the streets looking at various vendors. She wanders until the sun goes down and she finds herself back at where the man was making a knife, she heads into the store the man performed in seeing the multitude of weapons on display from butter knives to tridents, she looks at each weapon in awe, although it's night the moonlight shines perfectly through a window illuminating the blades showing their prestige.

"Who are you" the sound of a gun being loaded is heard behind a woman, the woman turns around and sees a young man holding a gun up to her, "Can you see me?" The woman asks, her voice melodious with curiosity in it, "Of course I can see you, now you better let me know what you're doing here or your head's going boom" the boy expresses, "Rico put the gun down" the lights flick on as a man walks down to intervene the two people, Rico looks up at his boss and lowers his gun "I thought I told you to take the day off" Rico's boss asks but before Rico can say anything his boss looks at him, his shining blue eyes emanating some sort of pressure and Rico ends up leaving the store.

"Now Mom wanna let me know what the surprise visit is for?" The man walks down from the stairs approaching his Mom, "Is it wrong for me to visit you, Jackson?" Frigga questions back "Never," Jackson says as he gives his mother a hug, "So wanna tell me how that boy can see?" Frigga asks, "Who Rico, he was blind when I first met him but I implanted some contacts into his eyes, and viola he can see," Jackson says summoning a table and two chairs, he invites Frigga to sit bringing out the chair for her and pushing her in.

"So what have you been doing so far?" Frigga asks, "Oh you know making blades having fun and just living life, what about you mother" Jackson takes a seat summoning a meal, "Your brothers have lightened up the palace and you'll be happy to know that your father has changed his ways" Frigga begins to eat, "Ah yes I heard of them Thor the God of Lightning, Loki the God of Mischief, and Baldur the God of light and healing can you guess what they call me... Jackson the shadow Bane of the Frosts, I'd imagine Loki wouldn't want to meet me" Jackson jokes while Frigga frowns, "I jest Mother, but I can already guess what you're here for and no" Jackson stops laughing getting serious his eyes blazing "Why?" Frigga simply asks.

"I don't know, I just don't feel like doing it" Jackson relaxes and gives a simple answer, "I miss you" Frigga looks at her son looking back at the memories she had with him, "I miss you to mother, but you knew that one day I would leave and that day has come and gone" Jackson smiles and keeps on eating, "Alright since you don't want to come back can you at least promise to not harm and help your brothers," Frigga says finishing her meal, "I Jackson Odinson Promise to never harm my brothers I swear on the All-Father" The world rumbles at Jackson's words "But I can't promise to help them, they need to find their way in this world it builds character" Jackson laughs.

"I figured that's the best I would get" Frigga stand preparing to leave, "Ah before you leave have this" Jackson gets up and five rings appear in his palm, the rings glisten with a green emerald in the center surrounded by diamond, the craftsmanship exquisite giving the ring an aura of Royalty, "I'm sure he'll love it" Frigga takes the ring and heads out, "Ah I forgot to ask if she could bring me Tempest and Eldr" Jackson facepalms as his mother disappears into the darkness. "Now who should I get for the next show, Jermey isn't enough" Jackson mumbles turning off the lights returning to bed.

A/N: Like always let me know what you think I should change or add, this time you just need to comment no need to share, and as always hope you have a great day.

Just comment.

Jackson_Barecreators' thoughts