
Jackson Bare's overpowered adventure through Marvel and the Omniverse

(DROPPED) WARNING THIS STORY IS WRITTEN BY A VERY NEW AUTHOR SO THERE WILL BE A LOT OF LOOPHOLES AND THINGS THAT DON"T MAKE SENSE, IT WILL GET BETTER BUT IF YOU CAN"T WAIT FOR THAT THEN I ADVISE YOU TO SKIP! This is just a wish a story I made for fun it's going to have a very overpowered mc so if you don't enjoy that I will not recommend this for you if you do have some advice for places and people I have the mc meet please comment. I am also a beginner writer so this story might not be the best one plus there might not be a lot of training arch or whatever, I will try to build up other characters though. Anyway, this story is about a young man who gets a couple of wishes and ends up fighting alongside the Avengers and being brothers with Loki and Thor hope you enjoy it. Oh and obviously everything except Jackson, Arthur, and Devion and system belongs to their right full owner Marvel, Jackson, Arthur, and Devion, and the system are mine. Don't want any copyright infringements

Jackson_Bare · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
37 Chs

Chap 25: Train

"They just did it again," Kise said as he rushed towards the gym doors, but he's stopped by a red-haired who glares at the gym doors, "Should we bring them on the team?" Momoi asks everyone, they all look unsure except one who looks sad, Aomine drops his hand over Tetsuya's shoulder, "Don't worry about him Tetsu" Aomine says to Tetsuya whose mood seems to lift up, "we just need to beat them" Aomine says proudly. Jackson who was never left the gym doors smiles as he leaves the area.

At the end of the school day, Aomine can be seen dragging Devion into the gym, Aomine leads Devion to the rest of GOM, "Okay you guys can join the team as trainers, but we want to know, what you guy's skills are" Momoi walks up to Devion and calmly says to Devion. Devion, looks at all of them seriously then starts laughing, "hahaha, you should have seen your faces" Devion says, making everyone frown at him, "Ahhhhh, okay, my abilities are like blondie over there" Devion points at Kise who frowns even more at the rude remark.

"Art's skill is misery, I let you figure that out yourself," Devion says to which Momoi is about to protest but is cut off by Devion, "You said I should tell you not explain, now I'm sure the one that you've been waiting for Jack's skill, it's-" BAM, devion is about to say what Jackson's skill is but he's stopped by the gym doors being blasted open by an enraged Arthur, "WHERE ARE THEY DEV" Arthur yells are he starts rushing towards Devion, who flinches at the sight of his enrage brother, "What do mean Art" Devion nervously says as he starts stepping back, "YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN", Arthur's says he reaches the now running Devion, he picks him up and repeats "WHERE ARE MY COMICS," Arthur says coldly, everyone had taken a step back from the brothers to not be cut in the cross-fire.

"I'm pretty sure Akashi has them," Jackson says as he appears right next to Akashi pointing his finger at the red-hair, everyone takes a step back at Jackson's appearance, Arthur says "Oh, my bad" as he drops his brother and cleans his shoulder making him look caring but then he dashes towards Akashi and Decks him right in the face, everyone looks at Arthur in shock at the speed and power and also at what he had done, "HEY, you can't injure players," Momoi says as she rushes to the pissed Arthur, to which Tetsuya rushes to her, but instead of what everyone was expecting Arthur just turns and walks away, "no women" he whispers under his breath, "Oh here are your comics Art" Jackson appears next to Arthur who calmly receives his comic books, Akashi stands up angry at being punched, "you think you can punch me and get away with it," Akashis says, and Arthur appears in front of him, his eyes change to deeps black as Akashi steps back form him, "Hey don't give him Ptsd!" Jackson yells at his brother.

"Can anyone explain to me what's going on?!!" Coach Sanada comes in yelling at the mess he sees on the court, "Let's play" Akashi growls as he looks at Jackson who just smiles at him, "No, One is doing anything until things are explained!!" Sanada says but everyone simply ignores him, "Are you sure, you wanna play me red-hair" Jackson tauntingly says to Akashi, "Hey coach, who do you think will win?" Daiki asks Coach Sanada, Sanada sighs before replying, "The Jackson kid is going to win, his father is Emerson Sharpe, the greatest basketball trainer, he's trained most current NBA all-stars and champions, his mother Cynthia dominated the women's basketball in the Olympics winning over 4 gold medals, and that's their kid" Sanada says pointing at Jackson with Aomine behind him, looking more keenly at Jackson.

Jackson strolls onto the court, and Akashi stands showing no signs of defending, "Don't be too arrogant, or else.." Jackson says as he suddenly rushes towards the basket but when he reaches the basket the ball isn't in his hands, on the other side of the court Akashi laid the ball in, Jackson stops shocked at what had just happened then he smiles and turns back around, "Oh that's who you are, I should have known when I saw your eye, well I guess I need to see"Jackson says opening his eyes revealing his beautiful clear blue eyes, wind flows into the gym hitting everyone but it moves around Jackson, an aura of an Emperor surrounds his body. "He seems pretty good" Devion comments on the Akashi, "Is he serious?" Momoi asks Devion, who simply shakes his head, "I don't think he'll ever be serious" Devion says.

Jackson gets the ball, walking towards Akashi who does the same thing he did last play, standing and showing no signs of defense, Jackson reaches Akashi who lurches towards the ball predicting its path, 'bow down to your superior' Akashi thinks as he goes to grab the ball, "Too slow" Jackson says as the ball moves to the opposite side of Jackson but Akashi quickly turns to get the ball, it seemed like he predicted that too. Jackson stops letting Akashi slide past him "SWISH" Jackson shoots the ball making the shot.

Akashi quickly gets back on offense, rushing down the court, he reaches Jackson and starts dribbling between legs, so fast he starts to make mirages of his hands and the ball. Jackson silently stares then the ball suddenly disappears from his hands to Jackson's hands, Jackson then disappears and appears down the court laying the ball in, "You see the difference between us" Jackson coldly says staring directly at Akashi, "You're a good, player" Jackson says as he starts walking to get a bottle of water"But you're, not the best" Jackson tells Akashi, "Now let's train you guys" Jackson says with the aura around him completely disappearing like it never existed.

(A/N: Hope you like the chapter, the next chapter will be the last one in Kuroko no Basket, and the boys will be returning to Marvel to become the War Hounds, I'm so excited for the story, join the disc if you want to help make it. https://discord.gg/KezrsHPm

Have a great day. Peace

ps: if you're starting school, I hope you have an awesome school year.

pss: is Big hero 6 part of the MCU? (just asking)