
Jackson Bare's overpowered adventure through Marvel and the Omniverse

(DROPPED) WARNING THIS STORY IS WRITTEN BY A VERY NEW AUTHOR SO THERE WILL BE A LOT OF LOOPHOLES AND THINGS THAT DON"T MAKE SENSE, IT WILL GET BETTER BUT IF YOU CAN"T WAIT FOR THAT THEN I ADVISE YOU TO SKIP! This is just a wish a story I made for fun it's going to have a very overpowered mc so if you don't enjoy that I will not recommend this for you if you do have some advice for places and people I have the mc meet please comment. I am also a beginner writer so this story might not be the best one plus there might not be a lot of training arch or whatever, I will try to build up other characters though. Anyway, this story is about a young man who gets a couple of wishes and ends up fighting alongside the Avengers and being brothers with Loki and Thor hope you enjoy it. Oh and obviously everything except Jackson, Arthur, and Devion and system belongs to their right full owner Marvel, Jackson, Arthur, and Devion, and the system are mine. Don't want any copyright infringements

Jackson_Bare · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
37 Chs

Chap 17 Midnight and Requiem

We see Arthur a pale and frail man with long flowing black hair, with bags underneath his eyes walking out of a village, his expression hidden behind a mask, the snow painted red with blood he looks up and thinks 'Only 50 huh' as he walks away from the slaughter not knowing how much of an impact he's just had on history.

We see him walking towards another village, he is stopped by the guards who question him "Who are you, and why do you smell like blood" as the guard questions him uses a dagger and chops the guard's head off, his comrade sees this and instantly attacks the man bringing his spear to attack the man sadly the man's attack leads to nothing as before the spear can reach his body falls without a head on it,

Arthur proceeds into the village chopping off the head of a man as he walks by him, others see this and yell for help bringing the guards rushing out, they charge Arthur who simply dodges the attacks with the bodies of the guards thinking 'I wish I could just end this with one attack, I should have Jackson teach me some magic' as he slaughters the little resistance they could put up, "Why.... WHY'D YOU KILL THEM!!" a Kid yells at our God of Slaughter, Arthur surprised that someone survived the slaughter takes off his mask as he kills the kid 'I hope he meets them, wherever that is' Arthur thinks as he leaves the village filled with headless bodies and bloodstain walls.

Arthur walks up the mountain where are two other Gods were staying, "Finally!!" Devion says frustratedly as he sees Arthur walk up the mountain, Arthur doesn't even glance at Devion as He just walks towards Jackson who thoughtfully stares into the starry night, "Let's make weapons" Jackson says as he jumps up and in his place, a forge appears with a table and rack next to it. "OH Yeah, start with mine," Devion says as he rushes towards Jackson with Arthur just shaking his head as he watches "Okay I'll start with your's then"

Jackson pulls out a black hole core that just looks like a ball of darkness that floats on his hand, he hits the core and breaks it down into pieces, he brings out 15 planet cores along with a massive scale-smashing them into pieces. He walks towards a cauldron that hangs over a pit filled with Starfall wood, he breathes fire onto the wood creating a huge blaze of fire. Jackson turns the broken the crushed materials into the cauldron which melts once they touch the cauldron adding a fireball into the cauldron which causes a boom. "WOAHHHH!!" Devion Excitnly yells. A minute later Jackson carries the boiling cauldron and pours the liquid inside into a cast which hardens quickly.

Jackson Hammers the materials as it hardens and smoothens out the edges *craaaaaaccccccckkkk* as the material hardens Jackson takes out a pen and starts inscribing patterns into the harden weapon and whispers in a weird language"whoever touches zklaen qe permitted ini wer darastrix ithquent jackson usv tepoha wer iejir di devion bloodstar. svadrav coi ui used coi geou xurwk oium tremble tairais geou birk irlymi nishka loreat." as he is saying this Jackson stabs himself with his hand 'this wouldn't be so messy it could make one straight cut with a sword, sadly no sword can cut me... maybe I should reforge Tempest and Eldr yeah I'll do that, I wonder if any of the kids can properly wield Eldr' Jackson thinks as dark red liquid with a golden hue around it flows down his hand onto the weapon causing it to glow brightly.

"Well, the weapon is done I call it a Tonfa, all that's left is for you to name it" Jackson says as he carries two weapons black in color with a pattern onto it with a golden hue surrounding it, "WOW so this is my weapon from now on you are called Midnight of the void" Devion says which makes the surroundings to tremble and the weapon to look even darker. "Can you start mine now" Arthur says to Jackson as he looks at Midnight, "Okay, Dev I'll tell you what your tonfa does after I make Arthur's weapons" Devion nods to Jackson who is turning back to the forge as he pulls out a bucket of water pouring it into the cauldron and hangs it onto the still burning wood again, he starts putting different things, like a black hole core, 5 planet core, and the biggest item a gigantic dragon head. They all melt into the water turning the water blackish green, as it boils and bubbles.

Jackson again carries the cauldron but now pours the liquid into a different cast as they harden which Jackson pounding onto the hardening weapon, he pulls out the pen again and starts inscribing words onto the weapons talking in the draconic language again "sthyri nishka l'gra wer wielder di wer beetnekilic svadrav persvek coita presence wer nishka qe miserable vur ritrekil. wer wielder nishka increase wer beetnekil lae kiarf lae jaci huvenic sva wer cost di coita vers. wer beetnekil shilta inflict sart valignatic"

"Now for the souls," Jackson says as dimly lit balls flow from Arthur and Jackson into the words on the weapon causing it to glow dimmer and dimmer as each soul goes into it, "WOW this is great, it might look like a regular dagger but if you use this against a human the will be erased" Jackson exclaims as he carries a dagger made out of dark scales which glint in the moonlight, the blade has jagged edges which look like dragon teeth. Arthur holds the weapon carefully, taking in its magnificence as he stares at it "From now on you are Requiem the misery of Arthur" Arthur says releasing a dark flame from the weapon.

Jackson POV

'Man I deserve to be known as the god of blacksmithing, these are fantastic weapons and they got pretty cool names, I wonder if I made them too strong, Eeehh doesn't matter to me' I think as I look at Arthur and Dev stare at their weapons "My prince help, Asgard needs your help" I hear in my head "Heimdall" I say out loud






















why are you still reading




















Ohhhhhhhhhhhh you're waiting for me to explain why I took so long to upload,

Well the answer is I was busy studying for school and I didn't have enough time to upload, but let's forget about that and talk about the chapter, I had to search for a draconic translator in order to do the runes, so if you want to find what the mean just search up a translator and translate it, I also watched Playthroughs of Jacksmith in order for me to do the foreign scene, I miss adobe flash ahhhhhhhh, and if you can't tell am not good at describing weapons, for the tonfa I don't even know how to describe its basically a wooden self handle baton but I don't know how to say that and make it cool so I didn't describe them and I feel like I didn't describe the dagger well enough so let me know what you think.

Have a great day. Peace :)

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