
Well, This Is Bad

The next day, Yoshi, Alice, Sybil, and Pinoy sat at a table. Alice got back into her black kimono and purple scarf.

"Sybil, did you lock up Rose?" asked Yoshi.

"Yes. She's secured and Maroon is watching her."

"Ok, now, game plan time. We have the leverage in this fight with Alice. Star would have to go wherever Alice went. If he really was putting his plan into motion, then he'd probably be right here." Yoshi pointed to the middle of Kyoto. "I have a theory. I don't think Star's gonna nuke the US himself. He'll get someone or something else too. Which means he'll need to set up. That's when we strike. According to the information Rose gave us, we know he'll have a bunch of keepers from Yerlen with him. Star also has a bunch of wives, we know this because one of them fought Taiyo and lost years ago. She also had the eternity ability, just like Taiyo. We don't know what we'll be facing in his army."

"So, where are we attacking?"

"Alice, use your superior sense of smell to locate Star and take him down. Meanwhile, I'll take the east and Sybil will take the north. We will stop any other keepers from interrupting Star's fight with Alice."

"Sounds like a plan. You're actually not a half-bad strategist. You know... even though this is practically a suicide mission."

"Thanks. Oh, Pinoy..."

"Right." Pinoy took off his hoodie, revealing he had 2 arms again. Alice, shocked and overjoyed, tackled Pinoy with a hug.

"Oh, Pinoy, you're back to normal!"

"Hey, get off me! I know I'm back to normal."


Alice let go of Pinoy. He pulled out 3 syringes. "These are small vitals of phoenix blood I pulled from Yoshi's blood. Use them carefully. You each get one, so don't waste it."

"Yoshi, Sweetie, I have a question. If Star is planning on bombing the USA, why don't the American keepers come and help us?"

"Star has a contract with every other country. No one can mettle in his affairs under keeper law until he violates the contract. So, no other keeper in any other country besides Japan can hurt Star without being seen as a war criminal, no matter what he does. And yes, he got this contract illegally, and no, we can't break it."

"He really is the most annoying person on the planet, isn't he?"

"Yep. We're bout to do a 3 v 1000, so be ready."

"Of course, I'm really. Christmas is in 3 days. I still want to spend Christmas together. You know, 'cause we didn't get to last year."

"Oh yeah... Anyways, let's go."

Later that day, Star stood on a beach breathing in the fresh air. He walked over to the waters, looking at his own reflection and checking himself out. Suddenly, his two bottom eyes started crying. "Oh, crying like a bitch now, are we? Don't worry. I have a stronger one coming soon."

Suddenly, Star got kicked in the back so hard, he went flying across the ocean into the borders of Australia. He had a massive hole in his chest and lay in the burning land of Australia. "Oh, she's here..." He injected himself with a phoenix vital, healing instantly. He dashed across the waters in seconds back to Japan. There, Alice waited for him, taking out her sickles and clashing with Star's katanas. "So, you've gotten stronger. How cute. You think this is enough to take me down?"

"Yes, I do." Alice released a death mist explosion from her body, forcing Star to jump back to avoid getting hit. He was shocked at how powerful the mist was. If it touched him, he would have been in grave danger.

"Ok, maybe you have gotten stronger." Star smirked. Alice surrounded herself in a synergeta shield. She started walking towards Star. "You're stronger in your base than when you previously fought me in your red-eyed form. Guess I should start taking this seriously." Star used a skydome synergeta shield, which allowed any physical attack he landed to pierce through any defense indefinitely. "Come at me."

Meanwhile, in the city, Taiyo and Nubia sat atop a building, watching Alice and Star battle. Nubia looked over at Taiyo. "Do it."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm always sure. My goal right now is to make sure Alice becomes as strong as possible. Plus, you want to rematch Alice, don't you?"

"Yeah... That bitch cheated in our fight. We all know I would have won if she fought me fair and square."

"So, go ahead."

Taiyo stood up straight and reached her hand out. The entire planet was suddenly covered in a giant bubble, freezing all space time around the planet except for those who were in Japan.

"Looks like my inventions worked with you. That new shirt should make you hundreds of times stronger."

"Hehe, Alice doesn't stand a chance against me now."

"Alice has a dormant power in her. I want to see if she can unlock it. If she can, then you can go and fight her."

A few minutes earlier, on the other side of the city, Yoshi and Sybil walked together. Sybil skipped happily while Yoshi walked with his sword at the ready.

Yoshi sighed. "How can you be so frivolous?"

"Oh, come now. Lighten up a little, Yoshi. We're about about to save the world."

"You guys do realize Star is Zenith class, right. Alice will be fine, but for the rest of us, we'll face heavy punisent for even attempting to go against Star. That's how these things work."

"Ok, and. After what Star put me through, no one scares me anymore."

"Amen to that. Plus, I can't die. There's still something I want to do."

"What's that?"

"The Skyfall dance system and keeper society at large is very broken. Ranks and power are synonymous, which leads to people like Star and Taiyo being created. After we finish here, I want to work my way up to Zenith class and attempt... no, I will fix this broken system."

"Seems pretty noble."

"..." Yoshi was stunned by her words. Never would he have thought someone like him could be noble. Not after all he had done. "Y-You really think so?"

"Yoshi, I don't know the extent of what you did, but as you are now, you're a good person. You were the first to accept Alice, you repeatedly tried to work with Pinoy to get him to open up, you value character and skill over rank, and you accepted all of us too. If you ask me, you're the best keeper out there?"


Suddenly, Sybil felt a chilling aura in the air. She looked up and the birds and clouds stopped moving. And now that they were just looking around, they just noticed something... where were the people?

Suddenly, a giant ice pillar hit Sybil and knocked her several kilometers away through dozens of buildings.

"Sybil!" Suddenly, dozens of anomalies of aether and paradox class rank swarmed Yoshi. They fired multiple blasts at him, and he had to use his sword to block for his life. One of them he recognized at the bird anomaly Star used against him. "Oh, this is not good."

Behind the crowd of Anomalies, Yoshi saw Sapphy walking past rhe ice pillar. She was the one who made it. Sapphy passed Yoshi a glance before sprinting after Sybil.

"Not good. This is not good!"