
Jack Walker: Into The Past

Coming of age story of a young Lion Shifter named Jalk Walker. With an important role in the survival of the hidden supernatural world Jack will risk everything.

CooperGray · Fantasi
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14 Chs

Chapter 2

When two shifters have a baby the magic of both shifters is mixed and if the parents are different beasts either animal is possible when the baby is born. Shifters usually have three to four children at the same time, because their bodies are stronger and animals have litters. Not being humans this kind of birth doesn't put as much strain on the mother and most of the time everything goes off without a hitch. Though if a baby is born as their animal form and not a human baby there is almost a 100 percent chance their baby will go crazy or die at birth.

Jack Walker's two parents Lee and Alice being the only two original shifters left found each other in a time of despair. They formed a deep bond and eventually fell in love. Living in a new age, hiding and running until they could band the Clans together and eventually live in the open, Lee and Alice made a choice to not have children. They said to themselves this isn't the right time to bring new life into a dangerous world. Hundreds of years later they felt comfortable enough in their clan's strength to finally create a family.

Jack Walker's life started out very differently than a normal boys does, even for a shifter. When Alice and Lee showed up at their clan's Hospital ready to give birth to their 3 beautiful babies Dr. Fuller a Jaguar Shifter told Alice that she might lose one of her babies. He said "I'm so sorry Alice but even after all this time he hasn't shifted to a human baby, when he comes out he might not make it or he could go crazy…" At that moment Alice thought the world was ending, thinking one of her babies was going to be taken from her.

After hours and hours of consoling his Wife, Alice finally started to calm down and the contractions increased. As the medical team filed in he was pushed to the corner of the room, where all he could do is watch and hope everything would be okay. As Lee watched, Alice ended up having a very easy birth for the first two babies. As they came out Lee and Alice named them Samantha and Alex Walker. They were in perfect health and being identical twins were both around seven pounds. 

The next two hours of Alice's life were pure hell. The last child was not only extremely large but he was in his Cat form. Dr. Fuller made everyone leave except for Lee, all of his team were human and if a baby cat came out of a woman there would be pandemonium. Having Alice turn to pass the child was the only option. Finally as the baby slid out into Dr. Fuller's arms Alice passed out and slipped back into human form. Other than the other two babies making noise the room was silent… Lee, one of the oldest and strongest beings he knew on the planet felt completely helpless! He rushed to Alice's side to make sure she was okay then turned as fast as he could to the doctor and ask if the baby was alive. 

In those moments Alice slowly came awake with the same question but no strength to ask. Dr. Fuller slowly turned to the two worried parents with an amazed look on his face. He was holding up a 15 pound giant Lion Cub, and he said "I don't know how but he is perfectly fine, and the largest cub...baby I have ever seen!" Alice and Lee, too happy for words shed tears of joy and hugged each other, while Dr. Fuller placed the Baby cat between his brother and sister. Lee and Alice with only a look between them said his name is "Jack" at the same time.

As all three of the shifters looked over the babies in the hospital crib Dr. Fuller gasped as Jack started to shift into his human form. He was a giant baby with a full head of dark hair like his fathers but with gray streaks through it. Not sure how he survived all three stared at Jack knowing they would probably never see something like it again. 

In the first 10 years of the Walker kids' lives they were loved and adored by every part of the cat clan within hundreds of miles of Lee and Alice's home. The twins Alex and Sam were inseparable and loved to flaunt their talents and good looks. They loved being cats but understood from their parents at a young age that they should never shift or use their strength and animal senses in front of humans. Jack on the other hand completely and utterly loved being a Cat, any chance he had his clothes were thrown off and he was shifting or simply climbing trees and preying on different animals. Jack was a very smart boy but being born a Cat instead of a human baby somehow made him even more powerful as a shifter and just a little different. 

Jack woke up that morning knowing he would have the day off. His father would be going to the gathering and his mom was going to ask if she could take the kids to the park! Being a 10 year old boy that was almost as big as a high schooler, made other kids wary of Jack at first but once you got to know him all they wanted to do was be his friend. Once people got over how huge and muscular he was for his age they did their best to be around him. Jack just had a glow of power and kindness to him that made people like him.

He ran across the hall into the twin's room, jumped and did flip over the six foot double decker bed they shared, landed and roared a challenge at his siblings! They immediately barreled out of bed throwing themselves onto Jack and failed completely to wrestle him to the ground. Jack being bigger and stronger grappled with both until they were all out of breath and giggling like the kids they were. They all yelled at the top of their lungs at the same time "we're going to the Park!!!!!" Their Mother hearing this as she stepped out of the shower smiled and laughed softly to herself as she started getting ready for the day.

Running down the stairs to get to the kitchen Alex yelled "Last one to the kitchen is a rotten Egg!" Sam Shifted, into a medium sized Lioness pounced on him and took the lead. Jack decided to jump over the railing and fall into the living room, throwing a blanket over Sam in Cat form perfectly tripping her up and making her Shift back to get out without ruining the blanket. Alex ran into the kitchen seconds after Jack hearing Sam yell in despair as she rounded the last corner using the blanket to cover herself, knowing for the rest of the day she was the rotten egg. In a huff she turned out of the kitchen searching for her clothes randomly thrown everywhere when she shifted.

Alice who had just finished setting the table for breakfast looked up as Jack dashed into the kitchen with Alex on his heels, Sam unfortunately today's loser trudged off to get dressed again. As Sam finally sat down at the table with the rest of them they started to dig in on the ham steak, eggs, bacon, and sausage Alice had put together. Looking at all three of her Babies eating across from her Alice couldn't help but look at the similarities of the twins and how different Jack was. The twins were well built and very good looking. Both have dark hair almost black that curled slightly at the tips and sleek lithe muscular gymnastic looking bodies. Their faces, the same yet different as Alex was Masculine and Sam Feminine.

Then on the other hand Jack… who half the time she didn't know what to do with was ten years old and almost the size of most grown men. His hair, a deep chestnut like his fathers was still striped with the dark grey stripes. He was slowly turning into a muscular giant who had his Father's devilish charm and his Mother's raw beauty. Seeing that they were under scrutiny from their mother but thinking they were in trouble all three kids froze with food half way to their mouths. Sam as ever the oldest chose in that moment to throw her siblings under the bus just in case her mother was about to lecture them. "Jack and Alex should have to clean the pool before we go to the park, they didn't do it yesterday like you asked." Alex looked at her, stuck his tongue out and said "you really are a rotten egg!" Sam knowing he would always be her right hand man just smiled and thought she won that round.

Alice chuckling on the inside noticed that she had been assessing them while deep in thought. But Alice didn't suffer brown nosing. "Since the boys didn't do it last night you are right, but because you stooped to that level you'll be helping them clean the pool, then we can go to the park." Jack and Alex just made eye contact and laughed silently.