
Izanami Black

In a world where light and darkness vie for supremacy, Izanami Black stands at the crossroads, wielding powers that bridge both realms. Emerging from obscurity with a mysterious past and claiming her place as the head of the House of Black, Izzy's journey is one of discovery, mastery, and an unwavering commitment to balance.

Undead_Raptor · Derivasi dari karya
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129 Chs

Not of This World, the True Dark Lord

The battle had left a trail of devastation in its wake. Izzy, struggling with her grief, found herself once again facing the chaos that had consumed her life. Dumbledore had been defeated for the time being, and the air was thick with the scent of smoke and the echoes of curses. As she tried to steady herself, she felt a dark presence approaching.

Voldemort emerged from the shadows, his pale, serpentine features twisted into a cruel smile. Harry stood nearby, his expression a mix of defiance and dread. Voldemort's red eyes gleamed with malevolence as he turned his attention to Harry.

"Harry Potter," Voldemort hissed, his voice cold and mocking. "You continue to resist, to defy me, but it is futile. Join me, and together we can rule this world."

Harry's eyes burned with anger, but before he could respond, Izzy stepped forward, her grief and rage giving her courage. "Voldemort," she said, her voice cutting through the tension. "Do you believe in fate?"

The dark lord's smile faltered slightly, and he turned his gaze to Izzy. "Fate?" he repeated, his tone dripping with disdain. "What foolishness is this?"

Izzy held his gaze, unflinching. "Do you believe that everything we do is predetermined? That no matter how hard we fight, we are bound to a certain path?"

Voldemort's eyes narrowed, his expression one of irritation. "I create my own destiny, child. Fate is nothing but a delusion for the weak."

Izzy's heart pounded in her chest, but she refused to back down. "Then why does it feel like no matter what we do, the same patterns repeat? You seek power, you spread fear, and yet you fail to see that your actions are driven by the very fate you claim to defy."

Voldemort's face twisted in anger, and he took a step closer, his wand raised. "You dare to lecture me? You know nothing of my power, of my will."

Izzy felt a surge of defiance. "Your power means nothing if it's all dictated by a fate you refuse to acknowledge. We are all pawns in a larger game, and the true strength lies in breaking free from that cycle."

Voldemort's eyes blazed with fury, but there was a flicker of uncertainty there as well. Harry watched the exchange, his heart pounding as he realized the gravity of Izzy's words.

"Enough!" Voldemort snarled, his voice echoing through the empty corridors. "I will not be lectured by a child! I am the master of my own fate, and I will see to it that those who oppose me are crushed."

Izzy met his gaze with unwavering resolve. "Then show me, Voldemort. Prove that you are not just a pawn in the hands of fate."

The air around them seemed to crackle with tension, the weight of their confrontation hanging heavily. Voldemort's expression hardened, and he raised his wand higher, his intent clear. But in that moment, a sense of clarity washed over Izzy. She knew that this battle was far from over and that her fight against the darkness would continue, regardless of fate's dictates.

As Voldemort prepared to strike, Izzy braced herself, her resolve stronger than ever.

The air was thick with tension as Voldemort's eyes blazed with fury, his wand aimed directly at Izzy. The chilling silence was broken by the crackling of dark energy surrounding them. Harry watched with bated breath, his heart pounding in his chest. Izzy, fueled by her emotions and grief, stood her ground, her own wand at the ready, as the confrontation reached its boiling point.

Voldemort's voice was a cold hiss. "You dare to challenge me? A mere child against the Dark Lord?"

Izzy's gaze was unwavering, her voice steady and defiant. "You underestimate me, Voldemort. I'm not bound by the same prophecies and fates that dictate your every move. I am the master of my own destiny."

With a flick of his wand, Voldemort sent a deadly curse hurtling towards Izzy. She countered with a spell of her own, the two forces clashing in a burst of light and dark energy. The ground beneath them trembled as their magic collided, sending shockwaves through the air.

"Umbreath!" Izzy shouted, summoning the dark magic she had mastered. Shadows swirled around her, forming a protective barrier that absorbed Voldemort's next attack. She retaliated with a burst of transmutation, the ground beneath Voldemort's feet transforming into jagged spikes of ice.

Voldemort dodged, his eyes narrowing in surprise at her skill. "You wield dark magic well, but it will not save you."

Izzy's eyes burned with a fierce determination. "I am not just a witch, Voldemort. I am something more. Born not of this world, but forged in its fires."

Their wands clashed again, sparks flying as their spells collided. Izzy's magic was fueled by her grief and anger, each spell imbued with the raw power of her emotions. She channeled her mastery of transmutation, turning the elements against Voldemort. Flames erupted from the ground, only to be extinguished by a torrent of water she conjured moments later.

As they battled, Izzy continued to speak, her words cutting through the chaos. "Prophecies are chains, binding those born of this world to a fate they cannot escape. But I am not of this world, Voldemort. I am beyond your understanding."

Voldemort's eyes flickered with uncertainty, a brief moment of confusion breaking through his rage. "What nonsense are you spouting, girl?"

Izzy's voice was a roar of defiance. "I am Izanami Black, the true dark lord. One who defies fate, who shapes her own destiny. You are a relic of a past that no longer holds power over me."

With a surge of power, she cast a spell that sent a shockwave through the air, knocking Voldemort off balance. He staggered, his face contorted with fury. Izzy pressed her advantage, her magic flowing with a newfound strength. She conjured a storm of lightning and ice, each bolt and shard aimed with precision.

Voldemort regained his footing, his eyes blazing with anger. "You will not defeat me!"

Izzy's response was a determined shout. "I don't need to defeat you. I only need to show you that you are not invincible."

The ground around them cracked and shattered as their spells collided with increasing intensity. Harry watched in awe and fear, realizing the true extent of Izzy's power. She was more than a match for Voldemort, her magic fueled by something beyond mere skill.

As the battle raged on, Izzy felt a surge of clarity. This was her fight, her destiny to shape. She would prove to Voldemort, to the world, and to herself that she was a force to be reckoned with.

With a final, powerful spell, she sent Voldemort reeling backwards. The dark lord stumbled, his eyes wide with shock and fury. Before he could recover, Izzy apparated away, leaving the battlefield behind.

In the aftermath, Harry stood alone, the weight of what he had witnessed pressing down on him. Izzy had shown a strength and defiance that shook the very foundations of Voldemort's power. The true dark lord was not born of this world, but forged in its fires, and her battle was far from over.

Harry stood in the middle of the shattered battlefield, his mind reeling from the intensity of the confrontation he had just witnessed. The echoes of spells and the clash of magic still reverberated in his ears. He watched as Dumbledore, having recovered from his initial encounter with Voldemort, approached him with a mix of urgency and concern.

The sudden appearance of Ministry officials added to the chaos. Aurors and other magical law enforcement swarmed the area, their expressions a blend of shock and determination as they assessed the situation. Harry could hear snippets of their conversations, the words "Voldemort" and "battle" repeated in hushed, urgent tones.

Dumbledore reached Harry, placing a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "Harry, are you all right?"

Harry nodded, though he still felt shaken. "Yes, Professor. Izzy... she fought Voldemort. She was incredible."

Dumbledore's eyes held a mixture of pride and worry. "I saw. Her abilities are remarkable, but her proclamation... it concerns me."

Harry frowned, recalling Izzy's words. "She called herself the true dark lord. What does that mean?"

Before Dumbledore could answer, they were interrupted by the arrival of Cornelius Fudge, the Minister of Magic, flanked by several Aurors. His face was pale, and his eyes darted nervously around the devastated area.

"Dumbledore! What in Merlin's name happened here?" Fudge demanded, his voice trembling slightly.

Dumbledore's expression remained calm. "Voldemort has returned, Cornelius. This is undeniable proof."

Fudge's face turned ashen. "V-Voldemort? Impossible! There must be some mistake."

Harry stepped forward, his voice firm. "It's true, Minister. Voldemort was here, and Izanami Black fought him. She saved us."

The mention of Izzy's name seemed to unsettle Fudge further. "Izanami Black? The same girl who called herself a dark lord? What are we to make of that, Dumbledore?"

Dumbledore sighed, his gaze heavy with thought. "Izzy's intentions are clear; she fights against Voldemort and the darkness he represents. However, her choice of words and her methods are... unconventional. We must understand her motivations and guide her accordingly."

Harry looked up at Dumbledore, seeking clarity. "Professor, do you think Izzy is dangerous?"

Dumbledore's eyes softened. "I believe Izzy is a powerful witch with a unique perspective. She walks a fine line, Harry. We must ensure she remains on the side of light."

As they spoke, the Aurors continued their investigation, and the aftermath of the battle became clearer. Harry's thoughts kept returning to Izzy's fierce determination and her claim of being beyond the prophecies that bound others. It was both inspiring and concerning.

Dumbledore turned to Fudge, his voice resolute. "Cornelius, the evidence is irrefutable. Voldemort has returned, and we must prepare for the battles ahead. Izzy's actions, while bold, have bought us time. We must use it wisely."

Fudge, still in shock, nodded reluctantly. "Yes, yes, of course. We will convene an emergency meeting. Hogwarts must be protected, and the Ministry must be mobilized."

As the officials began organizing their response, Harry felt a surge of determination. Izzy's battle had shown him that they were not alone in this fight. The road ahead would be perilous, but with allies like Izzy and the guidance of Dumbledore, they stood a chance against the darkness.

Dumbledore gave Harry a reassuring smile. "Come, Harry. We have much to discuss and many preparations to make. The battle is far from over."