

The Zambezi river and Victoria waterfall are on an island


The herd had to cross the Zambezi River which is 50ft deep to get ro the other side of the island

On palm island they can wait out the dry season till the delta river returns to the desert

Jamie was astonished by the matriarch s intelligence she knows where she s going to and how to get there she knows when to leave the Kalahari and when to return

Both boys noticed the dangers the herd faced especially when crossing the Zambezi River the current carried a few elephants down stream over the waterfalls to their deaths

The herd had to cross the river onto the the othe side of the island which is safer no crocodiles on the other side but while crossing crocodile attached but the herd got away

On the other side of the island there are palm trees filled with ripe palm nuts which is perfect for the herd they can rest here for a few months before the island dries out and they'll have to make their epic journey to return to their home

Leaving the palm islan is easier than arriving

After a few months on palm island came drought

The island started drying up besides its too small for elephants

The nuts are finished the water s drying up

It's time for the herd to return to their home because the okavengo delta river is returning to the Kalahari the river travels 600 miles from the Angolan mountain to get to the Kalahari desert and transform it to a wetland oasis

The herd decided to take the short cut back home but it's dangerous

First they encountered lions and during this time it's hunting season for the lion the herd took the short route through lions territory

While shadowing the herd unkonwnto the boys a female lion got other truck and if david hadn't know how to use a gun the result would 've been fatal

The lions attached the herd constantly but they got away

The second territory they passed through was hyenas this time both david and Jamie harmed themselves with guns and fired shot in the airport scare off hyenas attacking the herd

Finally the herd got home

But the boys got into serious trouble both at school and at home they were punished for causing chaos at the airport

Cleaning bathroom s emptying trash for the rest of the school year

While at home Kelvin is very angry with his son and Jeff is starting to resent david

The team served 3weeks in jail when they've recovered including Jeff

Kelvin struct a deal where he paid a fine to the police department to get them out of trouble and signed a document saying he'll never hu t and kill elephant s

Kelvin wanted to hurt Jamie but the boys came up with an idea

The pictures and videos they took was uploaded online Jamie made a few paintings of the elephants journey through the horizon the herd been led by the queen birds the herd on mopani island the herd on palm island paintings of Victoria waterfall paintings of antelopes , crocodiles,giraffs

His paintings videos pictures online became an instant hit

An art dealer from Paris contacted miss jacobo who put him in touch with Kelvin and Jeff

The paintings where sold for alot of money

Leila Jamie's mom made a deal with the dealer which allowed the boys open an art gallery

During hidays they'll paint portraits create videos/ pictures a few will be sent to paris which gave way to a new path for both families

With time both Kelvin and Jeff forgave their sons

David td his dad about the elephants that died on their epic journey

Bothe fathers decided they 'll look out for the dead elephants get their tusks but it's uncertain if the men will finally give up on poaching but this is a new beginning for them.