
It was always you, love triangles with no point!

Welcome to a delightful romcom filled with laughter, friendship, and a dash of romantic chaos! "It Was Always You, Love Triangles with No Point!" takes readers on a rollercoaster ride of emotions as eight friends navigate the tricky terrain of relationships, secrets, and unexpected encounters. Meet Yon, the charismatic protagonist with a heart full of dreams and a mischievous sense of humor. He shares an unbreakable bond with his loving sister, Kanna, who often provides him with sage advice. Yon's life is forever changed when he crosses paths with Yui, a captivating and enigmatic girl who instantly captures his attention and sparks a connection he can't ignore. Join Yon's journey as he leans on his trusted best friends, Sam and Lincoln, for guidance through the whirlwind of emotions that follows. Sam, the witty and reliable confidant, always has Yon's back, while Lincoln, the laid-back and adventurous friend, encourages him to follow his heart and take chances. However, the path to true love is never straightforward, and Yon finds himself tangled in a web of romantic entanglements. Enter Ereen and Kareen, two girls with an undeniable chemistry and mixed feelings toward each other. As Yon tries to navigate this complex dynamic, he unintentionally becomes entangled in their love triangle, testing his loyalty to his friends and his own desires. But the complications don't end there. Maka, a mysterious girl, enters the scene, harboring a secret infatuation for Kareen. As Maka's obsession intensifies, Yon must navigate the delicate balance between love, friendship, and personal boundaries, all while trying to untangle the web of secrets and emotions that threatens to disrupt the harmony of their tight-knit group. "It Was Always You, Love Triangles with No Point!" is a heartwarming and hilarious romcom that explores the trials and tribulations of love, friendship, and self-discovery. Readers will find themselves immersed in the captivating world of Yon and his friends, cheering them on as they search for their own happily ever after. Get ready for a whirlwind of laughter, unexpected twists, and tender moments as Yon and his friends discover that sometimes, love triangles may have no point, but they are full of surprises and valuable lessons that shape their lives in ways they never anticipated.

Dryramen · Masa Muda
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23 Chs

A bad idea

Entering the lunchroom, they found many students and teachers enjoying their meals. However, they arrived slightly late, and some items were already sold out. Sam and Lincoln eyed the onigiri with ramen, while Yon spotted a delicious-looking melon bun. He walked over to the lone bun, realizing it was the last one. Feeling fortunate, he reached for it, ready to indulge.

"Are you seriously going to take the last melon bun?" Yon heard an angry voice from behind him. Slowly turning around, he came face to face with an irate little girl. Her piercing purple eyes seemed to bore into him, while her straight black hair leaned to the right of her head as she stood with her hands on her hips, arms crossed. Her outfit differed from the others, featuring a jet-black jacket and skirt, along with a purple ribbon around her neck. Yon couldn't help but stare blankly at her, feeling a slight sense of fear toward this short, devilish girl.

"Hello? Is anyone home? I'm talking to you, you know!" Yon snapped out of his daze, glancing at the melon bun in his hand and contemplating for a moment. "Um, did you want this melon bun?" He asked nervously. A villainous grin spread across her face, and she shifted her weight to the opposite side, causing her hair to follow suit.

"Uh, yeah, I think that's pretty obvious. Who do you think you are, anyway? I always get the first pick at lunch."

"But it's the first day... You're a first-year like me."

"Hmph, like that matters! In high school, I always got the first pick, so it should be the same here, right?" she replied in a bratty tone. "Right..." Yon responded, growing annoyed. Yon's fear dissipated, replaced by irritation. All he saw now was a spoiled child standing in front of him, demanding to have her way. He let out a sigh and put on a fake smile. "I'm Yon Kinichi. And you are?" She scoffed and rolled her eyes, stepping closer to him. "To think you don't know who I am! If you must know, I'm Ereen Inawi, from class 1-B. I'm in the same class as your lowlife of a sister."

"Wait, you know my sister?" Yon raised an eyebrow, suddenly intrigued. "Hmph, like that matters. Now give me my melon bun, you worm!" she demanded. "Worm? Did she just call me a worm?!" Yon's expression turned aggravated, and he stared at her, the fake smile fading as he adopted a more serious demeanor. He was about to say something to Ereen when an unknown person intervened.

"Hey, you can't talk to your classmates like that!" A girl jumped in between the two, standing tall and exuding authority. "As the class representative, I won't let anyone get away with something like this! Especially over a melon bun!"

Yon looked at the girl, his mouth hanging open in disbelief at her over-the-top behavior. He blushed slightly, however, as he noticed her appearance. Her long black hair cascaded below her skirt, and black tights covered her legs, ending at her thighs, leaving just enough to the imagination. She wore the uniform of the school council for gifted students, adorned with various academic pendants, and a pink ribbon adorned her neck. She stood there, staring intently at Ereen, her pink eyes fixed on her, ready to confront her. Yon couldn't help but be captivated by her undeniable beauty.

"I am Kareen Kawanai! Class 1-A Representative! Now, let's put an end to this foolishness," Kareen declared, pointing directly at Ereen. The two locked eyes, exchanging glares and smirks, an electric tension building between them. The entire lunchroom fell silent, captivated by the unfolding confrontation. Ereen let out a frustrated sigh.

"Fine... I'm over it," she muttered, turning away in anger, her hopes of getting the Melon Bun dashed. Kareen, with a triumphant smile, turned her attention to Yon. "Please don't let Ereen's behavior bother you. She's always like this nowadays," Kareen assured him, her words soothing his concerns. Yon offered a grateful smile, his stance relaxing. "Thank you, Kareen," Yon said, his voice filled with appreciation. "My name is Yon Kinichi by the way."

"Yon Kinichi... I won't forget that name," Kareen said with a playful twinkle in her eye. Their smiles matched, and Yon couldn't help but feel a sense of intrigue and wonder at the connection forming between them. Joining Lincoln and Sam, who had been observing the scene from afar, Yon settled down beside Lincoln, opening his Melon Bun and savoring every bite. "What was all that about?" Sam asked curiously, her eyes fixed on Yon.

"Just a girl who wanted this Melon Bun," Yon replied, his words muffled by the delicious treat in his mouth. Sam and Lincoln exchanged a glance, mildly surprised by Yon's voracious appetite. "At least swallow before talking," Lincoln chided, a hint of disgust in his voice. Yon simply grinned, his delight evident as he relished the taste of the Melon Bun. As they finished their lunch, they headed to their lockers for the next period. Yon opened his locker, and a note fluttered to the ground. Picking it up, he felt a surge of curiosity coursing through him.

"Who would leave a note in my locker?" Yon wondered aloud, his voice filled with anticipation. Carefully unfolding the note, his heart skipped a beat. It was a request from Sam, asking him to meet her on the rooftop after school, emphasizing that she had something very important to tell him.

Yon's smile widened, a rush of excitement flooding his being. The possibility of his dream coming true thrilled him, but he also made a silent vow to himself. "I will be the one to open up first, Sam. You won't beat me to the punch." The rest of the day flew by in a blur as Yon was consumed by a mix of excitement and curiosity about what awaited him on the rooftop with Sam. He seemed lost in his thoughts, oblivious to those around him, including Lincoln, who had become increasingly intrigued by Yon's mysterious demeanor. Finally, as the day drew to a close, Lincoln made one last attempt to approach Yon.

"Hey Yon, want to hang out after school?" Lincolns asks. Yon is changing into his regular shoes and placing his school shoes in his locker. "No, I'm sorry. Sam wants to talk before I head home, and my sister Kanna is making dinner." Lincoln looks a little down but is intrigued by what Sam would need to talk to Yon about in private. He gets a sly smile and leans closer to Yon.

"So, you two are talking alone, huh? What's it going to be about?"

"It's not like that," Yon responds, slightly annoyed. Yon closes his locker and walks away from Lincoln, heading towards the stairwell to the roof. "Come on! Give me something! I'm dying to know what it is!" Lincoln exclaims loudly. Yon continues walking away, waving Lincoln off. "Fine, keep your secrets..." he mutters to himself, upset about Yon's distance.

Lincoln turns away, walking off a little upset. Yon makes his way to the rooftop, his anxiety getting the better of him, unable to focus. His mind wanders, and incoherent thoughts fill his mind. "What if it's all a prank? What if it's secretly a gang of delinquents who want my money?"

He reaches the door that opens to the rooftop and pauses for a moment. He takes a deep breath and reaches for the doorknob, slowly opening the door. The setting sunlight blinds him for a moment, making him close his eyes. When his eyes finally adjust, he sees Sam standing a little distance away, looking over the campus.

Yon slowly walks over to her, captivated by her beauty as the wind picks up her hair, carrying cherry blossom leaves with it. Sam turns around, noticing Yon. She smiles as their eyes meet. Sam goes to talk, but Yon stops her.

"Before you say anything, I need to say something first." Sam notices how nervous and anxious Yon is acting and nods, agreeing that he should go first. "I need to ask you something, Sam," he says shakily. Yon's heart is beating so fast; he has never been this nervous before. "I need to be brave here. I promised myself I would do this eventually," he whispers to himself.

Yon clenches his fist and steps forward, trying to muster fake confidence. Sam looks at Yon, a little confused about why he's so serious, but maintains a smile for his sake. "Oh yeah, that's okay. What's on your mind?" she responds reassuringly. Yon is sweating bullets, his cheeks flush red, and his mind goes blank.

"No, calm down."

He takes a deep breath, then lightly slaps himself on the cheeks. Yon steps a little closer to Sam and looks her in the eyes, both of them blushing with embarrassment. "Sam, I—" Sam turns her head to the side, placing her finger cutely on her chin, showing confusion. "What is it?" she asks quizzically.

"I will finally tell you, Sam," he whispers to himself once more.

Yon reaches out to her, emulating his dream, his fist clenched, and his confidence and anxiety at an all-time high. "Sam, I love you!" he yells loudly across the rooftop.

Time stands still for a moment. The wind stops, and the noise of the campus goes silent. Yon stares at Sam, and she stares back, surprised. She holds her hand against her chest, her blushing coming to a halt. Her demeanor shifts to a sad one, and her smile disappears.

"Oh, Yon, I'm sorry..."

Yon's smile fades. The wind blows between them as they continue to stare at each other. This was truly a bad idea.