
Yandere onee-san

"Uhmm, Haruki... is your in-game name Harucchi?"

"Uhh, yes? Why?"

Wow. I thought only my friends knew my in-game name.

"Haruki, come with me for a second..."

She grabbed my hand and walked me to the music room near the faculty.

There was no one else inside.

Am I about to get murdered?

We stepped into the room, her hand still gripping mine. Before closing the door, she glanced around, checking to see if anyone had noticed us.

Well, I think she's checking if there's any possible witnesses nearby

Once she confirmed we were alone, she turned to me and... hugged me?

My face was immediately buried in her chest.

Wow, the height difference is something else.

But she's wearing heels so the gap is not that big

I can't breathe!

Is this some new method of assassination?

Then she started crying.

"Ha... Haru-kun, why did you unfollow me?!"

"Unfollow you?"

"Last night... you unfollowed me out of nowhere..."

Wait. Is Shiori-sensei—

"Sensei... are you Tria-san?"

She wiped her tears and nodded.

"Huh. Oh, yeah... Please don't tell anyone about this.... A teacher playing SFO is not a good idea"

She was still sniffling.

Oh, this trope. Turns out my yandere in-game wife is actually a hot onee-san IRL.

I mean, I knew she had a job, but I didn't expect it to be here.

And as a teacher?!

She pinched my cheeks and cooed, "As expected, my Haruki-kun is such a cutie~."

Wow. Wasn't she just threatening to confiscate my phone earlier?

"Haruki-kun, please... let's play SFO together again!"

She's cute, but I still couldn't believe my demon teacher is my yandere playmate.

"Well, Tria-san—uh, I mean, Shiori-sensei—look, I didn't unfollow you just to be mean, but... you've been too paranoid lately. And, to be honest, you've been a bit annoying."

She flinched.

"U-uh, sorry about that. I was just tired last night, and I guess I was in a bad mood..."

"And I'm also afraid someone might steal my only playmate..."

Sigh. "Okay, fine. Apologies accepted. Just don't do it again, okay?"

"Then... does that mean we'll play together again?"

Ah. My inner scumbag is waking up.

"Sure. But there's a condition."

She stared at me for a moment, then—what the hell—she started unbuttoning her uniform.

"Shi... Shiori-sensei, what are you doing?!"

"But... you said you wanted a condition..."


"Eh? But I read that boys your age are into this kind of thing..."

"That only applies to perverted maniacs! Just listen to me first!"

She stopped unbuttoning, thankfully, but I swear she looked disappointed.

"O-okay, I'll listen."

"My condition is this: don't get jealous of online girls that don't even exist."

"Eh? So you really don't have another girl playing with you?"

Sigh. "As I said last night, I don't."

"O-okay... Is that all?"

"One more thing: ignore my pending assignments for this week."

Having a teacher on your side really has its perks.

"I can't do that, Haru-kun," she said, her tone turning serious.

"Eh? Why not?"

"Because assignments are important for your education. Letting you off would make me an irresponsible teacher."

"But I didn't finish them because of you."

"Wha—how is that my fault?"

"Because you keep making me play with you in my free time! And if I don't, you accuse me of playing with another girl and start a fight."

"Eh?! I-I'm sorry about that..."

"It's clearly your fault. You need to compensate me."

She hesitated, then sighed. "Fine. I'll turn a blind eye to your assignments... but just this once, okay?"

Yes! Though I felt a pang of guilt.

But seeing this softer side of Shiori-sensei made me feel pretty lucky.

To think that the demon teacher, who rarely even smiled, had this adorable side.

"Sensei, we should head back to class now. It's about to start."

"Oh, okay..."

She looked a little disappointed. Maybe she wanted to talk more?

"Sensei, after school, we can talk for a bit if you'd like."

Her face lit up.

"Are you inviting me to your house?"

"Uh, I didn't say that... but, sure, I guess it's fine."

Oh, my phone!

"Shiori-sensei, can I have my phone back now?"

"Okay, wait..."

She opened my phone and started scrolling.

"Shiori-sensei, what are you doing?"

"Just checking. You might have some... dirty stuff in here."

I don't, so it doesn't matter. Just let her be

Fine. But give it back after school...

When I got back to class, I made sure to arrive ahead of Shiori-sensei. No way was I letting anyone see us leave an empty room together.

"Wow... Shiori-sensei's mood has done a complete 180. What'd you do, Haruki?"

Shino, my seatmate and childhood friend, smirked.

"Shut up, will you?"

Our exchange caught Shiori-sensei's attention.

"Miyabi, don't talk to Mishizaki during class," she snapped.

Wow. Back to her usual self, I see.

But I think she knew Shino plays SFO because you can see your partner's friends list if you married in game...

After school, I waited for her at the park near the school, ensuring no students were around.

When she arrived, she looked excited.

"Sensei, you made sure no one followed you, right?"

"Uh, yes. And, uhmm, Haruki-kun..."

Her tone changed.

"Can you call me by my name when we're outside?"

Calling her by name? My virgin brain short-circuited.

But saying no would be... problematic. I've learned my lesson.

"O... okay. Shiori-san?"

God, this is so embarrassing. My face felt like it was on fire.

But the warm smile she gave me was worth it.

"Haruki-kun, you promised to play SFO with me again..."

"Ah, yeah. Let's do that. Though I also promised my little sister to play with her, so let's play as a trio."

"Wait... so your little sister is really your little sister?"

"Of course! What else would she be?!"

"Oh, by the way, Shiori-san, can I have my phone now? I need to call my mom to make extra food. You can eat dinner at our house."

She handed my phone back but added, "So the 'mom' messaging you earlier is really your mother..."


And she'd checked my messages, too.