

yiwha, was a girl born without the love of her mother, maybe it was because her mother wanted a male child, instead of a female child but her prayers were not answered. poor yihwa only had one wish, which was to get the love of her mother, so she decided to dress like a boy, and become phat, her late older brother, and to her surprise the loving eyes her mother never gave her when she was a girl, her mother gave her being phat. years passed and yihwa lived on as a boy, until one day she interviewed for the spot of the newest secretary of the newest CEO of the Gun industry, but was shocked see that her new boss was the little boy who kissed her years ago and her childhood crush. will yihwa be able to hold her desire to have him, or will love turn her whole world around find out in "TURNS OUT I AREN'T GAY AFTER ALL."

Sharon_Rose18 · perkotaan
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4 Chs


After Gun and Lisa were done eating, they cleared the table and Gun went to the living room.

" have you talked to your mom yet." Lisa said while standing up.

"no, not yet thou... wait a second, why must I talk to my mom, is there something she wants to tell me."

while stretching, Lisa said "how would I know, I'm not your mom. Anyway, I have something I want to tell you."

"something you want to tell me, what is it?.

"well, you gonna have to move out soon."

" what, common I haven't broken any of your rule. why do you want me to leave so suddenly."

" it's not about the rules, it.. its (Argh) it's because I will be traveling soon, so you have to go back to your house."

"traveling where, isn't your work place in holiday. where are you going now." Gun said in a whining voice.

"(Argh), stop whining will you. I'm not going on a business trip, it's Jack."


" Jack? what does it has to do with jack."

" well you won't believe this,but he called me two days ago and said that he would be visiting soon, and that he is going to take me to Los Angeles tomorrow to see his parents."

" what, wow lucky you. took him long enough, I thought he was like those jerks who will give you the ring without anything promising coming out of it."

" yah, yah, anyway i have alot of packing to do and so do you so I will go take a shower and start packing, while you stay here until I'm done okay."

"okay." after talking to Lisa, Gun turned on his laptop and and started relaxing.


Gun was going through his phone and saw a missed call from his mom. he then tapped her line and started waiting for her to pick up.

MRS GUN : hello, Gun finally. don't you know that I have been trying to get in touch with you for the pack two days now. what have you been doing lately that is more important than talking to your dear mom.

GUN :Ma, don't say that. I have just been busy with some work but look now I'm free and am talking to you right.

MRS GUN : well, ok I forgive just this once, but don't think of doing it again ok.

GUN : ok Ma, I promise I won't do it again. so now please tell me why you have been trying to call me for the past two days.

MRS GUN : well son, it's... it's tharn.

GUN : tharn.....Ma what happened to brother, is he alright.

MRS GUN : well, son he is fine it just what he did.

GUN : what did tharn do mom, please tell me.

MRS GUN : well son, some a week ago prae called and said that she wanted to start all over again, that she was sorry for everything she, and you know how stupid your brother can be when it came to her. he...he took almost have of the company money and eloped with her and now the company is in the stage of bankruptcy, son.

GUN : why will he do that tye of thing to his own family company.(grit) when I get back I'm gonna give him the biggest beatings of his life. Ma what about Pa what is he doing to solve this issue.

MRS GUN : well, son that's another problem. when your father found out about what tharn did, he had an heart attack, and was rushed to the hospital. the doctor said he needs to rest for sometime, unless...(sob).

Gun couldn't help but feel pity for his family, he was here enjoying himself while his family was suffering.

GUN : Ma don't worry, I will be home soon and everything will be okay, just hang on a little longer ok. your Gun Gun is coming home soon.


After he was done talking to his mother, Gun dailed his butler number and ordered him to book a flight ticket for him. he then went upstairs to take his Jacket ready to go back to his house, when he was stopped by Lisa.

" Gun where are you going to now."

"why Lisa, why didn't you tell me my family was suffering , why did you keep it a secret from, WHY."

" I'm sorry Gun, it's just I didn't want you to get worr..."

" so you thought lieing to me will be the best idea huh."

" I don't want to hear it ok, keep your apologies to yourself."

saying this Gun left the house, in anger without looking back.

the next day he entered the plane and finally landed in the domp airport. coming out of the helivator he saw Mr. Kun outside waiting for him with six nice cars, a smirk appeared on his lips. now things were about to get interesting.