
Visiting Greece (Not Edited)

Here it is! The last chapter before this fanfic is entering hibernation.

When I will continue this? idk.


Le Fay was sitting in the leisure room with multiple holograms windows surrounding her. Her facial expression was that of neutral, if anyone tried to read what she is thinking it would be difficult.

Her blue eyes were on the holographic screen in front of her. It was information Aurora has given her about her Master.

What she was studying about him is very simple. It's his birthday, year of birth, the place where he was born.

Those are key details on something she will do soon, and that is Astrology… 

Since ancient times...even before her, star reading connected to a person is one of the easiest and straight to the point way to get a reading on someone's character…

Especially weaknesses…

All she needs is the date of birth, location of birth, and time of birth.

And thanks to Aurora who is obsessed with perfection, she even has time recorded of his birth.

'Talking about obsession, she nearly rivalled the level of Morgan had on Arthur…' Le Fay internally rolled her eyes before focusing on the readings she got from this.

'Hmm, fear of being forgotten? Well, that explains his obsession with making his technomancy this long-lasting…

'Distaste for rules which are not his Own'... This well… This could lead to world war 3…  thinking about this from a different angle and at the world stage… this could truly lead to world war 3.

He has quite the obsession with materialistic things, which makes him a collector, this is something I already knew, but this just proves how deep it runs. 

Then his strength and talent is concentrated in his hands. Which is something I don't need to check his inventions speak for themselves.

Followed by a deep interest in classics either movies or in general… hmm… well that explains his interest in Sacred Gears and collecting relics?

Hmm… and what is this…deep urge to stand out from the rest… it's almost like something related to the need to be different from the rest. An urge to prove something?

A childhood trauma?

Hmm… well, this explain the dislike for rules… since he wants to stand out, he won't be able to fit with the rules…since they get in the way. Or is it more than the rules tie him down?

Whatever the case I now know enough.'

Le Fay stroked her chin as she looked at the map of the stars. She was quite satisfied with what she read from this. Now she has quite the grasp over his character. She could start tracing down the rest just from these.

The witch for a second smirked as she probably knows more than Serafall now!

Once she got the general idea about what is happening with his character Le Fay could start to move out and start moving up in the hierarchy she ended up herself in.

She won't going to stop until she is sitting next to him!

Quite a menacing smile appeared on her face, as she imagined herself somewhere where not even her previous self could not achieve!


Valerie was laying in her new bed while looking at the sky created by the holograms.

Multiple times today she thought to herself that she was in a different world. Or even in a different time altogether. From the looks of things she saw. They all pointed to her that she was in a completely different world.

However, she spend most of her time extremely seriously listening to what the other maids told to her. Turns out, the oldest ones can't help her because they are busy resting after going through… genetic alterations…

Again she was baffled hearing that. Are they doing genetic alterations in this place? That sounds like some plot from a heavy sci-fi novel!

Even after that, she was able to get over the day of exploring the... underground base… again...this sounds like some sort of villain's lair…

Another thing she got understanding is that most if not all maids here are gunning for their Master. They all working, to her it sounds like some sort of excuse to be close to him.

So, that reminds her of some of the romance novels she read.

'Who would have thought that I will end up in a sci-fi/Romance comedy flic turned reality?' 


'Now I only need to find a way to get in touch with the devil kind. How could I get him to help me to find Gasper?'

The Dhampir girl couldn't truly think of ways he would just help her…

There is no function where she could use her points to get some help in finding him!

Then she remembered that she could use the holographic window she saw maids use!

Slowly she lifted her right hand… and used her index finger to brush it down. For a second she wanted to blush from embarrassment doing something as weird as that!

But to her small surprise, a white and gold window appeared in front of her.

It was like a setup of some sort… like she can customise her window!

'Is it my personal computer of some sort?' She thought very much curiously as she saw several options. From shop, to search to options, customisation… even room customisation…

Everything was there.


Once she saw that she can change the colours of the window she started going through that…

'I can always think about it once I get over this…'


Marcus looked at his car which was finished 'partially'. Well, he won't going to call it finished when it can't travel through time.

He has quite tuned it up. The most interesting thing he did so far is the wheels of the car.

As the wheel spins it deploys small barriers underneath it. This allows the car to go through any surface theoretically.

However, so far he found out that he can't do it with the air. It is related to the mass in the air and that the barrier can't hold a car's weight.

This means that he still needs some work to do. Which is good news in a way. However, the solution is that the car can fly so he doesn't need to drive through the air…

Not that he is going to stop with trying to find the solution to this issue.

"We are done with our preparations!"

Marcus turned to face the source of the voice. It was Hippolyta. The redhead and Atalanta are coming with him.

It would be interesting if Artemis went with them, but the Goddess decided that she wants to skip this outing.

While he could make her come he decided not to. There will be another chance to take the Moon Goddess back to Greece.

"Good. Now that looks nice on you." The teen inventor said with a nod. As he saw that Hippolyta was dressed in tight jeans and a simple sweater.

While the lion girl next to her was dressed in a simple skirt.

It is not surprising that Atalanta is coming with him. She wants to see her new opposition.

A Nemean Lion. Honestly, she is quite baffled that Marcus will be getting such a beast. However, part of her is not that intimidated.

Atalanta knows quite well that she is a lion and a girl. Something the Nemean Lion is not. So, in the end, she will be superior either way.

"Thanks! I want to show that I look good in many types of clothes not just maid uniform." She said that with a smile as she walked over to him and show off how good the clothes looks on her.

"Not complaining. Are you two ready?" He asked them.

"Yes...however are we going to drive to Greece?" Hippolyta asked with some confusion.

"Portion of it. I will test how it drives before jumping to Greece with a space warp." He explained with crossed arms as he looked at the car.

"Space warp? You can do that?" Hippolyta asked with a slightly raised eyebrow.

"Don't be surprised while teleportation is quite similar…"

"Teleportation is a set in stone from point A to B. Space warps sounds it doesnt follow that rule. Which means you invented something new!" The redhead interrupted him with a smirk. Making Marcus' hand itch… he wants to spank her for being this naughty for interrupting him.

"Yes… it's based on a technique I employ when I use my space ring."

"Isn't space locked down in this nation? Are we going to cross borders?" Atalanta asked him as she looked at the car.

"Indeed that's what I said about testing the car."

"...Isn't the closest border around 200 kilometres from here and it's with Belarus?" The lion girl said as she remembered the map.

"Indeed. We going to cross that one."

"Hmm… are you sure? It's going to be difficult without any magic… or are you going to use magic?" The Amazon Queen said with some confusion she knows well enough Marcus doesn't like casual hypnosis unless it's very important…

But using hypnosis at the border? It has tons of cameras there and the car stand out on its own!

"Neither, you two will see! Now get in!" He motioned for them to get in as he walked to the driver's seat.

"Umm, it's kind of a late question. But, do you know how to drive?" Hippolyta asked him with an uncertain look.

"You afraid I am going to crash the car?" Marcus asked with an amused look.

A Goddess afraid of crashing cars? Now that's amusing.

"I am more concerned that you going to kill someone by accident and I dislike bumpy rides…" She said that with an eye roll.

Even though she gave a reasonable excuse, he simply smiled at her and gave his answer.

"Who knows." 

Which only annoyed the pair.


Marcus has put the key into the ignition then turned it. The tuned-up car's dashboard, which looked like a custom made computer screen, turned on.

Unlike normal cars dashboards, this one didn't have petrol or oil meters, not even the temperature one is there. Instead, it had different things. Like car modes which is road, all-terrain, underwater and flight. Followed by the speedometer, there was the image of a green diamond on the corner.

Apart from those, there was a touch screen tablet attached where the radio was supposed to be. While the pair of huntresses haven't been inside many cars they know such a tablet-like thing is not common for any current cars out there.

Even then there are touch screen buttons for the image of a flying car… an underwater car… and a car driving a vertical wall…

They decided not to touch those buttons…

"I suggest putting on the seatbelts," Marcus said with a smile.

Both of them quickly did that. Internally he smiled to himself seeing how quickly they did that! He does love messing with them!

"Good now let's go!" As he said that he turned the engine on.

Weirdly enough the sound was there, but the car didn't even react to it! It's like nothing has happened!

Moments later the ceiling lowered itself and Marcus could finally leave. However, before he did that he pressed a few things on the tablet. Activating something…

Once that was done he started driving. Honestly, both girls were quite fascinated by the fact that the inventor could drive it as if he did it for years!

This didn't go unnoticed by the Lion Girl. Her theory that Marcus has the experience of someone much older just got confirmed by what she saw.

She did on purpose check with Aurora to find out if he ever driven before…and according to the earliest data the A.I. has Marcus flew first before he drove anything…

Again, this proves that he has more experience than he should!

Honestly, this makes Atalanta much more curious than it normally would. After all, she is trying to figure out who is her Master in truth?


Space itself warped as a silver-blue BMW blasted itself out of it and continue to drive as if it didn't just do several thousand kilometres jump from East Europe to South.

Before long it arrived at a small town by the name of Sparta. While it has around 35 thousand people living here it is quite small in comparison to his town which is bigger than this but has around the same amount of people!

The best explanation is that it has quite a bit of flats instead of a single house with land around it being personal.

It's either they don't want people to own that much land because the land is extremely rich in history as in this was Sparta! The city is built just a little bit south of the ancient city's foundation.

Marcus focused on his senses and found several signatures...He could sense two familiar ones… one feels… bloody… the other one feels like… books… those are the familiar ones… but the third one… it feels like perfume…

'Uhhh… She is here too…well… It was a stretch to believe that she won't be here.' For a second he frowned realising that the Goddess of Love is there too…

"Well, there is a couple of extra Goddess waiting for us…" He said to the girls with a tired sigh.

"Athena? I suspected as much." Hippolyta said with a neutral tone, while Atalanta frowned for a bit.

"Aphrodite is there as well… I think. That aura is of someone who loves perfume…" 

Once they heard that they both frowned. The Goddess of Love is a handful. Thankfully, their Master is much harder to seduce… hopefully.

And since Athena is there, the blonde Goddess won't going try? Right?

After locking on their signature Marcus turned on the all-terrain drive and started driving towards that location. Disregarding traffic laws and such. The reason the teen doesn't care about that is that his car is invisible to regular people. And if any camera picks him Aurora deals with that footage.

Soon enough the pair of girls braced themselves as the teen started driving against the traffic, then ditching the road completely, as he started going through grass. They expected some discomfort but there was no reaction from the car at all.

Just moments later they passed through a barrier of some sort and arrived at a Greek-style mansion. The front of the mansion had some of the aesthetics of Greek-style. Like the columns from pure marble.

It looked fresh, like it was recently built. All Marcus could think of was that it was a miniature version of the entrance to the Parthenon.

"It would seem they still use the classics even after so many years have passed," Atalanta said with a sigh. However, she was quite nostalgic seeing that.

Hippolyta nodded at her as she noticed some statues of Ares… and other statutes which looked like Spartans… it would seem her Father didn't change at all over the years.

Soon enough with three bursts of lights, the three Greek Gods appeared at the entrance. Marcus turned off his car engine and exited the vehicle, followed by the pair of his maids.

Leading the front was grinning Ares who looked at the teen and then at the car.

"Marcus is good to see you! And damn did this car just use space magic? I felt it just popping in the city!" The God of War approached with giddy steps.

He then offered a fist bump which the teen accepted. Is he becoming… friends with God of War? It's kind of weird because one of his maids is his daughter who is gunning to become his wife which in turn would make Ares his Father-in-law?

"Same, and yeah. The car can use what I call Space Warp. It's a much more loose version of teleportation it can be used while driving. You could say it can 'jump' over obstacles." Marcus explained as he turned towards the car. By this point, the God of War was inspecting it all over it.

"You forgot to mention that it uses quite a bit of math to do that," Athena said as she walked over. One could see that she is fighting hard not to just start blushing hard. This is her first time speaking with him after she officially became his fiance.

It was so sudden for the Goddess of Wisdom that it took her multiple days just to process what was happening to her!

"I have a gadget to do all the math for the jumps. I only need to press on the panel." Marcus clarified it to her before taking couple more steps towards the brown-haired Goddess.

"Umm… okay… its… nice to see you again... Marcus," Athena said while fiddling with her dress.

The blonde Goddess not too far from them was grinning like crazy seeing how the Goddess of Warfare was behaving, same with Ares who stopped looking at the car and instead looked at what his sister was doing.

"It is. This time however you are my fiance and not just some diplomat representing your faction." He said with a small smirk. Making her more embarrassed. Athena realised that this might be a bad idea to come here while these two were around.

The Goddess's eyes were on the other two who were just looking at her with amused smiles. Relishing in her embarrassment.

"Y-Yes… I am still trying to get over it." She said that while fighting over this. She was imagining stabbing those two with her spear. It helps quite a bit.

"Good. Now show me the manor." The teen turned around and looked at the God of War. Marcus realised that he should stop embarrassing his future wife.

Ares nodded at him and started to walk towards the manor. Marcus followed him after him was Athena and the teen's maids who were quiet the whole time. Leaving Aphrodite who realized that she was ignored! A huff escaped from her mouth!

'Damn! I will show him! How dare he ignore me like this!' The blonde stomped with one of her feet.


"It's a classic two-floor building with one floor underground. It was built for me some time ago when Gods still mingled with humans.

For a time I forgot that I had it. So it was has fallen to disrepair. With Hephaestus's help, I patched it up.

The ground floor has a big kitchen, living room, indoor swimming pool, a study… I don't know why there is one… Anyway, a bunch of rooms for guests, second floor has bedrooms, large bathroom a… library? I think. Haven't checked it all… so yeah… it's a classic mansion." The God of War casually explained to Marcus as they entered the spacious looking mansion. He could feel divine energy in the place, meaning quite a bit of it was used to fix this place.

"So...um how are you going to do it? Do you have the stuff stashed up in the storage ring?" He asked the teen inventor.

"Yeah… I have everything I need in my ring." As he said that several bursts of purple light happened around him and his psionic clones manifested.

"I am going to start. While you can give the lion cub to one of the clones." As Marcus said that he started walking towards the first room he saw.

"Cool… you can make clones of yourself. I haven't seen that ability before." Ares for a second was shocked before getting over it very quickly.

"Psionic clones. Anyway! Can I see it?" One of the clones said with an excited tone.

The God of War smirked seeing the reaction of the teen. Yep, he was right! And he can't fault the inventor, the lions are awesome!

"Sure follow me!"


"I thought that there was only one Nemean Lion?" Marcus curiously asked the Greek God as he looked at pair of golden lion cubs sleeping in separate cages.

"It was. The original Nemean Lion was raised by my mother and later was sent down to terrorize Nemea countryside since they pissed her off. Sometime later… quite a bit of time earning quite a bit of fame, my bro was sent to slay it in one of his labours.

We later learned that my bro labours quests got some fame. Mother decided to use that to make more of the lions. Her excuse was that she missed the golden furs.

But, I guess that she just want to show off that she was part of something extremely famous."

The teen just rolled his eyes. Even Gods want that 'camera spotlight'.

"And so magical species of lions came to be." Marcus finished for the God of War.

"Indeed. And I stole a couple of those. Anyway, we shouldn't worry if my mother going to get furious. She doesn't follow the numbers of lions living in her enclave… I think?" The Greek God said with an uncertain tone.

"...You sure it's...fine? I shouldn't worry about getting a visit from her?" Marcus questioned with a raised eyebrow. Hell, the one Goddess he want to stay away from is Hera. He likes hot and evil girls. One of the reasons Quinella is here. But, Hera is something else entirely. She is not evil, just a bitter woman lashing out at anything remotely annoying.

While yeah, he is more powerful... but now he is engaged to Athena…

'Hmm...if she does come I could just knock her out and send it back in a package to Zeus… but, how would he react to that? Or just message Ares to pick her up? Hmm, that sounds much more plausible.'

"Nah. It's cool. Don't mix her up with stuff she did more than 2 thousand years ago. Over the years she has reigned in my father after that, she stopped most of her scheming. The only person who still does any sort of scheming is Aphrodite. Even those are just to have some fun in Las Vegas and Paris." The God of War said with a shrug.

"If that's the case then it's fine. I doubt I will be showing the lion to the public any time soon." 

Ares grinned at him when he heard that.

"By that point, you can come up with a whole list of excuses where you got a Greek mythical beast." The Greek God said with a smirk.

Marcus could only sweatdrop. This God is reckless, even more than he is. The teen inventor at least does his math before doing anything remotely reckless.

"If you say so." Honestly, he can't say no to this lion cub. Stolen or not. After all, it's Nemean Lion! A fully grown one is Longinus Gear worthy!

Marcus walked over and picked up the cage with the lion. He won't be opening it in his psionic avatar form.

"How long will these upgrades going to last?" The God of War asked him.

"They will be done by tonight. I have a meeting with the Fallen Angels leader tomorrow." Marcus explained while looking at the golden lion cub.

"Oh, they start to move on you? It was only a matter of time before other factions will find you." 

"It is. I have a bunch of contingency plans in case of anything weird happening." The teen said quite seriously.

"Hmm… There won't going to be any war. As Avatar of War yourself, you can sense any possible war happening. That power should be even more powerful for you since you have my sis's blessing as well." Ares explained about his blessing.

"... it's like a sixth sense...for war?" Marcus asked with quite a baffled tone. How does this work?

"Indeed. Since you have an incredible amount of magic energy, it should help you sense possible fights."

The teen nodded slowly hearing that. He should test it! For second he uses his senses. He could feel the concentration of multiple divine energies in a single location. They were behind a 'wall'.

His senses quite easily passed it and he focused on the Gods he can sense.

Trying several different ways he finally sensed what he wanted to sense…

Only Zeus was… annoyed? The rest of the Gods didn't even think of fighting him…

Well, this is good. At least he won't going to worry about them…


Following another trail Marcus found something…

The Greek underworld, Hades… now this God was a different tale all together…

The God of the Greek Underworld is thinking of ways of neutralising the teen. In other words, Hades is itching to find a way to deal with the teen.

'Interesting… let's see what he is going to do… should I start with my preparations?' 

"Interesting. It works. Only a few of the Gods I sensed have some misgivings." Marcus said what he sensed, and the God of War nodded at him.

"Nice. You picked this up quick. So, what can you tell me about the tech you going to put in the basement?"


While Marcus and Ares are talking about the Realitus the four females were left alone and an awkward atmosphere very quickly consumed the place.

This lead the blonde Goddess to scan the pair of maids with her senses and her divine power.

She quickly found out that Hippolyta was madly in love with Marcus while Atalanta was not far from Amazon Queen.

This development has quite intrigued the Goddess of Love. Not only that but she found that they are not maidens anymore!

"Tell me you two, how good is he in the bed?" The blonde Goddess quickly walked over, closer to the pair. Her purple eyes were digging into them trying to find out more just from looking at them.

"Aphrodite! You don't just ask stuff like that!" Athena with a red face quickly got in between Marcus' maids and the Goddess of love and sex.

"And why not? I am doing this for you. I need to make sure your sexual life is up to the standards." The blonde Olympian said with quite a serious tone.

This made the Goddess of Wisdom even more embarrassed!

"I can find out that myself! You are not part of this relationship! So you should rather stay away from it!" The brown-haired Goddess said with narrowed eyes.


"Don't be a spoilsport! We haven't had anything fascinating as this in centuries!" Aphrodite complained with a huff.

"To answer your question Goddess Aphrodite, he is good very good. Because of his genetic upgrades, he adapts to anything at record speed." Atalanta said that simply.

The blonde Goddess's eyes slightly widened before she realised that she might have miscalculated. She should have got him for herself!

But, annoyingly so she is still married to Hephaestus! And knowing Hera she would never break that thing up!

And from the looks of it, Atalanta knows it. That's why she told about Marcus' real capabilities in the area which blonde Goddess finds interesting.

This even attracted the Goddess of Wisdom's interest! After all, if this is true then she will have one hell of life as his wife!

"This… is...interesting… you are not lying. Then again you don't have previous experience to compare to." Aphrodite said with a small thoughtful frown.

"Not that you will be able to test it," Athena said with a smug look. One thing for sure Marcus has no interest in this blonde Goddess. Aphrodite's reputation is more than enough for him to stay away from this woman.

"...We shall see… no one was able to resist me for long!" The Goddess of Love said with confidence.

"You never tried to seduce someone much stronger than you." The brown-haired beauty said with a confident tone. Which made the blonde frown. Athena just hit the bullseye and that is the truth. Her powers won't be able to influence someone much stronger than her!

"Not now. Maybe in future, once he gets tired of you. I will be there for him." The blonde said with her confident tone. Moments later under the Goddess of Love's feet a red circle appeared. The next second she was gone.

"Well, this is ominous…" Hippolyta said with some sweat on her forehead. One thing is for sure that Aphrodite is dangerous as she can manipulate emotions.

"Thankfully, Marcus is not living in our territories. That is why I am not afraid she will do something." Athena said with some nervousness.

"Not that she could appear in his territory either. I doubt she can drive a car." Atalanta said with some amusement, as she tried to imagine the blonde bimbo trying to drive. Her tail movement from one side to another. Showing that she found it greatly amusing even though there is only a small smile on her face.

"...True to that…" After saying that the situation once again got awkward. Especially between these two groups.

Athena is an intellectual, while Hippolyta and Atalanta are someone who prefer talking about action. One could say there is very little that they could talk about.

"So, it's true that you and Artemis did it with him?" The brown-haired beauty asked with some curiosity and even annoyance.

"Most of the maids under him have already experienced our Master's touch. Only Le Fay and the new girl have not done it." Hippolyta quite proudly said that.

The Goddess of Wisdom frowned quite a bit. But, then again… he spend alot of time with devils. Which means they taught him the pleasures of female bodies.

Something she tried to use herself, but it seems it's not that efficient. Because of how much experience he has by this point.

"Girls! Check out my new pet!" Marcus entered the living room where the girls were staying.

He showed the cage with a golden lion cub inside.

"Uhhh...ARES! Are you for real!?!" Athena roared with a pissed off tone as she saw the Nemean Lion cub.

She quickly went to find her brother.

"Well… I am not giving it back." The teen said quite seriously. As he saw his fiance running off to find God of War and give him an earful.